
Phrases related to: not late Page #34

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tomorrow is another dayTomorrow will bring new opportunities and a fresh start for one's endeavors.1600, author unknown, "Phillidaes Love-call to her Coridon, and his replying" (song), in England's Helicon, printed at London by I.R. for John Flasket:Phil. Yonder comes my Mother, Coridon,whether shall I flie?Cor. Under yonder Beech my lovely one,while she passeth by.Say to her thy true-Love was not heere,remember, remember,to morrow is another day:1896, Amelia E. Barr, A Knight of the Nets, ch. 8:"Well, well, my dear lass, to-night we cannot work, but we may sleep. . . . Keep a still heart tonight, and tomorrow is another day."1936, Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind, ch. 63:"Tomorrow, I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day."2005, Fran Schumer, "JERSEY: In Princeton, Taking On Harvard's Fuss About Women," New York Times, 19 June (retrieved 18 Aug. 2009):"Half of me is depressedRate it:

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tongue-in-cheekNot intended seriously; jocular or humorous.Rate it:

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Tongue-in-CheekEnvisioned in an humorous way; not much of seriousness; dishonest; mocking Rate it:

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tongue-tiedhaving difficulty expressing yourself i.e. when you are nervous or embarrassed; an inability to speak; a condition you are in when you are at a loss for words; when you try to speak and the words get misspoken; NOT to be confused with "tongue-tie" or Ankyloglossia, which is a physical dental/mouth condition that makes speech difficult (among other symptoms)Rate it:

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toss-upA decision in which neither choice is clearly favorable or unfavorable, or for which the outcome does not matter.Rate it:

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totidem verbis transferreto translate literally, word for word (not verbo tenus).Rate it:

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tough cookiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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Tough Nut to CrackSomething that’s not much easier to understand or difficult to do; harder to solve a problemRate it:

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tough tittiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tittyToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough toodlesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tuchusToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tout ce qui brille (or, reluit) n'est pas orAll is not gold that glitters.Rate it:

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toute vérité n'est pas bonne à direAll truths are not to be spoken at all times.Rate it:

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trailer trashDeleted from the movie trailer. Not included in theatrical run.Rate it:

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tranchons le motIn plain English; Not to mince matters; To put it plainly.Rate it:

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treat them mean, keep them keenA woman will be more interested in a man if he is not kind to her.Rate it:

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trick up one's sleeveA surprise advantage of which others are not aware.Rate it:

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tu me payeras de gré ou de forceYou shall pay me, whether you like it or not.Rate it:

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tu n'en auras pas l'étrenneYou will not be the first to use it.Rate it:

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turn awayTo rotate the body or head so as not to face someone or something.Rate it:

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turn the other cheekTo accept a punishment or an injury and not act out revenge or retaliate.Rate it:

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Turn Up Your Nose at SomeoneTreating someone with Arrogance or conceit; showing someone that something may not be good enough for youRate it:

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twinkle in one's daddy's eyeOf a person, not yet conceived, particularly when referring to a time period preceding their conception.Rate it:

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twisted truthThoughtfully slyly lie. Confusing and uphelding the words/matter said on account of others faith though it's not true but slyly faltering facts.Rate it:

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two wrongs don't make a right(ethics) A wrongful action is not a morally appropriate way to correct or cancel a previous wrongful action.1915, William MacLeod Raine, The Highgrader, ch. 15:"But when it comes to taking what belongs to anotherRate it:

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typed water in mouthToo silent; does not answer the questionRate it:

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último, mas não menos importantelast but not leastRate it:

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un fou avise bien un sageGood advice often comes whence we do not expect it.Rate it:

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un je ne sais quoiA “something” (I know not what).Rate it:

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under the wireAt the last minute; before the deadline; barely on time; nearly late.Rate it:

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under wayA vessel is said to be underway when she is not anchored, moored, aground, or beached. Compare with make way.Rate it:

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une façon de parlerA form of speech; A way of speaking (not to be taken literally).Rate it:

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une fois n'est pas coutumeIt is only this once; One swallow does not make a summer; Once does not count.Rate it:

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up in the airWhen someone makes a comment that the other person’s answer is not the clear or definitive.Rate it:

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use it or lose itProperty and privileges will be lost if they are not utilized.Rate it:

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ut ait Homerusas Homer sings (not canit).Rate it:

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ut Ciceronis verbis utarto use Cicero's expression; to say with Cicero (not ut cum Cicerone loquar).Rate it:

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ut non (nihil) dicam de...not to mention...Rate it:

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vel non"or not"Rate it:

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ventre affamé n'a point d'oreillesA hungry man will not listen to reason.Rate it:

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verba, oratio, exemplum scriptoristhe text of the author (not textus).Rate it:

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verbis alicuius, e.g. salutare (Liv. 9. 36)in some one's name; on some one's behalf (not nomine alicuius).Rate it:

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verbum e verbo exprimereto translate literally, word for word (not verbo tenus).Rate it:

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verbum prorsus nullum intellegerenot to understand a single word.Rate it:

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vertu gît au milieuDo not rush into extremes.Rate it:

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vetamur vetere proverbioan old proverb tells us not to...Rate it:

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voilà un discours qui n'est pas piqué des versThat’s a fine speech if you like [lit. not worm-eaten.]Rate it:

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vous arrivez on ne peut mieuxYou could not have come at a more opportune moment.Rate it:

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vous arrivez trop tard, la barre est tiréeYou are too late, the line is drawn, the list is closed.Rate it:

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