
Phrases related to: as all get-out Page #45

Yee yee! We've found 3,543 phrases and idioms matching as all get-out.

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hospital passA throw that stays in the air long enough that it allows too many people to get underneath it, increasing the risk of injury and a trip to the hospital. Thus, a hospital pass.Rate it:

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hot to trotEager to begin; anxious to get going.Rate it:

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how do you pronounce this wordPlease say this word out loud so that I can learn how it is pronounced.Rate it:

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how rude!something said to emphasize or point out that someone has just said or done something rudeRate it:

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how's thatUsed to make an appeal to the umpire if the batsman is out or notRate it:

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howl outTo shout or cheer.Rate it:

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hulk outTo become enraged in an imposing or intimidating manner.Rate it:

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hulk outTo gain significant muscle mass from exercise.Rate it:

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hunt outTo track down; to find after searching for a whileRate it:

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hush moneyMoney given to buy silence, get someone to 'take the fifth'.Rate it:

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I see what you did thereAn expression used to point out that another person's joke has been understood, either to praise its cleverness or to clearly communicate a lack of amusement at it.Rate it:

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i've been robbedI should have gotten something that I didn't getRate it:

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idiot mittensMittens connected by yarn or string running through one sleeve, along the back and out the other sleeve of a coat, to prevent the mittens becoming lost. Generally worn by small children.Rate it:

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if the shoe fitsMore common version of the original "If the shoe fits, wear it"; If it has all of the characteristics of a thing, it probably is that thing.Rate it:

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if you can't take it, don't dish it outdon't say or do something you wouldn't want said or done to youRate it:

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il a été mis à la porte par les oreilles et les deux épaulesHe was turned out ignominiously, neck and crop.Rate it:

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il a eu le malheur de se brouiller avec la justiceHe was unfortunate enough to fall out with justice (i.e. to be punished by imprisonment, fine, etc.).Rate it:

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il a éventé (or, vendu) la mècheHe has let the cat out of the bag; He has blown the gaff.Rate it:

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il a fait jouer tous les ressortsHe used all the means in his power.Rate it:

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il a fait la noce toute la semaineHe has had a high old time of it all the week; He has been on the spree all the week.Rate it:

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il a jeté tout son feu1. His anger is over now. 2. He has used up all his ideas.Rate it:

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il a le visage défaitHe has a pale, worn-out look.Rate it:

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il a mis son bonnet de traversHe is in a bad temper; He got out of bed the wrong side.Rate it:

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il buvait à même la bouteilleHe was drinking out of the bottle itself.Rate it:

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il connaît paris comme sa pocheHe knows Paris perfectly; He knows all the ins and outs of Paris; His knowledge of Paris is extensive and peculiar.Rate it:

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il cria à pleine gorgeHe cried out as loud as he could.Rate it:

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il découvrit bientôt le pot aux rosesHe soon found out the secret.Rate it:

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il dépensa toute sa semaineHe spent all his week’s wages (or, pocket-money).Rate it:

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il est hors d'affaireHe is out of danger.Rate it:

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il est perdu sans retourHe is past all hope.Rate it:

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il est sur le pavéHe is out of work.Rate it:

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il est toujours tiré à quatre épinglesHe always looks as if he came out of a band-box.Rate it:

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il était tout choseHe was out of sorts; out of spirits; cast down.Rate it:

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il fait honneur à ses affaires (comm.)He meets all his engagements.Rate it:

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il faut placer le clocher au milieu du villageWhat is meant for the benefit of all should be within reach of all.Rate it:

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il faut se soumettre ou se démettreOne must knuckle under or clear out.Rate it:

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il gagna mille francs tout d'un coupHe won £40 at one shot, all at once, at one “go.”Rate it:

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il marche à quatre pattesHe walks on all-fours.Rate it:

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il n'a jamais perdu son clocher de vueHe has never been out of his parish.Rate it:

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il n'a pas fait une panse d'a aujourd'huiHe has not done a stroke all day.Rate it:

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il n'a pas gagné cela en disant son chapeletHe did not get that for nothing.Rate it:

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il n'a qu'à se baisser pour en prendreHe has only to stoop and pick it up; He has merely to ask for it to get it.Rate it:

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il n'est de dévotion que de jeune prêtreEnthusiasm wears out in time; New brooms sweep clean. Rate it:

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il n'est pas dans son assietteHe is not in his normal state of mind; He is out of sorts; He is not up to the mark.Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de quoidon't mention it, not at all, think nothing of it, you're welcomeRate it:

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il n'y a rien à redire à celaThere is no fault to be found with that; That is quite all right.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas dire vos affaires au tiers et au quartYou must not tell your business to all the world, to everybody.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas se moquer des chiens (or, du loup) avant qu'on ne soit hors du boisDo not holloa before you are out of the wood.Rate it:

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il ne manquait plus que cela!That crowns all! That is the last straw!Rate it:

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il ne se laisse pas manger la laine sur le dosHe is not the man to let himself be made a fool of; He will not allow people to take the food out of his mouth; He will not tamely submit to any imposition.Rate it:

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He fought tooth and __________ to get that job.
A fist
B hair
C gum
D nail