
Phrases related to: high value airborne asset protection Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 333 phrases and idioms matching high value airborne asset protection.

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grand poobahA person who is important or high-ranking.Rate it:

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have a lot of time forto hold in high esteem; to respectRate it:

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have the goodsHighly capable, skilled, proficient, or qualified in a particular pursuit or activity; possessing the necessary talents, abilities, experience, or resources to excel at something at a high level Not to be confused with ‘have the goods on’Rate it:

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hazard payAdditional compensation provided to employees who perform perilous or high-risk duties or work under considerable physical hardship or constraintsRate it:

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highflierA person who or a type of aircraft that flies at high elevations.Rate it:

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holeSolitary confinement, a high-security prison cell often used as punishment.Rate it:

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honores concupiscere (opp. aspernari)to aspire to dignity, high honours.Rate it:

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house poorIn financial difficulty because of the excessive cost of owning a house, or because the cost of home ownership forms too high a proportion of household income.Rate it:

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how's the weather up thereAsked to tall people or someone that is at a high vantage point, either literally or metaphorically.Rate it:

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hutch upto share a house or flat with another person, especially due to high rentsRate it:

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I have a feverIndicates that the speaker has an abnormally high body temperature, which is usually a symptom of a disease.Rate it:

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il a fait la noce toute la semaineHe has had a high old time of it all the week; He has been on the spree all the week.Rate it:

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il prête de l'argent à la petite semaineHe lends money for a short time at a high rate of interest.Rate it:

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ils en sont venus aux gros motsThey came to high words.Rate it:

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ils se sont dit de gros motsThey came to high words; They insulted (slanged) one another.Rate it:

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in altissimo dignitatis gradu collocatum, locatum, positum esseto occupy a very high position in the state.Rate it:

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in fidem recipere aliquem (B. G. 2. 15. 1)to take a person under one's protection.Rate it:

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in imperio esseto hold a high office (such as conferred imperium, i.e. consulatus, dictatura, praetura).Rate it:

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inner coreThe solid material found in the centre of some planets at extremely high temperature and pressure, distinct from the liquid outer core.(geology) The innermost part of the Earth, believed to be made of a nickel-iron alloy.Rate it:

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it's better to ask forgiveness than permissionThe value of acting promptly and making a mistake requiring forgiveness is greater than value of delaying to get permission.Rate it:

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it's too expensiveIndicates the speaker thinks that the price is too high.Rate it:

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j'ai une fièvre de chevalI am in a high fever.Rate it:

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Jet SetRepresenting people of high class, those who travel in a fashionable manner for pleasureRate it:

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jouer gros jeu(lit.) To play for high stakes; (fig.) To risk very much in an attempt.Rate it:

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jumpTo propel oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne.Rate it:

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killTo cause to assume the value zero.Rate it:

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lead outA race tactic, used to set up a rider for a sprint finish, in which one rider on a team will ride at a very high rate of speed with a teammate following directly behind in his slipstream thus enabling the following rider to gain speed without expending as much energy as he normally would. See drafting.Rate it:

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leave someone holding the bagTo remove the value from an article or arrangement and leave somebody holding the empty (or valueless) container.Rate it:

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les grands sont les plus exposés aux coups du sortHigh winds blow on high hills.Rate it:

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like the windquickly, at a high speed.Rate it:

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loca edita, superioraheights, high ground.Rate it:

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loose changeCoins of little value kept in one's pocket or bag.Rate it:

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low-downOf no value.Rate it:

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magna sibi proponere or magna spectareto have a high object in view; to be ambitious.Rate it:

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make a silk purse of a sow's earTo produce something refined, admirable, or valuable from something which is unrefined, unpleasant, or of little or no value.Rate it:

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man at armsa soldier of the High Medieval to Renaissance periodsRate it:

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Mary Celestea ship found empty of all people, in good condition, seemingly abandoned on the high seasRate it:

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mess of pottageSomething of trivial value, especially of immediate value.Rate it:

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money for old ropeMoney exchanged for goods of low value.Rate it:

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money's worthA good or service which is considered to be of a value equal to or greater than the amount of money expended for it.Rate it:

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monter sur ses grands chevauxTo ride the high horse.Rate it:

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muck aboutTo be playful; full of fun and high spirits.Rate it:

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multum alicui tribuereto value, esteem a person.Rate it:

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mur à hauteur d'appuiA wall breast high (so that one may lean against it).Rate it:

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Nilus praecipitat ex altissimis montibusthe Nile rushes down from very high mountains.Rate it:

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noblesse obligeThe honourable obligation that is the responsibility of those of high rank; in American English this often includes the expectation of benevolent actions such as helping those less fortunate.Rate it:

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nose bleed seatsVery high seats in a sports arena or stadium (known for making your nose bleed because of their elevation)Rate it:

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nosebleed seatA seat high in the back of bleachers, stands, or the balcony at a theater.Rate it:

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nosebleed sectionThe seats high in the back of bleachers, stands, or the balcony at a theater or stadium.Rate it:

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not worth a dimeWorthless, lacking in value.Rate it:

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A football game starts with a kick _______.
A out
B on
C up
D off