
Phrases related to: bon-air Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 246 phrases and idioms matching bon-air.

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il a un faux air d'avocatHe looks something like a barrister.Rate it:

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il en a l'air et la chansonHe looks it every inch; He has both the appearance and the actuality.Rate it:

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il en dansera en l'airHe will swing for it.Rate it:

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il parle en l'airHe talks without thinking of what he is saying, at random, not seriously.Rate it:

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il prend un air capableHe puts on a bumptious look.Rate it:

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il tomba les quatre fers en l'air(lit.) He fell on his back; (fig.) He was struck all of a heap.Rate it:

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into thin airImmediately and inexplicably out of sight.Rate it:

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je vais prendre l'air du bureauI am just going to look in at the office.Rate it:

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keep your feet on the groundmaintain a sense of composure, refuse to get all up in the air over any reversal.Rate it:

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kick upInto the air while running or walking or driving.Rate it:

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knock the wind out of (someone)Temporary interruption in normal breathing due to a sudden impact or force to the abdomen, causing the diaphragm to spasm and contract. This causes the lungs to temporarily fail to draw in air, leaving the afflicted with the sensation of being momentarily unable to catch their breath. Typically occurring in sporting events or through an accidental fall, the situation can seem frightening but usually resolves itself within a matter of minutesRate it:

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l'argent n'a pas d'odeurPour une personne peu scrupuleuse, tout argent est bon à prendre, quelle que soit sa provenance ou les moyens employés pour l'obtenir.Rate it:

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les bons marchés ruinentOn dépense trop d’argent lorsque, tenté par le bon marché, on achète des choses dont on n’a pas besoin.Rate it:

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lighter than airReference; Aircraft which maintain 'lift' because of 'gasses', 'hot vapors', 'heated air'; e.g. Blimps, Dirigibles, 'Hot-Air' Balloons: Able to lift objects, beings with weight greater than the Aircraft itself:Rate it:

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mais c'est bien sûrVariante de bon sang, mais c’est bien sûrRate it:

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nose in the airThe body language most of us have experienced when a friend passes you in public and with head tilted back and nose in the air gives you a first class snub!Rate it:

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on the airbroadcasting usually over radio waves or on live televisionRate it:

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out of thin airFrom non-existent resources.Rate it:

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pas malPlutôt bon ou de bonne qualité.Rate it:

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prendre un air de feuTo go near the fire for a few minutes to warm oneself.Rate it:

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que aprovechebon appétit, enjoy your mealRate it:

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qui se sent morveux se moucheQue ceux qui reconnaissent en eux le défaut, le tort dont on parle, s’appliquent ce qu’on en dit, si bon leur semble.Rate it:

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qui veut faire l'ange fait la bêteCelui qui veut être trop bon finit, sans même le vouloir, par avoir des côtés mauvais.Rate it:

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s'y prendre comme un mancheÊtre maladroit, s’y prendre maladroitement, faire quelque chose en dépit du bon sens.Rate it:

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sign onThe time of day when a radio or television station begins broadcasting, usually after being off the air for several hours.Rate it:

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skoffedDo sartastically whistle air out of your mouth and look awayRate it:

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standard fareThe usual price for travel by air, rail, or another means of transport.Rate it:

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stick 'em upPut your hands in the air !Rate it:

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sub divoin the open air.Rate it:

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take a breathTo inhale and subsequently exhale air.Rate it:

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take aloftTo successfully fly into the air.Rate it:

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take offTo leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air.Rate it:

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tel qui rit vendredi dimanche pleureraIl y a beaucoup de bon moment mais il y a aussi les mauvais.Rate it:

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thin airAn unknown location.Rate it:

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top edgeA deflection of a ball off of the top edge of a bat, into the air and potentially for a catch.Rate it:

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toujours benSe dit pour corriger une réalité perçue comme contraire au bon sens.Rate it:

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troun de l'airTonnerre.Rate it:

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troun de l'airFemme dynamique.Rate it:

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turn the air blueTo speak a stream of bad language; to curse and swear.Rate it:

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up in the airWhen someone makes a comment that the other person’s answer is not the clear or definitive.Rate it:

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Up in the Air!Reference to situation, outlook, results as being; Uncertain, Questionable, Doubtful, Yet to be Determined, Resolved, Decided, Stated, Planned, Known, Ruled/ 'Go or No Go'!Rate it:

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ups-a-daisyAn exclamation made when encouraging a child to get up after a fall or when lifting a child into the air.Rate it:

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vultum componere ad severitatemto put on a stern air.Rate it:

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Walking on AirDelighted, feeling exhilarated, elated, ecstaticRate it:

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wash one's dirty linen in publicSynonym of air one's dirty laundry in publicRate it:

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請慢用Bon appétit!Rate it:

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