
Phrases related to: New World Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 345 phrases and idioms matching New World.

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who do you think you are, you've not been to cardiff?You dont know anything. You have no knowkedge of the world or any wisdom.Rate it:

(1.50 / 2 votes)
a risk takerAny new venture replete with myriad unknown consequences can become costly in many areas.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
black babiesThird world charities, the missions.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
Bom Natal e Feliz Ano NovoMerry Christmas and a Happy New YearRate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
BroadwayThe wide road which runs diagonally through Manhattan, New York City.Rate it:

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catch-as-catch-canA. 1681, John Fryer, Richard Chiswell, Robert Roberts, Robert White, A New Account of East-India and Persia, in Eight Letters, Being Nine Years Travels, Begun 1672 and Finished 1681.Rate it:

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genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspirationThis is a famous quote attributed to Thomas Edison, a famous and prolific American inventor. The idea that hard work is the most important aspect of new inventions existed before Edison gave his quote, however.Rate it:

(1.00 / 2 votes)
il fait bien son cheminHe is getting on in the world.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
propre comme un sou neufAs clean as a whistle; As neat as a new pin.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
Santa's workshopThe mythical structure, usually envisioned as located at the North Pole, where Santa Claus and a large number of capable elves work tirelessly and gladly year-round to produce all of the toys and other gifts to be delivered throughout the world on Christmas Day.Rate it:

(1.00 / 1 vote)
(rerum) imperitum esseto have had no experience of the world.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
? in placeNew phrase for self isolationRate it:

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a force for goodsomething or someone, or an action that inspires or stands for morals, principles, laws and makes the world a a more fair and just placeRate it:

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a rey muerto, rey puestoout with the old, in with the newRate it:

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ad inferos descendereto descend to the world below.Rate it:

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ad spem aliquem excitare, erigereto awaken new hope in some one.Rate it:

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apud inferos esseto be in the lower world.Rate it:

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backwaterA remote place; somewhere that remains unaffected by new events, progresses, ideas, etc.Rate it:

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bald is boldShaving your head is a signal of power, dominion, focus - changing a bad situation into a brand-new trail...Rate it:

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barnburnerLiberal faction of the New York state United States Democratic Party in the mid 19th century.Rate it:

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basket caseIn World War 1, a victim who had one or more severed limbs. They were brought off the field in a “basket”.Rate it:

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be born yesterdayTo be new, naive, innocent, inexperienced, or easily deceived.Rate it:

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best of luckUsed to express hopes that someone does well in a new endeavor.Rate it:

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black beetlePlatyzosteria novae-zelandiae, a similar roach native to New Zealand.Rate it:

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black beetleA common name for many species of beetle that are black in color, including:The African black beetle, Hetronychus arator, a serious pest of grasses in New Zealand.The Asiatic rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinoceros, a pest of palm trees in tropical Asia.The European species Feronia nigrita.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
black beetleThe African black beetle, Hetronychus arator, a serious pest of grasses in New Zealand.Rate it:

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bleeding-edgeOf or pertaining to something, such as technology, which is too new and untested to be reliable or to have any assurance of safety; that represents the latest developments in something.Rate it:

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boldly go where no man has gone beforeTo break new ground.Rate it:

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break groundTo begin digging in the earth at the start of a new construction, or, originally, for cultivation.Rate it:

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break groundTo initiate a new venture, or to advance beyond previous achievements.Rate it:

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break in the caseA new discovery in a case.Rate it:

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breath of fresh airSomething new which is refreshing, invigorating or stimulating in a good senseRate it:

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buck feverExcitement and nervousness felt by a new hunter upon seeing game.Rate it:

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buon Natale e felice anno nuovoMerry Christmas and a Happy New Year!Rate it:

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burn everything russian except the sources of their energy, coal, natural gas and oil.From an early form of boycott and civil resistance in Ireland with implied relevance in today's world.Rate it:

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c'est un homme qui arriveraHe is sure to get on in the world.Rate it:

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cat's pyjamasThat new car was really the cat's pyjamas.Rate it:

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ce jeune homme ira loinThat young man will make his way in the world, has a future before him.Rate it:

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clarissima litterarum luminashining lights in the literary world.Rate it:

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come in fromTo change to a new side in a conflict; to return from a period of exclusion; to accept after a history of not accepting.Rate it:

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comfort womanA woman forced, or supposedly recruited, into brothels by the Japanese occupation forces during World War II.Rate it:

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cosas veredesyou'll see that it's a crazy world out thereRate it:

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cross the aisleOf a member of a parliament, to resign from one's political party and join another party, resulting in moving from one's currently assigned desk or seat in the legislative chamber to a new desk or seat physically located with the other members of one's new party.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
cross the floorOf a member of a parliament, to resign from one's political party and join another party, resulting in moving from one's currently assigned desk or seat in the legislative chamber to a new desk or seat physically located with the other members of one's new party.Rate it:

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crossing the barPoetic Expression for passing out of this world:Rate it:

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deus est mundi procreator (not creator), aedificator, fabricator, opifex rerumGod is the Creator of the world.Rate it:

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deus mundum aedificavit, fabricatus est, effecit (not creavit)God made the world.Rate it:

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el mundo es un pañueloit's a small worldRate it:

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en este mundo traidor, nada es verdad ni nada e mentira, todo es del color, del cristal atraves delPeople see what is happening in the world or around him, according to his convenience.Rate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)
être aux angesto be on cloud nine, to be on top of the worldRate it:

(0.00 / 0 votes)

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It's best to look on the __________ side.
A sunny
B just
C bright
D right