
Phrases related to: on the one hand Page #42

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booze canA nightclub or bar, especially one which operates illegally or is otherwise disreputable.Rate it:

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Born YesterdayOne who is immature and not experienced, one who does not know a lot of tricks or statements that people use to fool othersRate it:

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borrowed timeA period of time whose precise duration is not known but which can be expected to be quite limited, and at the end of which one's situation, benefits, or opportunities will be entirely terminated.Rate it:

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bottom feederA person who operates amidst or thrives on the unwholesome things in a society; one who takes advantage of the misfortune of others.Rate it:

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bounce off the wallsTo be overly active relative to the enclosed space in which one is.Rate it:

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bow and scrapeTo make a deep bow with the right leg drawn back (thus scraping the floor), left hand pressed across the abdomen, right arm held aside.Rate it:

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brain candyA narrative, commentary, etc. which amuses and holds one's attention, but which lacks intellectual depth or importance.Rate it:

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bread and butterThat which is central or fundamental, as to one's business, survival, or income; a staple or cornerstone.Rate it:

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break coverto disclose one's real thoughts and intentions.Rate it:

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break ranksTo publicly disagree with one's own group or organization.Rate it:

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break the bankTo exhaust one's financial resources.Rate it:

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break the buckFall below the value of one dollar per share.Rate it:

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break withTo divulge one's secrets, thoughts or intentions, to discuss something with somebody.Rate it:

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brick and mortarBuildings and property for the conduct of business, particularly in the sale of retail goods to the general public. (Used to contrast an Internet-based sales operation that lacks customer-oriented store fronts and a "traditional" one for which most capital investment might be in the building infrastructure.) [since the mid-1990s]Rate it:

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bridgeA prosthesis replacing one or several adjacent teeth.Rate it:

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bridgeAn edge which, if removed, changes a connected graph to one that is not connected.Rate it:

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bright young thingOne who is youthful, clever, eager, and high-spirited in manner and attractive in appearance.Rate it:

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bring it onUsed to indicate one's willingness to accept a challenge, confront a threat, etc.Rate it:

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brown bagA short presentation or seminar on a given subject, especially one given at lunchtime.Rate it:

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brown-noserAlternative spelling of brown noser. (one who flatters others in an obsequious manner.)Rate it:

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brownnoseOne who brownnoses; one who sucks up; a bootlicker, ass-kisser, sycophant.Rate it:

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brûler la chandelle par les deux boutsburn one's candle at both ends, or both )Rate it:

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brush downTo straighten up one's clothes and to tidy up one's appearance.Rate it:

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bum rapA false accusation, or an injustice, especially one that leads to imprisonment.Rate it:

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bump in the roadA setback or obstacle, especially one which is relatively minor.Rate it:

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bun fightA formal party or other social gathering, especially one at which food is served.Rate it:

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bun fightAn altercation, especially one which is chaotic, not terribly serious, or outright ridiculous.Rate it:

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bundle of energyOne who is especially lively, continually active, or industrious.Rate it:

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business before pleasureAn admonishment that discharging one's obligations must take precedence over devoting time to pursuits meant solely for one's own gratification.Rate it:

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bust a gutTo laugh vehemently or uncontrollably; Any reaction (to some news or a sudden change) which is furious, violent, or of an extreme nature; Also one of many similar euphemisms meaning to highly exert oneselfRate it:

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but thenThen again, on the other hand; used to show that the opposite viewpoint is possible.Rate it:

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by any stretch of the imaginationby any means; in any sense; regardless of how one puts or considers itRate it:

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by the wayIncidentally; a parenthetical statement not timely, central, or crucial to the topic at hand; foregone, passed by, something that has already happened.Rate it:

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c'est à qui le feraThey all wish to do it; They vie with one another to do it. Rate it:

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c'est bien le cas de le direOne may indeed say so.Rate it:

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c'est ceci, c'est celaIt is sometimes one thing, sometimes another.Rate it:

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c'est entendu, à la charge d'autant (or, de revanche)I will do the same for you; One good turn deserves another.Rate it:

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c'est la faim qui épouse la soifThey are both very poor; It is one beggar marrying another.Rate it:

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c'est le secret de polichinelleIt is an open secret; Every one knows it.Rate it:

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c'est sa tarte à la crèmeIt is his one constant objection.Rate it:

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c'est simple comme bonjourIt is as easy as kiss your hand.Rate it:

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c'est tout un ou tout autreIt is either one thing or the other.Rate it:

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c'est un des gros bonnets (or, légumes) de l'endroitHe is one of the bigwigs of the place.Rate it:

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c'est un homme comme il en fautHe is one of the right sort.Rate it:

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c'est un homme que j'ai dans la mainHe is a man I hold in the hollow of my hand, i.e. I can make him do what I like.Rate it:

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c'est une fine moucheHe is a sly dog, a deep one.Rate it:

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café para todosone size fits all; everyone should be treated exactly the sameRate it:

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cala-te, bocaSaid when one is making a malicious statement or badmouthing someone.Rate it:

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calamitatibus defungito come to the end of one's troubles.Rate it:

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call it a nightTo cease what one has been doing for the night.Rate it:

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Don't steal my _________ !
A money
B lightening
C noise
D thunder