

Yee yee! We've found 974 phrases and idioms matching A BAD WORKMAN ALWAYS BLAMES HIS TOOLS.

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a good voice to beg baconSaid in ridicule of a bad voice.Rate it:

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à l'œuvre on connaît l'artisanA carpenter is known by his chips; The proof of the pudding is in the eating.Rate it:

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a morning birdThat means the bird always wakes up early in the morning to find its meal.Rate it:

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à parti pris pas de conseilAdvice is useless to one who has made up his mind.Rate it:

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a pyrrhic victoryAn apparent victory, but one which is no victory at all, due to the great cost incurred. The phrase comes from the victory won by King Pyrrhus at Asculum in 279BC which cost him many of his best men. After the battle Pyrrhus remarked: "One more such victory and we are finished."Rate it:

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as cool as the other side of the pillowAs used by the late Stuart Scott during his time on Sportscenter at ESPN, the phrase depicts a sense of calm and composure in someone who remains unflustered while under challenging circumstances, particularly an athlete playing in a competitive game, series, league, performing against a formidable opponent, in a grueling playoff scenario, competing on a high stage such as the Olympic games, etc.Rate it:

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At the End of Your RopeTo be out of options, Stamina to do something in a bad situation,Rate it:

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bag of weaselsSomething that has pronounced weasely characteristics, such as pettiness, bad temper, and deviousness.Rate it:

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bitter sweetWhen something is Good and Bad; Positive with negative.Rate it:

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c'est un parti pris chez lui de toujours contredireHe will always contradict.Rate it:

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calm before the stormA time of peace before any storm or disaster--either an actual storm or hurricane or figuratively to mean any calm before anything bad happensRate it:

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ce mari bat sa femme comme plâtreThat husband beats his wife like a dog.Rate it:

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clothes don't make the manAn aphorism meaning that you cannot judge a person solely by his appearance. Usually pertains to men.Rate it:

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cotton-pickingDescribes a person who tends to become involved in matters outside of his area of concern.Rate it:

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cowgirl positionA sex position in which the man lies on his back, and the woman sits on top of him facing him.Rate it:

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crazy as all outdoorsA joking way of describing someone who is always getting into trouble from decisions they make.Rate it:

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de tanto aprontar, hoje conheço as artimanhas de quem pensa em me enganar.For those who want to fool me, I've learned how to behave after make a lot of bad things.Rate it:

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death spiralA manoeuvre in which a male skater spins in place while holding one hand of his female skating partner as she circles around him with one skate on the ice and one leg extended outward parallel to the ice surface, all the while slowly lowering herself until her back almost touches the ice surface.Rate it:

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doubting debbiesomeone who always see's the negativeRate it:

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every man for himself!Everyone has to fight for his or her own survival. This extraordinary admonition, generally applies during an extreme emergency, commercial or military wherein rescue assistance or other lifesaving help is unlikely.Rate it:

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fashion policeThe mythical fashion police are always standing in the wings eyeballing female employees as they pursue their careers in the executive offices of New York City.Rate it:

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fool's bargainA bad bargain; one that leaves the person accepting it worse off.Rate it:

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fucked by the fickle finger of fateVictimized by bad luck.Rate it:

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gnarly stuffSome very bad or difficult stuff.Rate it:

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i'm a lone wolfA meek and humble warrior who hunts down the enemy, and at his own peril by not drawing the sword from it's sheath. This allows opportunity for the enemy to relent "both hands up." But once the sword is drawn from it's sheath, probation is over and swift judgement is at hand.Rate it:

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in dire straitsIn a very bad, extremely difficult, serious, challenging, unforgiving, desperate, critical, or precarious situationRate it:

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it takes all kinds to make a worldDiversity is essential: the world would be incomplete if everyone were alike.He irons his clothes how?! That's crazy! Well, I guess it takes all kinds.Rate it:

(5.00 / 4 votes)
Last SupperThe Passover meal that Jesus ate with his disciples on the night before his death.Rate it:

(5.00 / 1 vote)
legend in one's own mindA self-aggrandizing image that a person has of his or her own accomplishmentsRate it:

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lesser of two evilsThe more desirable of two bad alternatives.Rate it:

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loaded to the gillsDrunk outa His Mind; Drunk as a Skunk Depression Daze Expression By; H.C.BeachRate it:

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Make a Silk Purse Out of a Sow's EarTo make something good out of something naturally badRate it:

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make head or tail ofTo determine to be good or bad.Rate it:

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must have killed a ChinamanA jocular explanation for bad luck.Rate it:

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Necessity is the Mother of InventionDifficulty always inspires some solutions, a need or difficulty encourages the efforts towards the solutionRate it:

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on a cloudy day i saw a rainbow, on the day i saw you , you gave a stormOn better days there's a plot of getting ahead than on a bad day.Rate it:

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on its meritsConsidering only intrinsic good points and bad points, without prejudice or other considerations, such as procedural ones.Rate it:

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punched paperA thing looking good to one person, but bad to another.Rate it:

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Rally Round the FlagGetting together to express support and backing, particularly during the bad timesRate it:

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remember p's and q'sTo remember your manners and always remain polite.Rate it:

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shape upTo improve; to correct one's bad habits or behavior.Rate it:

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shit happensBad things happen, and there is nothing we can do about it.Rate it:

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some days you get the bear, other days the bear gets youOne cannot always overcome a powerful adversary.Rate it:

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stay wokeFirst used by Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee, Huddie “Lead Belly” Ledbetter in a 1938 interview afterword of his song Scottsboro Boys-named for nine Black teenagers and young men falsely accused of raping two white women in Alabama in 1931. Lead Belly knew the Scottsboro boys, and urged Black listeners and Black persons traveling through that area in Alabama to "Stay Woke" (be vigilant, cautious, and alert) in the spoken afterword to the song. Lead Belly's direct relative, Global Activist and Equality Advocate Greshun De Bouse began the #STAYWOKELEADBELLY movement to acknowledge the phrase's origin, and redefine its present-day meaning as a more generalized, all-inclusive phrase admonishing all to be cognizant of past, present, and future world occurrences.Rate it:

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tel qui brille au second rang s'éclipse au premierA good subordinate often makes a bad leader.Rate it:

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tfbInitialism of too f***ing bad.Rate it:

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the fish rots from the headBad leaders damage an organization.Rate it:

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there isn't any easy way to say thisUsed to introduce bad news.Rate it:

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there may be snow on the rooftop but there is fire in the furnaceEven if a person is in his or her senior years, with gray hair, he or she can still have ambition and energy, especially sexual energy.Rate it:

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this too shall passNothing, good or bad, lasts forever. Used to indicate that a current situation or event, no matter how wonderful or horrible it is, will not last forever.Rate it:

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A man is a _____ of the field.
A pillar
B tree
C plough
D stronghold