
Phrases related to: get out the door Page #51

Yee yee! We've found 2,833 phrases and idioms matching get out the door.

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lose one's temperTo be explosively angry. To get very cross.Rate it:

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lose one's wayto get lost, to become lost.Rate it:

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lucrum facere (opp. damnum facere) ex aliqua reto make profit out of a thing.Rate it:

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luminibus alicuius obstruere, officereto obstruct a person's view, shut out his light by building.Rate it:

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maculam (conceptam) delere, eluereto blot out a reproach.Rate it:

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make a differenceTo carry out an action, the result of which is a significant change, or an altered circumstance.Rate it:

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make awayTo get rid of, dispose of.Rate it:

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make do withTo get along with whatever is available.Rate it:

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make interestingto make a bet out of; to bet money onRate it:

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make light work ofThis term needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.Rate it:

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make the cutTo succeed; to be chosen out of a field of candidates or possibilities.Rate it:

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make wayan instruction to get out of the way of someone else, usually because they are carrying something and need a clear pathway. Compare with gangway.Rate it:

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make yourself prettyimprove the way you look i.e. get dressed (especially in something nicer than what you are already wearing), put on makeup, brush your hair, brush your teeth, etc; connotes that you are not pretty enough at this moment and that you should improve the way you look; an insult sometimes used intentionally (or unintentionally) to make someone feel inferiorRate it:

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man proposes, god disposesThings don't always work out as they were planned.Rate it:

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manos a la obraLet's get to work.Rate it:

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marry offto force someone to get married, usually a relative.Rate it:

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match dayThe day graduating medical-school students find out where they will serve as residents.Rate it:

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mente captum esse, mente alienata esseto be out of one's mind.Rate it:

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mettre à la porteTo put at the doorRate it:

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mic dropthe act of someone extending their arm out and intentionally dropping a microphone to emphasize the greatness of what they just put through the microphone; sometimes the words, "mic drop" are also said as someone drops their microphone; said or done as a testament of how good the thing was that came through the microphone right before someone drops the microphoneRate it:

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misery loves companyRepetitious, droll, depressing revelations of one's hard luck, always being left out of the fun, the prizes, never invited, always overlooked and pleading that others will come to the rescue!Rate it:

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miss the boatTo miss out (on something); to be ignorant (of something).Rate it:

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Miss the BoatTo blow your chance, slow to act, to miss out on the chanceRate it:

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ne l'offensez pas, car vous n'y trouverez pas votre compteDo not offend him, for you would get more than you cared for.Rate it:

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ne nous flattez pas le déSpeak out without any reserve.Rate it:

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negotium obire or exsequito be engaged upon a transaction, carry it out.Rate it:

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next thing one knowssuddenly, out of the blue.Rate it:

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ni tanto ni tan calvodon't exagerrate; don't get carried awayRate it:

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nos van a dar las uvasget a move on; hurry up; chop chopRate it:

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not a sausageJohn: Do you know how I get to the town center from here?.Rate it:

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Nothing Ventured, Nothing GainedIf you don’t take a risk, you’ll not get any reward, if you don’t try something, you won’t get any gainRate it:

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nous sommes sortis entre chien et loupWe went out at dusk, between the lights.Rate it:

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noves forarefers to the act of casting out ninesRate it:

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nulla est facultas alicuius reino opportunity of carrying out an object presents itself.Rate it:

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nunca mucho cuesta pocoyou get what you pay for; literally: much never costs littleRate it:

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obsidionem quattuor menses sustinereto hold out for four months.Rate it:

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occasionem nanciscito get, meet with, a favourable opportunity.Rate it:

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occhio per occhioan eye for an eye equivalent retribution, tit for tat, returning exactly what you get.Rate it:

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off one's medsOut of control.Rate it:

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Off the Beaten Track (Path)Uncommon, something out of the way, not widely known, unpopularRate it:

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off the railsOut of control.Rate it:

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oh, ye of little faithPointing out one's lack of faith; people sometimes leave the "O" or "Oh" out of the saying when they say itRate it:

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olly olly oxen freeA call in a children's game to say that players in hiding are free to come out.Rate it:

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on a condamné la porteThe door is nailed up, blocked up.Rate it:

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on fait queue au théâtreThere is a crowd at the door of the theatre (waiting for admittance).Rate it:

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on l'a mis à la porteThey turned him out.Rate it:

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on loanlent outRate it:

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on ne peut prendre aux cheveux un homme raséOne cannot get blood from a stone. Rate it:

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on ne saurait faire d'une buse un épervierOne cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.Rate it:

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on the tableLaid out, presented forthrightly, presented so as to be able to be scrutinized.Rate it:

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Love at first _____.
A kiss
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