
Phrases related to: common use Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 370 phrases and idioms matching common use.

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Born YesterdayOne who is immature and not experienced, one who does not know a lot of tricks or statements that people use to fool othersRate it:

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break a butterfly on a wheelTo use unnecessary force to destroy something fragile or achieve something insignificantRate it:

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break intoTo open or begin to use.Rate it:

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break outTo bring out, use, or present.Rate it:

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brickbatFor example, it's quite common for magazines to have a section called Bouquets and Brickbats for compliments and criticisms.Rate it:

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c'est de la moutarde après dînerIt comes too late to be of any use; It is a day after the fair.Rate it:

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call an ambulanceUse a telephone to ensure arrival of an ambulanceRate it:

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call the policeUse a telephone to request the arrival of a police officer.Rate it:

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castra coniungere, iungere (B. C. 1. 63)to make a camp in common.Rate it:

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ce que poulain prend en jeunesse, il le continue en vieillesse“’Tis education forms the common mind. Just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclined.” [Pope , Moral Essays, i. 149.]Rate it:

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cet habit fait peur aux larrons, il montre la cordeSe dit à propos d’un habit très usé, en jouant sur le mot corde, la trame, et corde, de pendu.Rate it:

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clear awayTo prepare some object for use by removing obstacles, untying or unfastening it.Rate it:

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closed formA form (expression) that does not use limits, implicitly or explicitly.Rate it:

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cockney slangLondon slang most common in London, ukRate it:

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come with the territoryTo be a common, and often inconvenient, accompaniment of an occupation, situation, or occurrence.Rate it:

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companyA group of individuals with a common purpose, as in a company of actors.Rate it:

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computer says noA popular phrase for an attitude in customer service in which the default response is to check with information stored or generated electronically and then make decisions based on that, apparently without using common sense, and showing a level of unhelpfulness whereby more could be done to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome, but is not.Rate it:

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consilia cum aliquo communicare(1) to communicate one's plans to some one; (2) to make common cause with a person. Similarly c. causam, rationem.Rate it:

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consilia inter se communicareto take common counsel.Rate it:

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consume mass quantitiesTo use large amounts of any resource.Rate it:

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contumeliosis vocibus prosequi aliquem (vid. sect. VI. 11, note Prosequi...)to use insulting expressions to any one.Rate it:

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cookie-cutterishLooking or seeming identical; created by some standard or common means; often with the implication that the result is boring, overly simple, or not applicable to all needs.Rate it:

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cream offTo use a cream to remove something.Rate it:

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cut baitTo chop up fish bait for use.Rate it:

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Davy Jones's lockerThe bottom of the ocean, especially as the grave for sailors. Also a common saying when something goes overboard and is lost.Rate it:

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dieFollowed by of. General use.Rate it:

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dime a dozenSo common as to be practically worthless.Rate it:

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dirty laundryUnflattering facts or questionable activities that one wants to remain secret, but which some other may use to blackmail with.Rate it:

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DNUInitialism of do not use : marking used to tag equipment or material that is not to be used.Rate it:

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do with mirrorsTo perform a magic or optical trick with the use of hidden mirrors, implying trickery and sham.Rate it:

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do you come here oftenA common phrase for initiating conversation with a stranger, especially one for seeking romantic involvement.Rate it:

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dog in the mangerSomeone who denies to others something that he or she cannot use.Rate it:

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don't cry over spilt milkIt is no use worrying about unfortunate events which have already happened and which cannot be changed.Rate it:

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draw onTo appeal to, make a demand of, rely on; to utilize or make use of, as a source.Rate it:

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draw uponTo appeal to, make a demand of, rely on; to utilize or make use of, as a source.Rate it:

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drool bucketA person with low intelligence or no common sense; an idiot.Rate it:

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duck testfor application of common sense and/or intuition regardless of technical parameters.Rate it:

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eat one's gunTo commit suicide, especially by use of a firearm discharged into the victim's mouth.Rate it:

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Eat Sumthin Closer!A Common Response to the Request; "Please Pass Duh Gravy"Rate it:

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eiusdem linguae societate coniunctum esse cum aliquo (De Or. 3. 59. 223)to be united by having a common language.Rate it:

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eminus hastis, comminus gladiis utito use javelins at a distance, swords at close quarters.Rate it:

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esprit de corpsspirit of the group, common spiritRate it:

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est-ce qu'elle est belle?—elle est comme il y en a tantIs she beautiful?—Nothing to stare at; Nothing out of the common.Rate it:

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être sur le gaillard d'avantTo serve before the mast; To be a common seaman.Rate it:

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ex invidia alicuius auram popularem petere (Liv. 22. 26)to use some one's unpopularity as a means of making oneself popular.Rate it:

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excess baggageSomething or someone not needed or not wanted; something or someone of little use or importance; something or someone considered burdensome.Rate it:

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factor outTo isolate a common factor from an expression.Rate it:

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faire flèche de tout boisTo use every means to accomplish an end; To leave no stone unturned.Rate it:

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false lightA cause of action arising under the common law where a person is portrayed in a way which, while not technically false, is misleading and likely to cause embarrassment to that person.Rate it:

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fan danceA dance performance incorporating the artful use of fans.Rate it:

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Praise the ____ and they will flourish
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C Humans
D People