
Phrases related to: sea pass Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 233 phrases and idioms matching sea pass.

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il a le pied marinHe has got his sea-legs; He is a good sailor.Rate it:

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in oblivione iacēre (of persons)to be forgotten, pass into oblivion.Rate it:

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in oblivionem adducito be forgotten, pass into oblivion.Rate it:

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in proverbii consuetudinem or simply in proverbium venireto pass into a proverb.Rate it:

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j'en passe ... et des meilleursSome of the best I pass over.Rate it:

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je ne m'y reconnais plusI don’t know where I am, what I am about; I am quite at sea.Rate it:

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jemandem den Schwarzen Peter zuschiebento pass the buckRate it:

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killA creek; a body of water; a channel or arm of the sea.Rate it:

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laissez faireEstilo de liderazgo, donde el líder proporciona muy poca o ninguna guía a sus subordinados y les otorga libertad tanta como sea posible, los subordinados deben tomar decisiones y resolver problemas por ellos mismos.Rate it:

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lay backTo make a short backwards pass to a teammate in an attacking position.Rate it:

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let him who is without sin cast the first stoneOnly those who are faultless have the right to pass judgment upon others.Rate it:

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let pastTo allow someone to pass one.Rate it:

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let slideTo let go, allow, release, pass over without action.Rate it:

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live outto pass time or to pass the remainder of one's life, especially in a particular place or situationRate it:

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llamada a la acciónSeñal que en páginas Web sirve para llamar la atención desde un lugar hacia otro, sea dentro de una misma página o entre diferentes páginas o sitios Web.Rate it:

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locus de controlÁmbito al que un individuo atribuye preferentemente la causa de los eventos que le suceden, sea interno —es decir, el propio individuo— u externo, es decir, el entorno o ambienteRate it:

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look-inA quick short pass to a receiver running diagonally toward the center of the field.Rate it:

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lorem ipsumTexto escrito con palabras sea completas o truncadas del latín, normalmente sin significado. Se emplea en diseño de documentos o páginas para probar y enfatizar el diseño; el contenido, no necesariamente.Rate it:

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lose consciousnesspass outRate it:

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magnam doctrinae speciem prae se ferreto pass as a man of great learning.Rate it:

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mare medium or internumthe Mediterranean Sea.Rate it:

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mare ventorum vi agitatur et turbaturthere is a storm at sea.Rate it:

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Mary Celestea British-flagged Nova Scotian brigantine that crossed the Atlantic Ocean, gone through the Straits of Gibraltar, and into the Mediterranean Sea under full sail, without a crew or any occupants.Rate it:

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más malo que el natreMuy malo, ya sea en su sentido literal de mal sabor o, más usualmente, aludiendo a la maldad.Rate it:

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meet one's makerTo die or to pass into the afterlife.Rate it:

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memoria alicuius rei obscuratur, obliteratur, evanescitto be forgotten, pass into oblivion.Rate it:

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mercado negroTransacción clandestina de divisas o de mercancías que no cumplen con las obligaciones legales, ya sea porque sean robadas, contrabando, tengan algún origen fraudulento o infrinjan alguna ley.Rate it:

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modum transireto pass the limit.Rate it:

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move upTo move higher. To be promoted. To pass to a higher level.Rate it:

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no pasaránthey shall not passRate it:

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obliterari (Liv. 26. 41)to be forgotten, pass into oblivion.Rate it:

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oblivione obrui, deleri, exstinguito be forgotten, pass into oblivion.Rate it:

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oblivioni esse, darito be forgotten, pass into oblivion.Rate it:

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oppidum mari adiacetthe town lies near the sea.Rate it:

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paeninsula in mare excurrit, procurrita peninsula projects into the sea.Rate it:

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passer de vie à trépasto pass away, to dieRate it:

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passer sur une chose comme un chat sur la braiseTo pass lightly over a subject.Rate it:

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per luxum et ignaviam aetatem agereto pass one's life in luxury and idleness.Rate it:

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pick outto send a long pass or cross to.Rate it:

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play inTo pass the ball into an attacking position.Rate it:

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post se relinquere aliquemto overtake and pass some one.Rate it:

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praecurrere aliquem (celeritate)to overtake and pass some one.Rate it:

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promunturium in mare procurrita promontory juts out into the sea.Rate it:

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pugnam navalem facereto fight a battle at sea.Rate it:

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pull backTo pass (the ball) into a position further from the attacking goal line.Rate it:

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put throughTo pass the ball to (someone) giving them a one-on-one scoring opportunity.Rate it:

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que quiera, que no quieraExpresa que la cosa se hará de cualquier modo, convenga o no, sea aprobada o no.Rate it:

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rationem alicuius rei reddereto render count of a matter; to pass it for audit.Rate it:

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roll onTo pass; to go on; to elapse.Rate it:

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run a red lightTo pass through the traffic light when the red light is on.Rate it:

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