
Phrases related to: non-interactive zero-knowledge proof Page #5

Yee yee! We've found 291 phrases and idioms matching non-interactive zero-knowledge proof.

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cette preuve est amenée de bien loinThat proof is very far-fetched.Rate it:

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companyIn non-legal context, any business, without respect to incorporation.Rate it:

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de savoir vient avoirKnowledge is power.Rate it:

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des clousNon ; exprime un refus net.Rate it:

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des nèflesNon ; exprime un refus net.Rate it:

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doctrina exquisita, subtilis, eleganssound knowledge; scholarship.Rate it:

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don't think twice!In general; A strongly worded. forcefully delivered non-military admonishment to another individual of equal or unequal rank for immediate unquestionable immediate physical action, acceptance of proposal, signature of instant acceptance, 'second the motion'! 'jump the gap', 'sever the line', 'jump overboard'!, "BAIL-OUT!",Rate it:

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double-edged swordA benefit that is also a liability, or that carries some significant but non-obvious cost or risk.Rate it:

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exit stage leftTo exit or disappear in a quiet, non-dramatic fashion, making way for more interesting events.Rate it:

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false noteIn a non-verbal display or presentation, an indication of incongruity or inappropriateness.Rate it:

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fashion senseHaving a very good taste or knowledge in fashion or having a stunning peculiar style of dressing.Rate it:

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filter upOf information, knowledge or practice; to move slowly up to other levels of an organisation, or population.Rate it:

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fly on the wallA quiet, non-participating, or unseen observer; an eavesdropper or witness.Rate it:

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fount of wisdom/knowledgeBoundless source of information; expert level Various other nouns are interchangeable with ‘wisdom’ or ‘knowledge’ to modify status as a ’fount of,‘ or ‘being a wealth of’ something E.g. fount of courage, fount of compassion, fount of indecision, etc.Rate it:

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gavin and deanCockney rhyming slang for 'Queen' when used colloquially to mean a gay person: a non heterosexual person.Rate it:

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girl scouta girl scout is a girl who is a member of Girl Scouts of the USA (also known simply as "Girl Scouts"), an non-profit youth organization for girlsRate it:

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go through the millTo experience the suffering or discipline necessary to bring one to a certain degree of knowledge or skill, or to a certain mental state.Rate it:

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gum upTo make non-functional; to interfere with or put into a state of disorder; to ruin.Rate it:

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hear ofTo become aware of through second-hand knowledge, or not through personal experience.Rate it:

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hit the books!Launch a determined review or study of appropriate material and subjects by hitting the books in preparation for a stringent examination/knowledge test in a pre-employment interview.Rate it:

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I just work hereIndicates that the speaker cannot answer their interrogator's question, because of lack of experience with or knowledge on the topic.Rate it:

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il connaît paris comme sa pocheHe knows Paris perfectly; He knows all the ins and outs of Paris; His knowledge of Paris is extensive and peculiar.Rate it:

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il faut de tout pour faire un mondeQue cela nous plaise ou non, le monde se compose de toutes sortes de gens.Rate it:

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il ne faut pas se moquer de la peine du voisin, car la vôtre arrive le lendemain matinLa peine du voisin est à craindre et non à moquer. L’infortune touchant un voisin n’est en effet pas loin de chez soi.Rate it:

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in China fällt ein Sack Reis umA metaphor referring to an entirely uninteresting and non-notable event.Rate it:

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it's not the whistle that pulls the trainBoasting and loud talk should not be mistaken for the work that produces real achievements; bravado is no proof of action.1956, James Reston, "Washington: It's Not the Whistle that Pulls the Train," New York Times, 1 July, p. E8:Rate it:

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it's not what you know but who you knowFor success, and especially to obtain employment, one's knowledge and skills are less useful and less important than one's network of personal contacts.1951, G. P. Bush and L. H. Hattery, "Federal Recruitment of Junior Engineers," Science, vol. 114, no. 2966, p. 456:Eighty-four students referred to political influence as a disadvantage of federal employment with such remarks as: "There are too many political connections necessary . . . it's not what you know but who you knowRate it:

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i’ll be damnedIrony, doubt, insecurity, contradictory, proofRate it:

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j'en passe et des meilleursS’emploie à la fin d’une énumération, pour signifier que d’autres exemples non moins pertinents existent.Rate it:

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keys to the kingdomA resource, usually information or knowledge, the possession of which gives the possessor access to power.Rate it:

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killTo cause to assume the value zero.Rate it:

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know one's ass from a hole in the groundTo have an adequate level of knowledge or skill; to understand what one is doing or talking about.Rate it:

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Know the RopesTo be well aware of everything around, to have knowledge of doing any complicated thingRate it:

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knowledge is powerWith knowledge and/or education, one's potential or ability to succeed in the pursuit of his objectives will certainly increase.Rate it:

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litterarum scientiam (only in sing.) habereto possess literary knowledge.Rate it:

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live a lieTo conceal something about oneself, without the knowledge of which others cannot know one's true character or perspective.Rate it:

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live and learnAn exhortation to gain knowledge from living experiences. Commonly used after an accident or misfortune to indicate a moral lesson.Rate it:

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loci (τόποι) argumentorum (De Or. 2. 162)the points on which proofs are based; the grounds of proof.Rate it:

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make interestingfor non-idiomatic uses see the individual lemmasRate it:

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man is the measure of all thingsthe doctrine that all knowledge is subjective, being derived from observations made by humans, and there can be no objective truthRate it:

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memesterAn ancient person with low knowledge. That has been infected with a racket.Rate it:

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mess aboutTo be in a casual non-committal relationshipRate it:

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no scoreIn a sporting event, a score of zero to zero.Rate it:

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noves forarefers to the act of verification, looking for proofRate it:

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on veut pas le savoir, on veut le voirPhrase exprimant la non-pertinence d'une information sans constatation de visu.Rate it:

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out of thin airFrom non-existent resources.Rate it:

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park the car in harvard yardA sentence used to illustrate that the Boston accent is non-rhotic; typically pronounced "pahk the cah in Hahvad Yahd".Rate it:

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party toPrivy to; having knowledge of.Rate it:

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pas que je sacheNot to my knowledge.Rate it:

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play dumbTo pretend to be slow-witted or lacking in specific knowledge, usually in order to avoid responsibility or to gain some advantage.Rate it:

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