
Phrases related to: water system Page #4

Yee yee! We've found 233 phrases and idioms matching water system.

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faire de l'eau (of boats)To take in fresh water.Rate it:

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faire venir l'eau à la boucheTo make one’s mouth water.Rate it:

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fire hoseA hose used to deliver water in case of fire.Rate it:

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go underTo descend into a body of water; to founder.Rate it:

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gold standardA monetary system where the value of circulating money is linked to the value of gold.Rate it:

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grateA horizontal metal grille through which water, ash, or small objects can fall, while larger objects cannot.Rate it:

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heave toTo cause the vessel to become dead in the water by pointing the bows directly towards the wind.Rate it:

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hit the deckAnnouncement to ship's personnel via P.A. system to arise and leave sleeping quarters.Rate it:

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hydrogen iona proton combined with one or more water molecules; usually written H3O and called the hydronium ion though is best considered as H9O4 but is often written H(aq) for simplicityRate it:

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if you stop ritik you will be stopedin Sanskrit language Ritik means the flow of calm and quite water stream. If you disturb it it will lead to destruction of whole community.Rate it:

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il est à sec (pop.)He is hard up, broke, in low water.Rate it:

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il est de la haute voléeHe is a tip-top swell, of the first water, of the upper ten.Rate it:

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il se mettrait en quatre pour un amiHe would go through fire and water for a friend.Rate it:

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in the drinkIn or into a body of water.Rate it:

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in the wake ofIn the noticeable disturbance of water behind .Rate it:

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installed baseThe number of units of a system or product that are currently in use.Rate it:

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ius ad artem redigereto reduce law to a system.Rate it:

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je suis comme un poisson sur la pailleI am like a fish out of water.Rate it:

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jungle telegraphA gossip network; an informal communication system within a group or organization.Rate it:

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jungle telegraphA system used by primitive cultures in remote tropical regions for communication over long distances, such as drum sounds or a relay of runners.Rate it:

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killA creek; a body of water; a channel or arm of the sea.Rate it:

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l'eau qui tombe goutte à goutte cave la pierreDropping water will wear away a stone.Rate it:

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les eaux sont basses chez luiHe is hard up; He is in low water.Rate it:

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les observations glissent sur lui comme sur une cuirasseBlame slips off him as water off a duck’s back.Rate it:

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lignatum, aquatum ireto go to fetch wood, water.Rate it:

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log inTo gain access to a computer system, usually by providing a previously agreed upon username and password.Rate it:

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make wayTo progress through the water .Rate it:

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moral compassA person, belief system, etc. serving as a guide for morally appropriate behavior.Rate it:

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muddy upTo make muddy; to make clear water into muddy water.Rate it:

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my very educated mother just served us nine pumpkinsA mnemonic used to remember the order and names of the nine planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.Rate it:

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nager entre deux eaux(lit.) To swim under water; (fig.) To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.Rate it:

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navem retro inhibere (Att. 13. 21)to back water.Rate it:

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off the gridNot using electricity from the public electrical supply system.Rate it:

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off the gridNot connected to a publicly available communication system, such as the world-wide web or a mobile telephone network.Rate it:

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off the gridIsolated; in a remote location; in seclusion; not participating in some official process or system.Rate it:

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off the gridIn or into a situation or place in which electricity from the public electricity system is not used.Rate it:

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old boy networkA presumed unacknowledged system of association between childhood friends (especially those at school or university together), used for mutual assistance or favouritism and usually at the exclusion of certain other people; often specifically at the exclusion of womenRate it:

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old moneyThe imperial system of measurement, as opposed to the metric system.Rate it:

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old moneyThe monetary system used in the United Kingdom before decimalisation and consisting of pounds, shillings, and pence.Rate it:

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on ne saurait faire boire un âne s'il n'a soifOne man can take a horse to the water, but twenty cannot make him drink.Rate it:

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paperA sheet material used for writing on or printing on , usually made by draining cellulose fibres from a suspension in water.Rate it:

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pendant l'inondation le toit de cette maison était à fleur d'eauDuring the flood the top of that house was on a level with the water.Rate it:

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prendre l'eauto take in waterRate it:

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rat's nestA software or hardware system whose design lacks organized structure, making it difficult to understand and maintain.Rate it:

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ratio; disciplina, ratio et disciplina; arssystem.Rate it:

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real timeThe time duration required by a computer system to complete a particular taskRate it:

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reel into bring (a fish etc.) out of the water by winding the reel.Rate it:

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reinvent the wheelTo redo work unnecessarily when it has already been done satisfactorily; to rethink an already working system, technique, etc. in a pointless attempt to improve it.Rate it:

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ring outTo make a phone call from an internal phone system to a general telephone network number.Rate it:

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run a bathTo fill a bathtub with water in preparation for taking a bath.Rate it:

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