
Phrases related to: gonna get over you Page #34

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au temps!As you were! (military command).Rate it:

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autant lui en pend au nez (or, à l'oreille)He will get just the same (in bad sense).Rate it:

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autant prendre la lune avec les dentsYou might just as well try and scale the moon.Rate it:

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avez-vous besoin d'aidedo you need help?Rate it:

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avez-vous des frères et sœursdo you have any brothers or sisters?Rate it:

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awesome possumSomething you say in response to something.Rate it:

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ax to grindTo have some selfish reasons to say or do something, to get a favor from another person greedilyRate it:

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AYTInitialism of are you there? : a telnet command sequence sent from client to server to verify that the connection is still active.Rate it:

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back at yaEye dialect spelling of back at you.Rate it:

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back to our muttonsTo get back to the business at hand.Rate it:

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Baker's DozenTo get thirteen of any item, for the cost of twelveRate it:

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bar flyA person who frequents bars or lounges to get drunk.Rate it:

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bare necessitiesthe very least that is enough to get byRate it:

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battle outTo argue or fight over and reach a conclusion; to air out one's grievances.Rate it:

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be the way to goRepresent the best of all possible options or courses of action; pre-eminate over all other choices or alternatives.Rate it:

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beat it!Get the heck out of here!Rate it:

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beat upTo feel badly guilty and accuse oneself over something. Usually followed by over.Rate it:

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beat upTo get something done, derived from the idea of beating for game.Rate it:

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beg for mercyThis can be taken quite literally and simply means to plead for kindness - either to be spared or at least killed as quickly and painlessly as possible. Particularly when you are in a helpless position.Rate it:

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beg yourspardon; could you repeat that?Rate it:

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bem feitoserves me/you/him/her/us/them rightRate it:

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bend downTo bend one's legs while upright to get to a lower position.Rate it:

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bene ambula et redambulaa safe journey to you.Rate it:

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bene id tibi vertat!I wish you all success in the matter.Rate it:

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benevolentiam, favorem, voluntatem alicuius sibi conciliare or colligere (ex aliqua re)to find favour with some one; to get into their good graces.Rate it:

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Beware of Greeks Bearing GiftsBe careful when suspected people given some gifts unexpectedly, be aware of people who might be looking for some favors from you, by showing their kind side or some generosityRate it:

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bist du gläubigare you religiousRate it:

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bitch, pleaseWhen you want a bitch to shut up, you hold up your hand, turn away, and say “bitch, please” Similar to the saying “talk to the hand”Rate it:

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Bite Your TongueTo hold ones words or to have control over what one is willing to say, to being ashamed of something that has been said or trying not to say itRate it:

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black outTo censor or cover up by writing over with black ink.Rate it:

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blaze upTo begin smoking cannabis; to light up cannabis; to get high. <--so this shd be 2 separate senses?-->Rate it:

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Blind as a BatNot able to see at all or get completely blindRate it:

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bloody oathMost certainly; you bet; used to intensify an affirmative response.Rate it:

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blow upTo suddenly get very angry.Rate it:

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BOHICAAcronym of bend over, here it comes again. Used colloquially to indicate that an adverse situation is about to repeat itself, and that acquiescence is the wisest or only course of action.Rate it:

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bon gré, mal gréWhether you wish or not; Nolens volens; Willy-nilly.Rate it:

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boo booa cut, scrape, "owie" or injury you get when you get hurt; usually a minor injury that only requires a BandAid; See also other definitions of "boo boo" and "Boo Boo"Rate it:

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boo boo(or Boo, for short) a term of endearment; something you call a loved one/someone you care about; See also other definitions of "boo boo" and "Boo Boo"Rate it:

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break free fromget out ofRate it:

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break the iceTo start to get to know people, by avoiding awkwardness.Rate it:

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breeze throughTo get through or succeed in quickly and easily.Rate it:

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brider un âne par la queueTo do anything in exactly the wrong manner; To get hold of the wrong end of the stick.Rate it:

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bros before hoes(US, informal) A man should prioritize his male friends over his girlfriend or wife.Rate it:

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budge upTo move or scoot over in order to make room for someone, especially when sitting.Rate it:

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Burn the Candle at Both EndsTo work more than usual, to extraordinary work (mentally or physical) until you get tiredRate it:

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Bury Your Head in the SandTo hide from facts and current situations, to ignore the critical situation or danger as if you don’t see itRate it:

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bush telegraphA system used by undeveloped societies in remote regions for communication over long distances, such as drum sounds, word-of-mouth relay, or smoke signals.Rate it:

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business before pleasureAn admonishment that discharging one's obligations must take precedence over devoting time to pursuits meant solely for one's own gratification.Rate it:

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busy as a beaverI am slammed with over work.Rate it:

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butter cupA term of affection Or endearment for someone you like Buttercups are a large genus of flowering plants called Ranunculus. It has yellow, shiny petals, and grows wild in many places. It is poisonous to eat for humans and cattle, but when dry the poison is not active.Rate it:

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Where the _________ have you been?
A baggins
B beast
C devil
D angel