
Phrases related to: have i got a deal for you Page #48

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suit yourselfDo whatever you want to do.Rate it:

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summa gloria florereto have reached the highest pinnacle of eminence.Rate it:

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super duperSomething you regard as excellentRate it:

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swift retreatTo back off quickly/A place you can go to quickly to recover or escape from stress.Rate it:

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SYSInitialism of see you soon.Rate it:

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take a back seatTo be second to someone or something; to be less important or have a lower priority.Rate it:

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take matters into one's own handsTo deal with a problem alone, because others responsible have failed to deal with it.Rate it:

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take onTo begin to have or exhibit.Rate it:

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take the pissAre you takin' the piss? You'll get yer 'ead bashed in.Rate it:

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take things as they comeTo accept and deal with events as they occur, with a composed state of mind.Rate it:

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take this job and shove ita way of telling your boss that you are quitting your job; something people say before they quit their job or about quitting their jobRate it:

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talk atTo speak with; to have a conversation with.Rate it:

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talk out of turnTo make a remark or provide information when it is inappropriate or indiscreet to do so, or when one does not have permission or the authority to do so.Rate it:

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TANSTAAFLThere ain't no such thing as a free lunch; something advertised as being "free" will invariably have hidden costs.Rate it:

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tanto faz como tanto fezused to indicate that something doesn’t make a difference; tomayto, tomahto; big deal; whateverRate it:

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te amoI love youRate it:

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te amoI love youRate it:

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te echo de menosI miss you.Rate it:

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te quieroI love you; I care about you.Rate it:

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te quiero como la trucha al truchoI love you so much.Rate it:

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te valere iubeoI bid you good-bye, take my leave.Rate it:

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tel grain, tel painWhat you sow, you must mow.Rate it:

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telephone tagA situation in which a person unsuccessfully attempts to contact another person by telephone and leaves a message instead, and in which the second person then unsuccessfully attempts to return the initial call and leaves a message for the first person, and so on as if the two are playing a game of tag in which the most recent person to have been left with a message is now designated as "it" (i.e. as the player now obliged to chase the other and to attempt anew to make contact).Rate it:

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tell it to sweeneyI do not believe what you said.Rate it:

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tell it to the judgeI do not believe what you said.Rate it:

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tell it to the marinesI do not believe what you said.Rate it:

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tempus habere alicui reito have time for a thing.Rate it:

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tempus mihi deest ad aliquid faciendumI have no time to do something.Rate it:

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tenez-vous-en làStop there, go no further in the matter; Be satisfied with what you have already obtained.Rate it:

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tengo una preguntaI have a questionRate it:

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tenho uma perguntaI have a questionRate it:

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tenir le haut boutTo have the whip hand.Rate it:

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tenir le loup par la queueTo have hold of the sow by the wrong ear.Rate it:

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tenir le loup par les oreillesTo be in a critical situation; To have caught a Tartar.Rate it:

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thankuAlternative spelling of thank youRate it:

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thankyousomuchEquivalent to, eg: "Thank you very much", self-evidently an expression of great thanks.Rate it:

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That's the Way the Ball BouncesThat’s what life really is or that’s what the life is all about; fate; you may not be able to change certain things in your lifeRate it:

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the damage is doneThe harm has occurred, and nothing can be done to prevent it now; it might have been preventable, but cannot be prevented retroactively.Rate it:

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the deck is stacked against meI don't have a chanceRate it:

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the enemy of my enemy is my friendAlthough I dislike and/or disagree with you, for the time being we should work together against a common threat.Rate it:

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the hand that rocks the cradle rules the worldWomen, particularly mothers, have a decisive influence on the future direction of society because they raise and nurture the next generation.Rate it:

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the heart wants what the heart wantsthere is no explanation for what you fall in love withRate it:

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the jig is upAn expression used to mean "We have been caught out and have no defence", or if spoken to a person who's just been found out as the perpetrator of an offense, it means "You've been discovered.".Rate it:

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the manThe person who controls things; the person who got things done.Rate it:

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the manYou’re the man!.Rate it:

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the shoe is on the other footThe roles of people in a situation have been reversed, such the advantage has shifted to a party which was previously disadvantaged.Rate it:

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there we goWe have performed an action successfully.Rate it:

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there's no accounting for tasteWhen it comes to subjective matters of taste, people have wildly different opinions.Disagreements about matters of taste can't be objectively resolved.Rate it:

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think the world ofTo have a good opinion; to esteem; to admire.Rate it:

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those who can't use their head must use their backif you do not think, you will take the consequencesRate it:

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He fought tooth and __________ to get that job.
A hair
B nail
C fist
D gum