
Phrases related to: Bruay-sur-l'Escaut Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 431 phrases and idioms matching Bruay-sur-l'Escaut.

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go into one's shellTo hide or retreat; to act defensivelyRate it:

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god willing and the creeks don't riseA way of answering 'yes' when someone asks if you are going to do something; the same as saying, "Yes, I will, unless something happens to prevent me that I cannot control"; if it is God's will and no disasters happenRate it:

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gorro chilotePrenda de lana de oveja de forma cónica que cubre la cabeza. Suelen ser blancos con líneas de lana negra o teñida y en su extremo llevan cosida una bola de hebras cortadas y anudadas o bellota. Forma parte de la vestimenta tradicional de Chiloé, en el sur de Chile.Rate it:

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guazú viráCérvido de mediano tamaño nativo de América, relativamente abundante entre el sur de México y el norte de Argentina. La coloración es pardogrisácea, con el interior de la cola, las verijas y el vientre blanquecinos. Los machos desarrollan una cornamenta sin ramificar. Habita normalmente en zonas boscosas, abiertas o semiabiertas. Es marcadamente territorial, y activo nocturna y crepuscularmente.Rate it:

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happy trailsan expression wishing someone a good journey (typically on a road or path); short for 'happy trails to you'; a way of saying goodbyeRate it:

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haro sur le baudetEmployé pour manifester publiquement son indignation ou sa réprobation envers quelqu'un ou quelque chose, pour désigner quelqu'un à la vindicte populaire ou pour accuser un innocent, désigner un bouc émissaire.Rate it:

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have eyes bigger than one's bellyTo take more food on one's plate than one can eat; to be greedyRate it:

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here's your signA sarcastic remark and gesture that is said and done when someone says something stupid. This is said while holding the back of your right hand in a fist to your forehead with the index finger and thumb extended to form an "L" for "Loser." This is done and said to someone when they ask an obvious question and they should have known the answer; it points out to someone how dumb the question was that they just asked.Rate it:

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hide in one's shameTo cower or shrink away reproachfullyRate it:

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hierba moraHierba de la familia de las solanáceas, originaria de América del Sur y distribuida mundialmente en la actualidad. Su fruto es una baya que recuerda a un tomatillo pequeño, muy tóxica por su alto contenido en solanina.Rate it:

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hungry hungry hippoAn expression used to say you are very hungry; also hungry hippo, for short; also the name of a children's board game (Hungry Hungry Hippo) produced by Hasbro under its subsidiary, Milton BradleyRate it:

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i'm worriedIndicates that the speaker is worried.Rate it:

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i'm-aI'm going to...Rate it:

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i've been robbedI should have gotten something that I didn't getRate it:

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if it ain't chicken, it's feathersthat's life; there are always problemsRate it:

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if you can't take it, don't dish it outdon't say or do something you wouldn't want said or done to youRate it:

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if you fail to plan, you are planning to failThis phrase means exactly what it says. If you don't plan, you are likely to fail.Rate it:

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il a craché en l'air et ça lui est retombé sur le nez (pop.)He wished to do harm to another but it recoiled on himself.Rate it:

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il a du pain sur la plancheHe has saved money; He has enough to live upon; He has put something by for a rainy day; There is plenty of work for him to do.Rate it:

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il a le cœur sur les lèvres1. He always says what he thinks (and this is always something good and kind); He is open-hearted. 2. He feels sick.Rate it:

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il court sur mes brisées(lit.) He pursues the same game as I do; (fig.) He poaches on my preserves.Rate it:

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il dort sur les deux oreilles(lit.) He sleeps soundly; (fig.) His mind is quite easy.Rate it:

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il en prendrait sur l'autelHe would rob a church.Rate it:

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il est ferré sur la géographieHe is well up in geography.Rate it:

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il est resté sur le carreauHe was killed on the spot, left for dead on the ground.Rate it:

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il est sûr de son affaireHe will pay for it; He will catch it.Rate it:

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il est sur la pailleHe is exceedingly poor.Rate it:

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il est sur le flancHe is laid up, on his back.Rate it:

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il est sur le pavéHe is out of work.Rate it:

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il est sur son bien-direHe is on his best behaviour; He minds his p’s and q’s.Rate it:

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il est toujours à cheval sur l'étiquetteHe is a stickler for etiquette.Rate it:

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il frappe toujours sur la même enclumeHe is always harping on the same string.Rate it:

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il joue au plus sûrHe plays a safe game.Rate it:

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il l'a laissé sur le carreauHe killed him (or, left him for dead on the ground).Rate it:

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il manque toujours dix-huit sous pour faire un francCe proverbe est destiné à insister sur l’imperfection de toute œuvre humaine.Rate it:

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il mourra sur la pailleHe will die in the gutter.Rate it:

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il n'y a qu'un cri sur son compteThere is only one opinion about him.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas s'endormir sur le rôtiWe must keep our wits about us; We must not neglect our work; We must not be too slow over it; We must not rest on our laurels.Rate it:

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il ne sait sur quel pied danserHe does not know which way to turn.Rate it:

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il ne se laisse pas manger la laine sur le dosHe is not the man to let himself be made a fool of; He will not allow people to take the food out of his mouth; He will not tamely submit to any imposition.Rate it:

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il nous cassait l'encensoir sur le nezHe was smothering us with flatteries.Rate it:

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il prend le pas sur moiHe takes precedence of me.Rate it:

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il prend sur sa bouche pour aider ces gensHe stints himself to help those people.Rate it:

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il prend sur son sommeil pour étudierHe works far into the night.Rate it:

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il renchérit sur tout ce qu'il entend direHe caps every story he hears told.Rate it:

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il sèche sur piedHe is pining away.Rate it:

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il tondrait sur un œufSe dit d'un homme avare.Rate it:

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il tondrait sur un œufHe would skin a flint. Rate it:

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ils tirèrent sur lui à brûle-pourpointThey fired at him point-blank (so as to burn his doublet).Rate it:

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in all my born daysAn expression of astonishment usually at something you've never heard, seen or experienced.Rate it:

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I'm exhausted, I'm going to hit the _____.
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