
Phrases related to: half a mind Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 266 phrases and idioms matching half a mind.

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loin des yeux, loin du cœurOut of sight, out of mind.Rate it:

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mal comune mezzo gaudioshared trouble is a half joyRate it:

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me da igualit doesn't matter; I don't mind; whateverRate it:

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mediocribus consiliis utito adopt half-measures.Rate it:

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mêlez-vous de vos affairesMind your own business.Rate it:

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memoria custodireto keep in mind.Rate it:

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memoriam alicuius rei repetereto recall to mind a thing or person.Rate it:

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memory like a sieveAlternative form of mind like a sieve.Rate it:

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mente captum esse, mente alienata esseto be out of one's mind.Rate it:

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mentis compotem esseto be of sane mind.Rate it:

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mihi in mentem venit alicuius reisomething comes into my mind.Rate it:

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mihi non constat (with indirect question)I have not made up my mind.Rate it:

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moitié figue, moitié raisin1. Partly willingly, partly by force. 2. Half one thing and half another. 3. Half in jest, half in earnest.Rate it:

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moving along at a snail's paceThe slow start of an agenda, the maintenance of a slothful effort, spending half a day to complete a two hour job.Rate it:

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MYOBInitialism of mind your own business.Rate it:

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ne faire ni une ni deuxTo make no bones about it; To make up one’s mind quickly.Rate it:

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ne vous gênez pas!Do not stand upon ceremony! Make yourself at home! Don’t mind me!Rate it:

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numquam ex animo meo memoria illius rei discedetthe memory of this will never fade from my mind.Rate it:

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omnem humanitatem ex animo exstirpare (Amic. 13. 48)to stifle, repress all humane sentiments in one's mind.Rate it:

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on est un sot“They-say-so” is half a liar.Rate it:

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on the brainObsessively in mind.Rate it:

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On the Tip of Your TongueAlmost remembered, almost but not quite brought to mind, unable to remember preciselyRate it:

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outside worldThe world external to the human mind.Rate it:

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over the river and through the woodsTo be lost.(idiomatic, figuratively) To lose one's mind.Rate it:

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over the river and through the woodsTo lose one's mind.Rate it:

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pays ruiné vaut mieux que pays perduHalf a loaf is better than no bread.Rate it:

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péché avoué est à demi pardonnéA fault confessed is half redressed.Rate it:

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praesenti animo uti (vid. sect. VI. 8, note uti...)to possess presence of mind.Rate it:

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qu'à cela ne tienneDo not let that be any objection; Never mind that.Rate it:

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quaerendum esse mihi visum estthe question has forced itself on my mind.Rate it:

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quieto, tranquillo, securo animo esseto enjoy peace of mind.Rate it:

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roll aroundto be considered, without much coherence, in someone's mindRate it:

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room-temperature IQA below-average IQ; by extension, a dull or unintelligent mind.Rate it:

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sanae mentis esseto be of sound mind.Rate it:

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satin (= satisne) sanus es?are you in your right mind?Rate it:

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se changer les idéesto start a new activity in order to change one's state of mind, to take a break from doing something boring or to escape from a displeasing situation.Rate it:

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se démener comme un diable dans un bénitierTo rush about half-mad.Rate it:

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se non è zuppa è pan bagnatosix of one, half a dozen of the otherRate it:

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semisses6 per cent (i.e. if for 100 denarii, asses, one pays half a denarius, half an as per month).Rate it:

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sevocare mentem a sensibus (De Nat. D. 3. 8. 21)to free one's mind from the influences of the senses.Rate it:

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she came in from the cold with her bold, brazen, out-spoken, take on the world positive attitude.Speaking her mind, daring to take on/face challenges, speaking up and speaking out, not staying shut to anyone, ready/willing to face whatever life/anyone dishes out to her.Rate it:

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si le cœur vous en ditIf you feel like it; If you have a mind to.Rate it:

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sink inBecome clear in one's mind.Rate it:

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skate one's laneTo mind one's own business; focus on one's own goals and tasks and not worry about what others are doing.Rate it:

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skinny rabbitan issue that has little significance to an outcome. The issue is not worth discussing. Outcome is 6 one and half dozen the other. There is no meat to the discussion.Rate it:

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spem falsam alicui ostendereto rouse a vain, groundless hope in some one's mind.Rate it:

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stew in one's juicesTo be alone and self-absorbed in an uncomfortable state of mind, especially while experiencing the unpleasant effects of one's own actions.Rate it:

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sticking-placeThe point at which a process or thing, especially a state of mind or emotion, reaches its greatest strength and remains steadfast; sticking point.Rate it:

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stuffPaper stock ground ready for use. When partly ground, it is called half stuff.Rate it:

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suspicionem ex animo delereto banish all feeling of prejudice from the mind.Rate it:

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