
Phrases related to: have i got a deal for you Page #40

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like a moth to a flameIt’s an expression that indicates you’re drawn to something that will harm youRate it:

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like, whoa!Slow down; stop; you are going too fast.Rate it:

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lingua promptum esseto have a ready tongue.Rate it:

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litteras scireto have received a liberal education.Rate it:

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litteris leviter imbutum or tinctum esseto have received a superficial education.Rate it:

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live beyond one's meansHave a lifestyle where one's spending regularly exceeds one's income.Rate it:

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live it upTo have a wonderful life; to live fully and have fun.Rate it:

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live largeTo have a lavish or overly-extravagant lifestyle.Rate it:

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live on the edgeTo have an adventurous or perilous lifestyle; to behave in a manner which creates risks for oneself.Rate it:

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LMGTFYInitialism of let me google that for you.Rate it:

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lo que digaswhatever you sayRate it:

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loaded languagelanguage using words, set phrases or idioms that have strong positive or negative connotations beyond their ordinary definitions.Rate it:

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lock onhave a missile track a targetRate it:

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locked in loveSomeone is obsessed with you that they ruin your life.Rate it:

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locos y niños dicen la verdadChildren and crazy people tell what's true, meaning they have no inhibition to express how they see things.Rate it:

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long forTo have a desire for; to yearn for; to crave for; to pine for; to hanker forRate it:

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long timeUsed as part of greeting of two people who have not been in contact for a long time.Rate it:

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long time no hearI haven't heard from you for a long time.Rate it:

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long time no seeI haven't seen you for a long time.Rate it:

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look upTo have a bright future.Rate it:

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loose endsLeftover items that have not been addressed or attended to.Rate it:

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lose the plotTo have one's results decline severely in quality or suddenly fall below an acceptable standard, especially when compared to past excellence.Rate it:

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lose touchTo cease to be familiar with someone or something or to cease to communicate or have contact.Rate it:

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luck outTo have run out of luck.Rate it:

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macte virtute (esto or te esse iubeo)good luck to you.Rate it:

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mad moneyMoney set aside to have fun with; or money carried to satisfy a mugger if someone gets mugged.Rate it:

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magistratus vitio creatimagistrates elected irregularly (i.e. either when the auspices have been unfavourable or when some formality has been neglected).Rate it:

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magna auctoritas alicuius est apud aliquemto have great influence with a person; to have considerable weight.Rate it:

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magna est exspectatio ingenii tuiwe expect a great deal from a man of your calibre.Rate it:

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magna me spes tenet (with Acc. c. Inf.) (Tusc. 1. 41. 97)I have great hopes that...Rate it:

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magna sibi proponere or magna spectareto have a high object in view; to be ambitious.Rate it:

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magnam vim habere ad aliquidto have considerable influence on a question.Rate it:

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magnas pecunias ex aliqua re (e.g. ex metallis) facereto have a large income from a thing (e.g. from mines).Rate it:

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magnum usum in aliqua re habereto have had great experience in a thing.Rate it:

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maintenant, à nous deux!Now I will settle with you; Now is the time for a private explanation; Now to business.Rate it:

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make a meal ofThat is the eleventh edit that you have made to that word, you are really making a meal of it.Rate it:

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make all the differenceTo be a crucial or deciding factor; to have a very significant effect.Rate it:

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make an example ofHe made an example of the drunken sailor with twenty lashes, to show that he must have a sober crew.Rate it:

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make itTo have sex.Rate it:

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make lovehave sexRate it:

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make no apologiesTo believe that what you have done is acceptable.Rate it:

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make no bones aboutTo see no difficulty in, have no objection to.Rate it:

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make the world go roundto have a crucial role in keeping things working as they shouldRate it:

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make yourself prettyimprove the way you look i.e. get dressed (especially in something nicer than what you are already wearing), put on makeup, brush your hair, brush your teeth, etc; connotes that you are not pretty enough at this moment and that you should improve the way you look; an insult sometimes used intentionally (or unintentionally) to make someone feel inferiorRate it:

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me gustasI like you; I fancy you.Rate it:

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meae vitae rationes ab ineunte aetate susceptae (Imp. Pomp. 1. 1.)the principles which I have followed since I came to man's estate.Rate it:

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mean the world toTo be loved or cared about a great deal by.Rate it:

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meet withTo have a meeting with (someone).Rate it:

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melt downTo have a breakdown; to collapse or fail utterly.Rate it:

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memorem esse (opp. obliviosum esse)to have a good memory.Rate it:

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People with light blond hair are also known as...
A pool babies
B sister golden hair
C sunlight children
D towheaded