
Phrases related to: digital vision multimedia group Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 227 phrases and idioms matching digital vision multimedia group.

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odd one outSomething or someone in a group that is different or exceptional, that does not fit.Rate it:

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one-hit wonderA person or group known for achieving only a single major accomplishment.Rate it:

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one-trick ponyA person or group noteworthy for only a single achievement, skill, or characteristic.Rate it:

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out of central castingConforming to the stereotypical image of a particular type of person or group.Rate it:

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out of itNot participating in some trend or group.Rate it:

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outpope the PopeTo try to act as a more authentic member of a group than one who is a genuine member of the group.Rate it:

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pair upTo put into pairs; to put into a group of two.Rate it:

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pair upTo get into pairs; to join together to make a group of two.Rate it:

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pal upTo form a small group.Rate it:

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pass the hatTo ask for money, especially from a group of people; to solicit donations or contributions.Rate it:

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peeble in own shoeTrouble but within group, self. Problem of one's own known to self more than others could be explained to.Rate it:

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pick of the litterThe best person or item in a group.Rate it:

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pick throughTo look through a group or list in order to select what one desires.Rate it:

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pixel peeperA person who carefully scrutinizes a magnified digital photograph in order to evaluate resolution and image quality.Rate it:

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preach to the choirSpeaking as if to convince a person or group of something which that person or group already believes.Rate it:

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pump upTo excite a person or group to a frenzy.Rate it:

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punto de fugaPunto del que representa el infinito hacia los cuales convergen las líneas paralelas que se alejan en un sistema de representación de proyección cónica, como puede ser, aproximadamente, el de nuestra visión.Rate it:

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push outTo force to leave a group.Rate it:

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rally roundTo unite in order to support a fellow group member.Rate it:

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raucous caucus"Raucous caucus" is a playful and alliterative phrase often used to describe a noisy, energetic, or tumultuous gathering, especially in the context of political discussions or meetings. The term combines "raucous," meaning loud, disorderly, or boisterous, with "caucus," which refers to a group of people with shared political goals or opinions.Rate it:

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ray of lighta path a photon or a group of photons takes through space, visible as a column of lightRate it:

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reach outTo make more friends, to increase one's group of friends or acquaintances.Rate it:

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revolving door syndromeA situation in which a person or group repeats a cycle of behaviors or experiences, usually with unsuccessful or undesirable results.Rate it:

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ride herd onTo supervise a group of people, such as workers, and/or their actions, i.e. their work.Rate it:

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rogues' galleryA group of lawbreakers or other disreputable characters.Rate it:

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roll withTo spend time; to be someone's companion or part of a group with someone.Rate it:

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rooting interesta desire for, or interest in, the success of a particular person or group, often a sports teamRate it:

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rotten eggA person who is the latest, the last, or the slowest in a group at performing a certain task, especially at going to a certain place.Rate it:

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rule the dayTo set the standard which guides behavior; to control a situation, group, strategy, etc.Rate it:

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rule the roostTo be the controlling member(s) of a family, organization, or other group.Rate it:

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rule the school(of one or a group of students) To socially dominate a school's student population, or a major part of it (such as the girls or the boys).Rate it:

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rumor millA group or network of persons who originate or promulgate gossip and other unsubstantiated claims.Rate it:

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run rings aroundTo demonstrate superiority, or greater skill than another person, team or group of people.Rate it:

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selective outrageWhen one's prejudiced or biased demeanours come to light to show their disgrace towards a particular group she another group has done the same thing.Rate it:

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sell awayTo sell all of an item or group of items.Rate it:

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set the paceTo establish the speed for a group to move at, for example in a race.Rate it:

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share and share alikeTo divide possessions, benefits, or obligations equally among members of a group.Rate it:

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shout outwhen used as a noun, a shout out means to publicly greet or acknowledge a person, group, or organization; see also shout out when used as a verb - to shout outRate it:

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show the flagTo represent one's country or some other group in a manner intended to suggest the authority or importance of that country or group.Rate it:

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shower of shitAn individual or group.Rate it:

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sick manA weak member of a peer group, especially the weakest.Rate it:

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single outTo select one from a group and treat differently.Rate it:

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skunk at a garden partyWithin a group, someone who is unwelcome and actively avoided.Rate it:

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sleight of handThe required digital dexterity behind magic tricks and illusions.Rate it:

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slow marchA manner of walking in which a person or group proceeds at a controlled pace in a deliberate, steady, rhythmic manner.Rate it:

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soft touchA person or group which is sympathetic, accommodating, easily overcome, or easily persuaded, especially one which loans or readily gives money to another.Rate it:

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solosolo in the Kpop world means a single singer. if a pair they're a duet, and if three of more they are a group.Rate it:

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sort outTo separate from the remainder of a group; often construed with from.Rate it:

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spear carrierOne who plays a leading or substantial role as a supporter, proponent, etc. representing a group, cause, or point of view.Rate it:

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species mihi dormienti oblata estI saw a vision in my dreams.Rate it:

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A blame
B same
C main
D pain