
Phrases related to: out-of-work Page #39

Yee yee! We've found 2,277 phrases and idioms matching out-of-work.

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j'en ai par dessus la têteI am worried out of my life with it.Rate it:

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j'en tirerai pied ou aileI will get something out of it.Rate it:

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j'y perds mon latinI cannot make it out; I am nonplussed; I can make neither head nor tail of it.Rate it:

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Jack-of-All-TradesA man who knows to do all kinds of workRate it:

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je l'ai mis hors d'état de vous nuireI have put it out of his power to harm you.Rate it:

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je lui ai donné sa besogne toute mâchéeI gave him his work all ready cut out; I made his work as easy as possible for him.Rate it:

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je lui ai fait baisser les yeuxI stared him out of countenance.Rate it:

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je lui donnerai du fil à retordreI will cut out his work for him; I will give him a deal of trouble.Rate it:

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je n'y ai vu que du feuIt was impossible for me to find out how the thing was done (as it was done so quickly); It was done so quickly (or, cleverly) that I could not make head or tail of it.Rate it:

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je suis à jourI am up to date; I am not behind in my work.Rate it:

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je suis comme un poisson sur la pailleI am like a fish out of water.Rate it:

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je suis désorienté1. I am disconcerted. 2. I am out of my element; I do not feel at home; I have lost my bearings.Rate it:

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je suis en perteI am out of pocket.Rate it:

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je suis tout je ne sais commentI am out of sorts.Rate it:

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je vous rendrai la pareille1. I will pay you out. 2. I will do the same for you.Rate it:

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jeter le bébé avec l'eau du bainthrow the baby out with the bathwaterRate it:

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joe coolAn “Average Joe,” that has reached “Cool” status, Used derogatorily = pointing out that “No, you have not” — reached Cool Status Snoopy, reached Cool Rate it:

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Johnny-Come-LatelySomeone who is amateur in any work, place or group, person who has no earlier experience of something Rate it:

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keep up with the jonesesTo do or buy things for status, show, or image rather than out of need, especially for the purpose of competing with friends or neighbors.Rate it:

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killTo force a company out of business.Rate it:

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kill the kardashiansWhen Gary Holt (guitarist for Thrash metal band Exodus) found out that Kendall Jenner wore a Slayer Shirt but she didn't listen to the band. He made shirts that say "Kill The Kardashians".Rate it:

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kiss upTo pay false flattery to another, particularly a superior at work, in order to get special attention.Rate it:

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know what i'm saying?Do you understand? "You are not going out tonight", said Dad; "Know What I'm saying?"Rate it:

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l'affaire a été chaudeIt was warm work (referring to a fight).Rate it:

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l'arc toujours tendu se gâteAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.Rate it:

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l'édition est épuiséeThe book is out of print.Rate it:

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l'un bat les buissons et l'autre prend les oiseauxOne does the work and the other reaps the advantage; One man starts the game and another kills it.Rate it:

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la caque sent toujours le harengWhat is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh.Rate it:

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la niaise! pleurer à chaudes larmes pour une vétilleThe silly girl! to cry her eyes out for a trifle.Rate it:

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la servante fait le gros de la besogne (or, la grosse besogne)The servant does the heavy work.Rate it:

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la vérité comme l'huile vient au-dessusTruth will out; It takes a good many shovelfuls of earth to bury the Truth.Rate it:

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laborem non intermittereto work without intermission.Rate it:

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lay asideTo put out of consideration.Rate it:

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lay upTo go out of active service.Rate it:

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le livre vient de paraîtreThe book is just out, just published.Rate it:

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le pauvre homme est toujours (comme un chien) à l'attacheThe poor man is a very slave, is compelled to work hard and constantly.Rate it:

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le roi jean a crevé les yeux à arthurKing John caused Arthur’s eyes to be put out.Rate it:

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le scélérat se brûla la cervelleThe scoundrel blew his brains out.Rate it:

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le vin entre, la raison sortWhen ale is in, wit is out.Rate it:

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legworkWork, especially research or preparation, that involves significant walking, travel, or similar effort.Rate it:

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les affaires sont les affairesBusiness is business; One must be serious at work.Rate it:

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let the dog see the rabbitGet out of the way, so I can see what I'm doing.Rate it:

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liber (scriptoris) conversus, translatusthe work when translated; translation (concrete).Rate it:

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life imitates artThe notion that an event in the real world was inspired by a creative work.Rate it:

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life's molecular danceThe phrase "life's molecular dance" refers to the dynamic and coordinated interactions between molecules within living organisms. It signifies the intricate and harmonious movements of various biomolecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites, as they carry out essential functions in cellular processes. This metaphor highlights the complexity and beauty of these molecular interactions, which are crucial for sustaining life and maintaining the delicate balance within biological systems.Rate it:

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link whoringThe practice of going out of one's way to place links to one's website on someone else's webpage.Rate it:

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lire du pouce (or, doigt)To skip in reading (i.e. to do more work with the thumb than the brain).Rate it:

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locare opera publicato let out public works to contract.Rate it:

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lock awayTo lock up; to lock in a safe place, out of view.Rate it:

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log offTo log out.Rate it:

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