
Phrases related to: The Wolf and the Man Page #40

Yee yee! We've found 3,811 phrases and idioms matching The Wolf and the Man.

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cet homme rêve tout éveilléThat man dreams with his eyes open.Rate it:

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cet homme se tirerait d'un puitsThat man would get out of any difficulty, is full of resource.Rate it:

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cet homme y va tête baisséeThat man rushes blindly into it; That man sets to work energetically.Rate it:

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cet homme-là est bien tombéThat man has fallen on his feet; That man has applied to the right person (or, ironic), to the wrong person.Rate it:

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cet individu n'a pas l'air catholiqueThat man does not look very trustworthy.Rate it:

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cette femme est un vrai dragon1. That woman is a virago. 2. That woman is very masculine (in appearance and manners).Rate it:

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cette fois, ça y estNow it is done, and no mistake.Rate it:

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chacun a dans sa vie un souris de la fortuneFortune knocks once at every man’s door.Rate it:

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chacun pour soievery man for himselfRate it:

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chalkfaceA musical concept or genre in which music is completely improvised and never played twice. Most often mixing elements of hip-hop, metal, punk and avant-garde jazz.Rate it:

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charity muggerA person employed by a charity, or by an intermediary fundraising agency employed by the charity, who stands in the street and invites passersby to set up standing orders or direct debits to make regular donations to the charity.Rate it:

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charmed lifeA life in which one is always lucky and safe from danger.Rate it:

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chat upIn a friendly, open, or casual manner, sometimes also in a charming or affected manner, usually to curry favor, and sometimes flirtatiously with the intention of establishing a romantic or sexual encounter or relationship with that person.Rate it:

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cheap-arse TuesdayThe day of the week (Tuesday) when establishments such as the cinemas, restaurants, etc, offer some of their goods and services at discounted prices.Rate it:

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cheap-arse TuesdayThe day of the week when establishments such as the cinemas, restaurants, etc, offer some of their goods and services at discounted prices.Rate it:

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check your attitude (at the door)The speaker is warning the listener that their attitude may have adverse effects and advising that the listener change their attitude. Adding "at the door" at the end of this phrases means to leave your attitude outside/don't bring that attitude in hereRate it:

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checks off all the boxesmeets all the criteria; usually said about what someone is looking for in a man or womanRate it:

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Chew Someone OutTo handle someone roughly and scold them severelyRate it:

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Chew the FatTo talk in a friendly and relaxed mannerRate it:

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chicken filletA piece of rubber or silicone placed in a woman's bra under the breast to increase apparent size and/or create more cleavage.Rate it:

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chicken scratchChicken feed consisting of random mixed grains such as corn, wheat, barley, sorghum and milling by-products.Rate it:

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chickenizationThe process of chickenizing, making into a vertically and horizontally integrated industry.Rate it:

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chickenizeTo make into a vertically and horizontally integrated industry.Rate it:

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Chill OutCalm down, relax or feel light and relievedRate it:

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chilly climateA male-dominated environment where both overt and subtle forms of discrimination lead to the unequal treatment of womenRate it:

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China syndromeA hypothetical kind of catastrophic failure in which a nuclear reactor melts through the floor of its containment system and penetrates the earth's surface, continuing downward as if (from a Western Hemispheric point of view) traveling through the planet toward China.Rate it:

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China syndromeA rare disease, first characterized in the early 1990s, which resembles poliomyelitis but which has somewhat different characteristics and occurs in persons vaccinated for poliomyelitis.Rate it:

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Chinese WallA barrier of silence and secrecy established within an organization in order to cope with confidentiality requirements.Rate it:

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Chip Off the Old BlockA child who shares the same looks, abilities and characteristics as of his parentsRate it:

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Chip on Your ShoulderAlways ready to fight or get in some quarrel or having an aggressive and rude natureRate it:

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chip shotAn approach shot made from a location a short distance from the golf green in which the ball is launched into the air with only low or moderate force, so that it will land on the green and roll toward the hole.Rate it:

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Chips are DownA certain situation is getting serious and required immediate attention to escape any major issue or problemRate it:

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chopped liverA Jewish food made by frying liver and onions in schmaltz.Rate it:

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chose qui plaît est à moitié vendueGood wares make quick market; Please the eye and fill the purse.Rate it:

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churn outTo produce a large quantity of rapidly and easily.Rate it:

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ciel pommelé et femme fardée ne sont pas de longue duréeA mackerel sky, not long wet and not long dry.Rate it:

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cinq à septafternoon get-together similar to a happy hour, cocktail party, or wine and cheese, held approximately between 5 and 7 p.m.Rate it:

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circular firing squadA political party or other group experiencing considerable disarray because the members are engaging in internal disputes and mutual recrimination.Rate it:

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civitate donare aliquem (Balb. 3. 7)to make a man a citizen.Rate it:

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Clam UpTo remain silent and refuse to say anythingRate it:

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claw me, claw theeStand by me and I will stand by you.Rate it:

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clayA mineral substance made up of small crystals of silica and alumina, that is ductile when moist; the material of pre-fired ceramics.Rate it:

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clean codeSoftware code that is formatted correctly and in an organized manner so that another coder can easily read or modify it.Rate it:

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clean houseTo reform by removing undesirable personnel and procedures.Rate it:

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clean plate clubWhen you have finished eating and there is nothing left on your plate, we say you belong to the clean plate club.Rate it:

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clear as a belltotally clear: distinct and unmistakeable, as a bell's tone is clearly heardRate it:

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Clear the DecksTo manage way for a major project and it can be only possible if the minor details are addressed properlyRate it:

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Clip Your WingsTo cut off luxuries and privileges or take away the power and authority enjoyed by someoneRate it:

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clitlickerSomeone who flatters others, especially women, in a manner that seems obsequious and submissive.Rate it:

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clothing lineA collection of apparel designed for a target audience and sold in retail locations and/or online stores.Rate it:

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