
Phrases related to: hold one's water Page #48

Yee yee! We've found 4,254 phrases and idioms matching hold one's water.

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chou pour chouTaking one thing with another.Rate it:

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city slickerOne accustomed to a city or urban lifestyle or unsuited to life in the country.Rate it:

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claim to fameThat for which one has bragging rights; one's reason for being well-known or famous.Rate it:

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clavum rei publicae tenereto hold the reins of government.Rate it:

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cling onTo hold on very tightly; to grip hardRate it:

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cling onTo hold on tightlyRate it:

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cling toTo remain by side; to refuse to leave the company of someone to whom one has an intense emotional attachment.Rate it:

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clock outTo end work; to officially record a time when one terminates a period of work.Rate it:

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clutch artistA person who drives a motor vehicle, especially one equipped with a manual transmission, in a particularly skillful manner.Rate it:

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cock a snookTo spread one hand, place the thumb on the nose and wriggle some of the fingers as a gesture of disrespect.Rate it:

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coercere, cohibere, continere, domitas habere cupiditatesto overcome one's passions.Rate it:

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cogere omnes copias in unum locumto concentrate all the troops at one point.Rate it:

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cogitationem, animum in aliquid intendere (Acad. 4. 46)to direct one's attention...Rate it:

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colloquendi copiam facere, dareto give audience to some one.Rate it:

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colloqui cum aliquo per litterasto correspond with some one.Rate it:

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colto con le mani nel saccocaught with one's hand in the cookie jar, caught in the cookie jar, caught raiding the cookie jarRate it:

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come fromTo have as one's birthplace or nationality.Rate it:

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come fromTo derive one's opinion or argument from; to take as a conceptual starting point.Rate it:

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come of ageTo reach a specific age where one is legally considered to be an adult.Rate it:

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come onTo get one's period, start menstruating.Rate it:

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come overTo change one's position or location, especially to someone's place of residence; to come by.Rate it:

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come rain or come shineIt doesn’t matter what the circumstances are or whatever happens; whatsoever the conditions or the weather is; it's most commonly used to say that an event still happen (will not be canceled) even if it rains; See also, "rain or shine"Rate it:

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come roundTo change one's opinion.Rate it:

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come throughNot to let somebody down, keep one's promise.Rate it:

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come to a sticky endTo die unpleasantly due to one's actions.Rate it:

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come to JesusTo experience or display a conversion or recommitment to Christianity or to undergo a related ritual, especially public confession of one's sins or weaknesses.Rate it:

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come to mindTo appear in one's thoughts.Rate it:

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come unhingedTo become angered or crazy; to lose control of one's senses or sanity.Rate it:

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Come Up Smelling Like a RoseTo come out of any embarrassing situation in a careful manner, without hurting one’s pride, reputation and integrityRate it:

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comitia habereto hold a meeting of the people.Rate it:

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command performanceA task, activity, or other assignment which one undertakes in order to satisfy someone in authority, such as an employer.Rate it:

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commeare ad aliquemto go in and out of any one's house; to visit frequently.Rate it:

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common lawOne of two legal systems in England and in the United States before 1938 (the other being equity).Rate it:

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concilium indicere, habere, dimittereto fix the day for, to hold, to dismiss a meeting.Rate it:

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condicere alicui (ad cenam)to invite oneself to some one's house for dinner.Rate it:

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confidere alicui (but aliqua re)to put confidence in some one.Rate it:

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confugere ad aliquem or ad opem, ad fidem alicuiusto fly to some one for refuge.Rate it:

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coniecturam alicuius rei facere or capere ex aliqua reto infer by comparison, judge one thing by another.Rate it:

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conjure up  To generate (an image or an idea) in one's mind.Rate it:

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connect upTo join to a network or supply - of water, electricity, Internet etc.Rate it:

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conscientia recte factorum erigito congratulate oneself on one's clear conscience.Rate it:

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consequi, assequi aliquemto catch some one up.Rate it:

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considere alicubi (Att. 5. 14. 1)to take up one's abode in a place, settle down somewhere.Rate it:

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consilia cum aliquo communicare(1) to communicate one's plans to some one; (2) to make common cause with a person. Similarly c. causam, rationem.Rate it:

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consilium habere, convocareto hold a council of war.Rate it:

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consilium, sententiam mutareto alter one's views, intentions.Rate it:

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consistere in monteto take up one's position on a mountain.Rate it:

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conspirare cum aliquo (contra aliquem)to conspire with some one.Rate it:

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contendere cum aliquo de principatu (Nep. Arist. 1)to contend with some one for the pre-eminence.Rate it:

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contendere et laborare, utto strain every nerve, do one's utmost in a matter.Rate it:

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What's good for the goose is good for the _____.
A duck
B gaggle
C gravy
D gander