
Phrases related to: floating-point representation system Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 399 phrases and idioms matching floating-point representation system.

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DiamondIn Railroad Parlance, the especially designed, critically installed rail-section in place at 'Cross-Over' point. Special Switch-Tower With Special Switch-Point Equipment operated 24/7 by Experts:Rate it:

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drive atTo mean, signify; to aim or tend to a point.Rate it:

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end of the lineThe termination point of a railway or similar transportation system.Rate it:

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evil twinA rogue wireless access point installed near a legitimate one for purposes of eavesdropping or phishing.Rate it:

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exprimere aliquid verbis or oratione (vid. sect. VI. 3, note adumbrare...)to express clearly, make a lifelike representation of a thing.Rate it:

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face offThe starting point, in a match of ice hockey. Two players face each other, for snatching the puck.Rate it:

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fair enoughAn expression used to concede a point; denotes that, upon consideration, something is correct or reasonable; an expression of acknowledgment or understanding.Rate it:

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fall on one's swordTo commit suicide by allowing one’s body to drop onto the point of one’s sword..Rate it:

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faute d'un point, Martin perdit son âneIl a manqué fort peu de chose à quelqu’un pour gagner une partie de jeu ou pour réussir dans une affaire.Rate it:

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feel outTo try to ascertain a person's point of view, or the nature of a situation, by cautious and subtle means.Rate it:

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feet of clayTo say that someone, who appears strong or invincible, in fact has a hidden weak point which could cause their fall.Rate it:

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finest hourA point in time or a relatively brief period of time when an especially distinguished, admirable, or effective set of actions is performed.Rate it:

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force of habitAn act that has been repeated to the point where the performance of the act becomes automatic.Rate it:

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full circleA full turn back to the original direction or orientation.By extension, of a discussion, a point arrived at which is the same point at which it began; the point at which effort has resulted in no progress.Rate it:

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full circleBy extension, of a discussion, a point arrived at which is the same point at which it began; the point at which effort has resulted in no progress.Rate it:

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full circleThrough a rotation or revolution that ends at the starting point.Rate it:

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get right to the pointReference a lack of focus, an offer of myriad solutions without indicating one with most viability. A lack of preciseness, lack of indicating best choice. An evasive response in a tenable situation.Rate it:

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get the drop onTo point one's firearm at another person, thereby gaining dominance over a situation.Rate it:

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get the pointTo understand; to interpret correctly.Rate it:

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get to the pointTo state (something) directly; as opposed to in a long-winded way.Rate it:

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gold standardA monetary system where the value of circulating money is linked to the value of gold.Rate it:

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harp onTo nag about; to complain incessantly or persistently request; to continue to bring up as a point of contention.Rate it:

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haul aroundTo shift to any point of the compass.Rate it:

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have seen one's dayTo be at the point in a life cycle or career of no longer being useful or effective; to be worn-out.Rate it:

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here's the thingPrecedes the key point of an explanation.Rate it:

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high timeA point in time at which something desirable or necessary is considered to be utterly due or even overdue to occur.Rate it:

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historia Romana or rerum Romanarum historiaRoman history (i.e. the exposition, representation of it by writers).Rate it:

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hit the deckAnnouncement to ship's personnel via P.A. system to arise and leave sleeping quarters.Rate it:

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hit the rocksTo be at a low point in one's pursuits.Rate it:

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hoc convēnit inter noswe have agreed on this point.Rate it:

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hoc loco exsistit quaestio, quaeriturat this point the question arises.Rate it:

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hopping madExtremely angry; furious to the point of outburst.Rate it:

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how rude!something said to emphasize or point out that someone has just said or done something rudeRate it:

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how's the weather up thereAsked to tall people or someone that is at a high vantage point, either literally or metaphorically.Rate it:

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I see what you did thereAn expression used to point out that another person's joke has been understood, either to praise its cleverness or to clearly communicate a lack of amusement at it.Rate it:

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id quod maximum, gravissimum estthe main point.Rate it:

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id, de quo agitur or id quod cadit in controversiamthe point at issue.Rate it:

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il est à l'article de la mortHe is at the point of death, at death’s door.Rate it:

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il faut se faire une raisonWe must be guided by reason; We must look at things from a reasonable point of view.Rate it:

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il n'entend pas raillerie là-dessus1. You must not speak lightly of that before him. 2. He will not be trifled with on that point.Rate it:

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il n'entend pas raison là-dessusHe will not listen to reason on that point.Rate it:

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il n'est point de petites affairesSignifie que le moindre ennemi peut causer de l'embarras et de la peine.Rate it:

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il n'est point de rose sans épinesEvery rose has its thorn; No rose without a thorn.Rate it:

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il n'est point de sot métierTout métier possède une certaine valeur et nécessite des qualités chez le travailleur.Rate it:

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il n'y a point d'âne plus mal bâté que celui du communWhat is everybody’s business is nobody’s business.Rate it:

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il n'y a point de petites affairesEvery trifle is of importance.Rate it:

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il n'y a si bon cheval qui ne broncheIl n’y a point d’homme si honnête ou si habile qui ne fasse quelquefois des fautes, qui ne se trompe quelquefois.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas y aller par quatre cheminsYou must not beat about the bush; You must go straight to the point; You must not mince matters; It’s no good shilly-shallying.Rate it:

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il ne s'agit pas de celaThat is not the point.Rate it:

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il s'agit de...The question is...; The point is...Rate it:

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Seems like the _________ caught his tongue!
A fridge
B cat
C house
D mouse