
Phrases related to: Dead Sea Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 217 phrases and idioms matching Dead Sea.

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feet firstIn the manner of a deceased person (i.e., dead).Rate it:

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figura retóricaEstrategia, recurso, giro o forma que se aplica al lenguaje, sea a nivel de pensamiento, de significado, de pronunciación o de construcción gramatical, para producir cierto efecto expresivo. Se conoce también como figura literaria, discursiva, de estilo, o recurso estilístico.Rate it:

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Flying DutchmanA Dutch-flagged clipper that is very fast sailing, and never makes it to port, seen on the high seas, where upon being hailed, occupants request information on persons long dead, or leave messages for said people. It is considered bad luck to meet said ship.Rate it:

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geografía regionalRama de la Geografía que estudia de forma concreta una porción de la superficie terrestre ya sea un área, un país o una región.Rate it:

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gone north aboutDead, of sailor or seaman whose cause of death was anything except by drowning.Rate it:

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gone north aboutDead.Rate it:

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gone with the winddeadRate it:

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hatchet manSomeone who carries out brutal and unpleasant duties on behalf of another, such as firing dead wood employees.Rate it:

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heave toTo cause the vessel to become dead in the water by pointing the bows directly towards the wind.Rate it:

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hemisferio cerebralCada una de los dos mitades, izquierda y derecha, en que se divide el cerebro. Se caracterizan por controlar el lado opuesto del cuerpo, por tener algún grado de especialización en ciertos mecanismos cognitivos, así como porque la predominancia de un hemisferio sobre el otro hace que una persona sea diestra o zurda.Rate it:

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huelga de hambreForma de protesta hecha por una o más personas, que consiste en dejar de ingerir alimentos durante el tiempo que haga falta hasta que lo que se solicita sea atendido o aceptado.Rate it:

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il a le pied marinHe has got his sea-legs; He is a good sailor.Rate it:

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il est resté sur le carreauHe was killed on the spot, left for dead on the ground.Rate it:

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il l'a laissé sur le carreauHe killed him (or, left him for dead on the ground).Rate it:

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in abraham's bosomNo longer living. Dead.Rate it:

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in the grounddead & buriedRate it:

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intempesta, concubia noctein the dead of night; at midnight.Rate it:

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Its a Goner! {gawner}It is Ruined, broken, dead, destroyed, lost, stolen, smashed,Rate it:

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je ne m'y reconnais plusI don’t know where I am, what I am about; I am quite at sea.Rate it:

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killA creek; a body of water; a channel or arm of the sea.Rate it:

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kill offTo represent or portray as being dead.Rate it:

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laissez faireEstilo de liderazgo, donde el líder proporciona muy poca o ninguna guía a sus subordinados y les otorga libertad tanta como sea posible, los subordinados deben tomar decisiones y resolver problemas por ellos mismos.Rate it:

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life's a bitchAn expression of acceptance of misfortune.1950, Joy Davidman, Weeping Bay, page 184:She'd have been willing enough to use them, poor dead little bitch. Life's a bitch. Life's a bad joke.Rate it:

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living impairedDead.Rate it:

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llamada a la acciónSeñal que en páginas Web sirve para llamar la atención desde un lugar hacia otro, sea dentro de una misma página o entre diferentes páginas o sitios Web.Rate it:

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locus de controlÁmbito al que un individuo atribuye preferentemente la causa de los eventos que le suceden, sea interno —es decir, el propio individuo— u externo, es decir, el entorno o ambienteRate it:

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lorem ipsumTexto escrito con palabras sea completas o truncadas del latín, normalmente sin significado. Se emplea en diseño de documentos o páginas para probar y enfatizar el diseño; el contenido, no necesariamente.Rate it:

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malacia et tranquillitas (B. G. 3. 15)a dead calm.Rate it:

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mare medium or internumthe Mediterranean Sea.Rate it:

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mare ventorum vi agitatur et turbaturthere is a storm at sea.Rate it:

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Mary Celestea British-flagged Nova Scotian brigantine that crossed the Atlantic Ocean, gone through the Straits of Gibraltar, and into the Mediterranean Sea under full sail, without a crew or any occupants.Rate it:

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más malo que el natreMuy malo, ya sea en su sentido literal de mal sabor o, más usualmente, aludiendo a la maldad.Rate it:

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mercado negroTransacción clandestina de divisas o de mercancías que no cumplen con las obligaciones legales, ya sea porque sean robadas, contrabando, tengan algún origen fraudulento o infrinjan alguna ley.Rate it:

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mieux vaut goujat debout qu'empereur enterré“A living dog is better than a dead lion.”—Ecclesiastes ix. 4.Rate it:

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mort de rirelit., as adjective or past tense, dead or died of laughing, so "died laughing" or "dying of laughter"; compare mort de faim for starve. Often appearing as abbreviation "mdr" or "MDR," e.g., in SMS, as the French expression equivalent to LOL; sometimes expanded as the infinitive, mourir de rire.Rate it:

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morte la bête, mort le veninDead dogs cannot bite; Dead men tell no tales.Rate it:

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mortuum in sepulcro condereto entomb a dead body.Rate it:

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one's race is runOne's life has reached its end; one is dead or soon to die.Rate it:

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oppidum mari adiacetthe town lies near the sea.Rate it:

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out of the pictureDead.Rate it:

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paeninsula in mare excurrit, procurrita peninsula projects into the sea.Rate it:

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promunturium in mare procurrita promontory juts out into the sea.Rate it:

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pugnam navalem facereto fight a battle at sea.Rate it:

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push up daisiesTo be dead.Rate it:

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pushing up daisiesDead.Rate it:

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quand on compte sur les souliers d'un mort on risque de marcher pieds nusIt’s an ill thing to wait for dead men’s shoes; He pulls with a long rope that waits for another’s death.Rate it:

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que quiera, que no quieraExpresa que la cosa se hará de cualquier modo, convenga o no, sea aprobada o no.Rate it:

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sacar troteHacer que alguien o algo rinda más, que sea más eficiente y activo.Rate it:

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set adriftTo send a ship, boat or raft out to sea without a crew or resources to steer it.Rate it:

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ship outTo depart, especially for a sea voyage or military assignment.Rate it:

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There's no use in __________ over spilled milk.
A weeping
B screaming
C laughing
D crying