
Phrases related to: twenty-four hour period Page #4

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it's not what you know but who you knowFor success, and especially to obtain employment, one's knowledge and skills are less useful and less important than one's network of personal contacts.1951, G. P. Bush and L. H. Hattery, "Federal Recruitment of Junior Engineers," Science, vol. 114, no. 2966, p. 456:Eighty-four students referred to political influence as a disadvantage of federal employment with such remarks as: "There are too many political connections necessary . . . it's not what you know but who you knowRate it:

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j'ai fait queue au théâtre pendant une heureI waited outside the theatre for an hour (before I could get in).Rate it:

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just a minuteA short period of time, typically anywhere from several seconds to several minutes or more.Rate it:

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just a secondA short period of time, typically anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes or more.Rate it:

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les Anglais débarquenta person is having or has just had her periodRate it:

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live throughTo survive a difficult period or eventRate it:

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long runAn extended period of time.Rate it:

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make an example ofHe made an example of the drunken sailor with twenty lashes, to show that he must have a sober crew.Rate it:

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make peaceTo initiate or resume a cordial relationship after a period of animosity.Rate it:

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make timeTo reserve a period of time to do something.Rate it:

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man of few wordsA man who doesn't speak much, or speaks only for a short period of time.Rate it:

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marcher à quatre pattesto walk on four legsRate it:

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mener la vie à grandes guides(lit.) To drive life four in hand; (fig.) To live a very fast life.Rate it:

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minorem esse viginti annisto be not yet twenty.Rate it:

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mount upto increase over a period of time; to accumulateRate it:

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moving along at a snail's paceThe slow start of an agenda, the maintenance of a slothful effort, spending half a day to complete a two hour job.Rate it:

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no ifs, ands, or butsPeriod; exactly so; without modification, limitation, or addendum.Rate it:

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obsidionem quattuor menses sustinereto hold out for four months.Rate it:

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oh dark hundredSome unspecified hour in the early morning.Rate it:

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omegaThe twenty-fourth letter of the Classical and the Modern Greek alphabet, and the twenty-eighth letter of the Old and the Ancient Greek alphabet, i.e. the last letter of every Greek alphabet. Uppercase version: Ω; lowercase: ω.Rate it:

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on a kickHaving a period of enthusiasm towards some activity.Rate it:

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on le tenait à quatreIt needed four men to hold him down.Rate it:

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on le tient à quatreIt needs four men to hold him down.Rate it:

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on ne peut être au four et au moulinOne cannot be in two places at the same time.Rate it:

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on ne saurait faire boire un âne s'il n'a soifOne man can take a horse to the water, but twenty cannot make him drink.Rate it:

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on one's watchDuring the period of time when one is in a position of authority or responsibility.Rate it:

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on the waneIn a period of decrease or decline.Rate it:

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one's days are numberedSome period of time, such as a term of employment or a lifetime, is coming to an end.Rate it:

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open seasonA period of time during the calendar year when authorities within a jurisdiction permit the unrestricted hunting of one or more kinds of animal wildlife.Rate it:

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open seasonA situation in which or period of time during which some activity or circumstance routinely occurs.Rate it:

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opening timehour at which a pub can start servingRate it:

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pale rider"The Pale Rider"; another name for Death, "The Grim Reaper", "the angel of death"; and one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.Rate it:

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postgasmThe period immediately following an orgasm.Rate it:

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pre-warDescribing the period before a war.Rate it:

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public commentInput given by the public to governmental (or rarely other) bodies, about proposed legislation or regulation(s), during a period-and by means-set aside and prescribed by law.Rate it:

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quarter ofFifteen minutes before the next hour.Rate it:

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quattuor dies continuifour successive days.Rate it:

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ride the waveTo take advantage of a profitable period.Rate it:

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rough sleddingA difficult period of time.Rate it:

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second childhoodThe period or state of cognitive decline of an elderly person, characterized by childlike judgment and behavior.Rate it:

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serve outTo serve the whole of some period.Rate it:

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set a spellTo sit down for a period of time, especially in the company of other people and in order to relax or to engage in casual conversation.Rate it:

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silly seasonA period, usually during the summertime, when news media tend to place increased emphasis on reporting light-hearted, offbeat, or bizarre stories.Rate it:

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sleep inTo sleep late; to go on sleeping past one's customary or planned hour.Rate it:

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sleep onTo consider after a period of sleep, implying a decision will be made the next day.Rate it:

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sow one's wild oatsTo indulge in a period of irresponsible behavior, particularly sexually; Often used in reference to young adults or to the recently divorced.Rate it:

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stand the test of timeTo remain useful or valued over a long period of time; to last a long time.Rate it:

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swaddling clothesAn early period in development, infancy, the beginnings of something; inception.Rate it:

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tempora heroica (N. D. 3. 21. 54)the mythical period, the heroic age.Rate it:

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tertia hora estit is the third hour (= 9 A.M.)Rate it:

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C heart
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