
Phrases related to: T'ien-ngan-men Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 283 phrases and idioms matching T'ien-ngan-men.

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la richesse rend honnêteRich men have no faults.Rate it:

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les hommes ne se mesurent pas à l'auneMen are not to be judged by their size.Rate it:

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les soldats de la garde étaient tous triés sur le voletThe soldiers of the Guard were all picked men.Rate it:

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less is moreThat which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated; simplicity is preferable to complexity; brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity.1855, Robert Browning, "Men and Women":Well, less is more, Lucrezia: I am judged.1954, "'Less Is More'," Time, 14 Jun.:The essence of Mies's architectural philosophy is in his famous and sometimes derided phrase, "Less is more." This means, he says, having "the greatest effect with the least means."2007, Gia Kourlas, "Dance Review: An Ordered World Defined With Soothing Spareness," New York Times, 3 Mar. (retrieved 22 Oct. 2008):The program, which features two premieresRate it:

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little engine that could (the)a reference to a children's story about an engine that tried even when he didn't think he could succeedRate it:

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Lord only knowsAlternative form of God knows, in sense of something unknown to mortal men.Rate it:

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M4MAbbreviation of men for men. or males for malesRate it:

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man among menA man who is accepted on the same terms, and as having the same worth, as other men in society.Rate it:

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mener les gens à la baguetteTo rule men with a rod of iron; To be a martinet.Rate it:

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milites coercere et in officio continere (B. C. 1. 67. 4)to keep good discipline amongst one's men.Rate it:

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milites disciplina coercereto keep good discipline amongst one's men.Rate it:

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morning woodIdiomatic phrase referring to a man's erection upon awakening.Rate it:

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morte la bête, mort le veninDead dogs cannot bite; Dead men tell no tales.Rate it:

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multi viri docti, or multi et ii docti (not multi docti)many learned men; many scholars.Rate it:

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natura in omnium animis notionem dei impressit (N. D. 1. 16. 43)Nature has implanted in all men the idea of a God.Rate it:

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negotiatores (Verr. 2. 69. 168)business-men.Rate it:

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negotii bene gerentes (Quint. 19. 62)good men of business.Rate it:

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news to methis is the first time I have heard that; something said after someone just told you something you didn't know before; often said like this: "That's news to me", "It's news to me" or for short, "News to me"Rate it:

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no time like the presentA shortened form of there's no time like the present; Now (i.e., the present time) is an appropriate time to take a particular action.Rate it:

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nostri circiter centum cecideruntabout a hundred of our men fell.Rate it:

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not worth a hill of beanssomething is of no value; worthless; also said like this:didn't amount to a hill of beansRate it:

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oh, ye of little faithPointing out one's lack of faith; people sometimes leave the "O" or "Oh" out of the saying when they say itRate it:

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olly olly oxen freeA call in a children's game to say that players in hiding are free to come out.Rate it:

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omnes docti, quivis doctus, doctissimus quisqueall learned men.Rate it:

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on all foursOn one's hands and knees.Rate it:

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on le tenait à quatreIt needed four men to hold him down.Rate it:

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on le tient à quatreIt needs four men to hold him down.Rate it:

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on the down-low(of a male) Publicly identifying as heterosexual but secretly having sex with other men.Rate it:

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on the down-lowPublicly identifying as heterosexual but secretly having sex with other men.Rate it:

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open mouth, insert footsaid when someone just said something they shouldn't have saidRate it:

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over/underAlso expressed as over-under; In sports betting, a sportsbook predicts the combined teams' score for a certain game. In an over/under bet, people bet on whether the combined teams' score will be more than (over) or less than (under) the sportsbook's predicted total combined score of the gameRate it:

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Peter Pan syndromeThe supposed psychological phenomenon of immaturity among some men and women, who, like the fictional character, remain childish and fail to assume appropriate adult social roles and responsibilities.Rate it:

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pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over againdon't quit. keep tryingRate it:

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pigeon-toedTo stand, walk, or carry the feet in such a way that the toes of each foot face toward each other and the knees also turn inward toward each other--like a pigeon's toes.Rate it:

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pot, meet kettleUsed to draw attention to hypocrisy; a reference to the saying, "pot calling the kettle black" (see under another entry: "pot calling the kettle black"; it's the same as saying, "that's true of YOU" (and mayor may not be true of me, or not as much)Rate it:

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pull a trainTo have sex with several men one after the other.Rate it:

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put not your trust in princesA warning that men of power and influence can be just as fickle and unreliable as the rest of us.Rate it:

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put outWhen someone is feels "put out". It means they did something they didn't want to do and now they feel "put out" about being taken advantage of after they did it (begrudgingly).Rate it:

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quand les voleurs se battent, les larcins se découvrentWhen thieves fall out, honest men get their own.Rate it:

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quand on compte sur les souliers d'un mort on risque de marcher pieds nusIt’s an ill thing to wait for dead men’s shoes; He pulls with a long rope that waits for another’s death.Rate it:

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qui arma ferre possunt or iuventusmen of military age.Rate it:

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qui ista profitenturmen of that profession.Rate it:

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qui per aetatem arma ferre non possunt or aetate ad bellum inutilesmen exempt from service owing to age.Rate it:

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quot homines, tot sententiaemany men, many minds.Rate it:

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rain or shineIt doesn’t matter what the circumstances are or whatever happens; whatsoever the conditions or the weather is; it's most commonly used to say that an event still happen (will not be canceled) even if it rains; See also, come rain or come shineRate it:

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raise cainTo cause trouble; to behave in a disruptive manner; to make a problem; the phrase is actually "raise Cain" since Cain is a person's nameRate it:

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real men don't eat quiche(aphorism, humorous) The stereotypical man does not do things that are considered effeminate, as to do so would imply they are effeminate.Rate it:

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rice queenA non-Asian man who is mostly attracted to East Asian men.Rate it:

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scaredy cata children's word for a person who is easily frightenedRate it:

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shut the front door!An exclamation of shock and/or disbelief; like saying, "No! Really?!" or "No way!" or "I don't believe it"Rate it:

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