
Phrases related to: Chew Someone Out Page #47

Yee yee! We've found 3,393 phrases and idioms matching Chew Someone Out.

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bend over backwardsTo go all out for someone who fails to show appreciation.Rate it:

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best of luckUsed to express hopes that someone does well in a new endeavor.Rate it:

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BIBObulk in/bags out ; designates a type of bulk carrier that takes in bulk cargo, and is equipped to bag it, to provide bagged cargo for disembarkmentRate it:

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big daddySomething or someone of importance.Rate it:

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big gunSomeone who is powerful or influential most often in plural form.Rate it:

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big mouthThe mouth of someone who talks too much, especially by making exaggerated claims or by inappropriately revealing information.Rate it:

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bind overTo compel someone to do, or abstain from, a particular act.Rate it:

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bitch goddessSomeone, specifically a woman, who has such success; a rich and/or famous woman.Rate it:

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black marksomething that negatively affects someone's reputationRate it:

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blast from the pastSomething or someone that a person has not seen for a long time and that which evokes nostalgic feelings.Rate it:

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bless youSaid to someone who has just sneezed, as a polite remark.Rate it:

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Blessing in DisguiseAn event or opportunity that seems to be blessing in the beginning, but later turns out to be a problemRate it:

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blindA covering for a window to keep out light. The covering may be made of cloth or of narrow slats that can block light or allow it to pass.Rate it:

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blow smokeTo speak with a lack of credibility, sense, purpose, or truth; to speak nonsense; to deliberately confuse or mislead someone in order to deceive themRate it:

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blow to kingdom comeTo totally destroy; to wipe outRate it:

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blow uponTo defame, discredit; make someone the subject of a scandal.Rate it:

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blue-eyed boySomeone's favourite, especially a young one.Rate it:

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bon an mal anyear in, year outRate it:

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bon an, mal anyear in, year outRate it:

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boo boo(or Boo, for short) a term of endearment; something you call a loved one/someone you care about; See also other definitions of "boo boo" and "Boo Boo"Rate it:

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bossy boots or bossybootsSomeone that bosses others. Someone that is very bossy. A person who often tells other people what to doRate it:

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bounce offto test (ideas) on someoneRate it:

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bourrer le crâneto fill someone's head with nonsenseRate it:

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brain surgeonSomeone very intelligent.Rate it:

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brain surgeonSomeone who does brain surgery.Rate it:

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brainiacSomeone who seems to know facts and trivia about everything.Rate it:

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bravo! you aced it! congrats!Used to congratulate someone informally who accomplished an achievement.Rate it:

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break free fromget out ofRate it:

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breed in the boneTo establish or ingrain firmly within someone's nature.Rate it:

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bring to heelTo force someone to obey.Rate it:

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bring up againstTo cause someone to have to solve a problem or deal with an issue.Rate it:

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broken recordSomeone or something that constantly repeats itself, causing annoyance.Rate it:

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brownnoseTo flatter someone (especially a superior) in an obsequious manner, and to support their every opinionRate it:

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budge upTo move or scoot over in order to make room for someone, especially when sitting.Rate it:

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Bug OffTo avoid bothering someone, to leave someone alone, go awayRate it:

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bump intoTo meet someone by chance.Rate it:

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bundle of laughsSomething or someone very funny or fun.Rate it:

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bundle offTo send someone away quickly and without fussingRate it:

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busy beaverSomeone who is very busy or hard-working.Rate it:

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busy little beaverSomeone who has completed or accomplished many tasks or works.Rate it:

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but for the grace of GodWere it not for God's help, someone could have suffered that outcome.Rate it:

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butt headsTo argue uncompromisingly with someone.Rate it:

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butter cupA term of affection Or endearment for someone you like Buttercups are a large genus of flowering plants called Ranunculus. It has yellow, shiny petals, and grows wild in many places. It is poisonous to eat for humans and cattle, but when dry the poison is not active.Rate it:

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by farout and awayRate it:

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by george, i think she's got itan expression used to express surprise or satisfaction when someone finally understands or accomplishes something; See also "By Jove, I think he's got it"Rate it:

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by jove, i think he's got itan expression used to express surprise or satisfaction when someone finally understands or accomplishes something; see also "By George, I think she's got it"Rate it:

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bystander effectThat someone is less likely to help another if other potential helpers are present than otherwise.Rate it:

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c'est le dernier criIt is the last thing out.Rate it:

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c'est son affaireThat is his business, his look-out.Rate it:

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cala-te, bocaSaid when one is making a malicious statement or badmouthing someone.Rate it:

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_______ out a living.
A break
B eke
C fake
D make