
Phrases related to: hold one's water Page #50

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cut the mustardan assessment or opinion as to one's ability to meet the requirements of the challenge, job, or situation at hand.Rate it:

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damer le pion à quelqu'unTo outwit some one.Rate it:

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damnum inferre, afferre alicuito do harm to, injure any one.Rate it:

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Daniel come to judgementOne who wisely settles a difficult matter.Rate it:

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dans les petits sacs sont les fines épicesLittle fellows are often great wits; Small parcels hold fine wares. Rate it:

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darning needleA damselfly, or a dragonfly that resembles one.Rate it:

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date with destinyAn inevitable future event or encounter, especially one which is likely to be momentous.Rate it:

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day larkOne who gets up early in the morning or goes to bed early.Rate it:

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de cabezaoff the top of one's headRate it:

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de fil en aiguilleBit by bit; One thing leading to another.Rate it:

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de gradu deici, ut diciturto lose one's composure; to be disconcerted.Rate it:

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de iure suo decedere or cedereto waive one's right.Rate it:

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de potestate decedereto give up, lay down office (usually at the end of one's term of office).Rate it:

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de principatu deiectus (B. G. 7. 63)deposed from one's high position.Rate it:

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de sententia deici, depelli, deterrerito be forced to change one's mind.Rate it:

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de sententia sua decedereto give up one's opinion.Rate it:

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de statu suo or mentis deici (Att. 16. 15)to lose one's composure; to be disconcerted.Rate it:

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de suo (opp. alieno) vivereto live on one's means.Rate it:

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de, ab officio decedereto neglect one's duty.Rate it:

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deadWithout interest to one of the senses; dull; flat.Rate it:

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dead endA path or strategy that goes nowhere or is blocked on one end.Rate it:

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deadbeat dadA man, especially one who is divorced or estranged from his partner, who fails to provide monetary child support when he is legally required to do so.Rate it:

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death spiralThe situation or course of action of one who is on a path toward some sort of inevitable catastrophic failure.Rate it:

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deathbed conversionAcceptance of religious belief immediately before one dies, typically in a state of anxiety or fear of the insecurity of what will happen to one in and after death.Rate it:

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deathbed conversionAn abrupt, last-minute change in one's professed beliefs, principles, or point of view in order to escape a serious threat or to increase one's chances of success.Rate it:

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débander l'arc ne guérit pas la plaieTo cease doing mischief does not undo the harm one has done.Rate it:

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déchirer quelqu'un à belles dentsTo criticise some one mercilessly; To tear a person’s reputation to shreds.Rate it:

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decimum aetatis annum ingredito be entering on one's tenth year.Rate it:

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decimum annum excessisse, egressum esseto be more than ten years old, to have entered on one's eleventh year.Rate it:

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deep pocketsAn ample supply of money, especially money which one is willing to spend; the possessor of such money.Rate it:

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deferri, deici aliquoto be driven out of one's course; to drift.Rate it:

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défiler (or, dire) son chapeletTo say all one has to say.Rate it:

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dégât des eauxwater damageRate it:

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dégât des eauxAn incident, such as a burst pipe or overflowing tub, that causes water damage.Rate it:

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deicere aliquem de saxo Tarpeioto throw some one down the Tarpeian rock.Rate it:

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deponere magistratumto give up, lay down office (usually at the end of one's term of office).Rate it:

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der Reihe nachone by one, in turnRate it:

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desk jockeyOne who spends his or her time seated at a desk; especially one who is more concerned with procedure, paperwork, or administration than with its ultimate goal or practical consequence.Rate it:

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desperare suis rebusto despair of one's position.Rate it:

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deux avis valent mieux qu'unTwo heads are better than one.Rate it:

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devil's advocateOne who debates from a view which they may not actually hold, usually to determine its validity, or simply for the sake of argument.Rate it:

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dextram alicui porrigere, dareto give one's right hand to some one.Rate it:

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dicendo augere, amplificare aliquid (opp. dicendo extenuare aliquid)to lend lustre to a subject by one's description.Rate it:

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dicere contra aliquem or aliquid (not contradicere alicui)to contradict some one.Rate it:

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die in harnessTo continue to work until the day of one's death.Rate it:

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diem dicere alicuito summon some one to appear on a given day; to accuse a person.Rate it:

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diem ex die ducere, differreto put off from one day to another.Rate it:

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dies unus, alter, plures intercesserantone, two, several days had passed, intervened.Rate it:

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dieu nous garde d'un homme qui n'a qu'une affaireGod save us from the man of one idea.Rate it:

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dignitatem suam tueri, defendere, retinere, obtinereto guard, maintain one's dignity.Rate it:

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You have hit ______ bottom.
A volcanic
B the
C stone
D rock