
Phrases related to: break faith Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 208 phrases and idioms matching break faith.

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donner l'acquitTo break (at billiards).Rate it:

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drive a coach and horses throughTo spoil, break or render ineffective a rule, plan or agreement.Rate it:

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era só o que me faltavaliterally: “ was the only missing piece for me/ was just what I was missing.” either expresses impatience towards yet another misfortune or expresses disbelief towards an absurd statement: “give me a break!”Rate it:

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faire sauter la banqueTo break the bank (gambling).Rate it:

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fidem frangereto break one's word.Rate it:

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fidem laedere, violare, frangereto break one's word.Rate it:

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fidem praestare alicuito keep faith with a person, keep one's word.Rate it:

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fidem prodereto break one's word.Rate it:

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finish withTo put aside, break all relations with, or reject finally.Rate it:

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get a word in edgewiseTo break into or participate in a conversation.Rate it:

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give somebody the heave-hoTo fire, expel or break up with someone.Rate it:

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give someone the heave-hoto fire, expel or break up with someone.Rate it:

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go againstTo violate; to breach; to break.Rate it:

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go moggy(usually in the past tense, as in "gone moggy") To break something or to cause something to become disorganized or dysfunctional.Rate it:

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go off at scoreOf a horse, to break suddenly into a gallop; of a person, suddenly to say or do something impetuous.Rate it:

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Hang in ThereTo stay affirmed on your decision or opinion, to not lose faith or determinationRate it:

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hit paydirtTo strike it rich; to get lucky or have a big break.Rate it:

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I believe you, thousands wouldn'tUsed to indicate that the speaker does not put faith in something they have just heard.Rate it:

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in oppidum irrumpereto break into the town.Rate it:

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in oppidum irruptionem facereto break into the town.Rate it:

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indutias violareto break a truce.Rate it:

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iusiurandum violareto break one's oath.Rate it:

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je n'ai pas foi dans son baumeI have no faith in his plan.Rate it:

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je te dis merdebreak a leg! good luck!Rate it:

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kick the bucketOf a machine, to break down such that it cannot be repaired.Rate it:

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la faim chasse le loup hors du boisHunger tames the lion; Hunger will break through stone walls.Rate it:

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le chapelet commence à se défilerThe association is beginning to break up.Rate it:

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les plus beaux vers sont ceux qu'on ne peut pas écrire.—(lamartine , voyage en orient)“Ah! the best prayers that faith may ever think Are untranslatable by pen and ink.” Bishop Alexander .Rate it:

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manquer de parole (or, manquer à sa parole)To break one’s word.Rate it:

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mucha mierdabreak a legRate it:

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munitiones perrumpereto break through the lines (and relieve a town).Rate it:

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no mamesno way!; are you fucking kidding?; gimme a breakRate it:

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ordines turbare, perrumpereto break the ranks.Rate it:

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out of characterNot in character; not successfully performing within the mindset of a given character in a theatrical performance. See also break character, drop character.Rate it:

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pacem dirimere, frangereto break the peace.Rate it:

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per medios hostes (mediam hostium aciem) perrumpereto break through the enemy's centre.Rate it:

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phalangem perfringereto break through the phalanx.Rate it:

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pontem dissolvere, rescindere, interscindere (B. G. 2. 9. 4)to break down a bridge.Rate it:

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pop the cherryTo break the hymen; to lose one's virginity.Rate it:

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portas refringereto break down the gates.Rate it:

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proelium dirimere (B. C. 1. 40)to break off the fight.Rate it:

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rules are made to be brokenit is acceptable to break rules.Rate it:

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rust outTo rust completely; to become covered in rust; by extension, to break down over time and cease working.Rate it:

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se changer les idéesto start a new activity in order to change one's state of mind, to take a break from doing something boring or to escape from a displeasing situation.Rate it:

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shipping them greenWhen a ship is heading into waves, its bow will sometimes plunge into the onrushing wave. At first, spray will break over the bow, but as the height of the waves increases, the bow will plunge deeper into the wave, and instead of spray, unbroken green water will pour onto the Fo'c'sle and decks. Hence the seafarer's expression "Shipping them green", implying worsening weather, or, by extension, a worsening and/or dangerous or unsatisfactory situation.Rate it:

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signa ferre, tollereto begin the march, break up the camp.Rate it:

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smash downTo cause to fall down and break by hitting it hard.Rate it:

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spring outTo break out; to escape.Rate it:

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sunder outTo break out; divide or scatter about.Rate it:

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take fiveTo take a five-minute break from some activity, take a short break from some activity.Rate it:

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