
Phrases related to: tar with the same brush Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 269 phrases and idioms matching tar with the same brush.

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day outAn excursion, returning home on the same day.Rate it:

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des gens de même farinePersons of the same kidney (generally in a bad sense); People tarred with the same brush.Rate it:

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devil lies in the detailsSame as the devil is (devil's) in the details;Rate it:

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don't put your cart before the horseThe same as saying, "First things first"; asserts that there is a certain order in which things happen and that the listener should consider that before going forward (outside of that order) regarding the matter at handRate it:

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Dose of One's Own MedicineThe same or a similar unpleasantness revert back to someone that has been giving othersRate it:

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double bookedOf a single resource, reserved for two different users at the same time.Rate it:

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double dutchSex using a condom and the contraceptive pill at the same time.Rate it:

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double tapA tactical shooting technique of pulling the trigger of a weapon twice in quick succession to deliver two shots to the same target zone.Rate it:

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down the wrong alleyWe're not thinking Alike, We're not on the same page;Rate it:

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drag downto cause to suffer the same fate.Rate it:

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draw evenTo attain the same level as a competitor.Rate it:

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du pareil au mêmesame difference, six of one, half a dozen of the otherRate it:

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eo ipso tempore, cum; tum ipsum, cumat the same moment that, precisely when.Rate it:

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equal marriageMarriage equality; the acceptance of same-sex as well as heterosexual marriages.Rate it:

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faites de mêmeDo the same.Rate it:

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follow in someone's footstepsTo follow the same path as someone.Rate it:

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follow suitTo play a card of the same suit as the previous or leading card.Rate it:

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full circleA full turn back to the original direction or orientation.By extension, of a discussion, a point arrived at which is the same point at which it began; the point at which effort has resulted in no progress.Rate it:

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full circleBy extension, of a discussion, a point arrived at which is the same point at which it began; the point at which effort has resulted in no progress.Rate it:

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glaze overSame as to gloss over something. When someone makes reference to something or alludes to it, but what was more important was hidden or was not expressly stated.Rate it:

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go round in circlesTo repeatedly do the same thing; without making any progress.Rate it:

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go the way ofTo end up the same way as. To receive the same fate as.Rate it:

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god willing and the creeks don't riseA way of answering 'yes' when someone asks if you are going to do something; the same as saying, "Yes, I will, unless something happens to prevent me that I cannot control"; if it is God's will and no disasters happenRate it:

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great minds think alikeUsed to emphasize a coincidence, or two people reaching the same conclusion in any manner at the same time.Rate it:

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haec ex eodem fonte fluunt, manantthese things have the same origin.Rate it:

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have one's ducks in a rowTo be organized; to have one's affairs in order; specifically, to have a multi-person effort coordinated towards the exact same goal.Rate it:

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have seen this movieTo have experienced a situation which is the same as or similar to the current situation, especially with a sense of the unpleasantness or tiresomeness of the recurring situation.Rate it:

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high fiveWhen someone says "high five" they are asking you to give them a high five--to tap the palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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hold a candleTo compare; to be even remotely of the same quality, skill, etc. as another.Rate it:

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howdy-doSame as how-d'ye-do.Rate it:

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hutch upto move slightly, in order to make room for someone; for example to move in a bed to make room for someone else to lie, or to move sideways on on a seat so as to allow someone room to sit and share that same seat.Rate it:

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idem de re publica sentireto have the same political opinions.Rate it:

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idem sentire (opp. dissentire ab aliquo)to hold the same views.Rate it:

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idem valere, significare, declarareto have the same meaning.Rate it:

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il abonde dans mon sensHe is entirely of the same opinion as I am; He has come round to my opinion.Rate it:

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il chante toujours la même chansonHe is always harping on the same string.Rate it:

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il court sur mes brisées(lit.) He pursues the same game as I do; (fig.) He poaches on my preserves.Rate it:

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il frappe toujours sur la même enclumeHe is always harping on the same string.Rate it:

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il répète la même chose à tout bout de champHe repeats the same thing every instant, every time he has the chance.Rate it:

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in chorusin unison, all together (at the same time)Rate it:

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instinctIchigo, what's the difference between a king and his horse? I don't mean kiddy shit like "One's a person and one's an animal" or "One has two legs and one has four." If their form, ability and power were exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and controls the battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king?! There's only one answer. Instinct! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain the power they need to become king, they must search for more battles and power! They thirst for battle, and live to mercilessly, crush, shred, and slice their enemies! Deep, deep within our body lies the honed instinct to kill, and slaughter our enemies! But you don't have that! You don't have those pure, base instincts! You fight with your brain. You try to defeat your enemies with logic! And it doesn't work! You're trying to cut them with a sheathed sword! That's why you're weaker than me, Ichigo!Rate it:

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internet hugWhen 2 people send an email to each other at the same time.Rate it:

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it's all goodThe same as saying: you don't need to worry about it; I'm not worried about it;. there's nothing to worry about; nothing is wrong; used to express unconcern.Rate it:

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já vi esse filmeI've already seen that same thing happeningRate it:

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je le ferai quand mêmeI shall do it just the same; I shall do it whatever it may cost.Rate it:

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je vous rendrai la pareille1. I will pay you out. 2. I will do the same for you.Rate it:

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keep paceTo run at the same speed as a pacesetterRate it:

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keep paceTo progress at the same rate as another; to keep upRate it:

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l'istesso tempoDirects that the following movement should be played at the same tempo as the lastRate it:

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les cheveux en brosseHair cut short (standing up like the bristles of a brush).Rate it:

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Seems like the _________ caught his tongue!
A fridge
B house
C cat
D mouse