
Phrases related to: you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs Page #51

Yee yee! We've found 3,507 phrases and idioms matching you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

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morning personA person whose who wakes up without difficulty early each morning and who is alert and active during the first part of the day.Rate it:

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move alongTo continue without being distracted; to keep going.Rate it:

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move inTo start living or working in a new place; to transport one's belongings to a new home or workplace; to make one's home or workplace into a suitable environment.Rate it:

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move mountainsTo make every possible effort in order to achieve something.Rate it:

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move the yardsticksTo make progress, as used in political and corporate venues to express proactive actions.Rate it:

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MTFBWYInitialism of may the Force be with you.Rate it:

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muddy upTo make muddy; to make clear water into muddy water.Rate it:

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muito obrigadathank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lotRate it:

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muito obrigadothank you very much; many thanks; thanks a lotRate it:

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muito prazerpleased to meet youRate it:

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muscle upTo make stronger or more powerful.Rate it:

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my footIndicates disapproval, disregard, disdain, disgust or disbelief; "my foot" is said after you say something to show emphatically that you do not believe something is trueRate it:

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my way or the highwayYou can do it my way or you can leave - go down the highway (be excluded)Rate it:

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naked as a jaybirdStark naked; nude; especially, naked in a public setting and without embarrassment.Rate it:

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não há de quêyou're welcomeRate it:

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não me digayou don't sayRate it:

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narmeanEye dialect spelling of do you know what I mean.Rate it:

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naves (classem) constituere (in alto)to make fast boats to anchors.Rate it:

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naves ad ancoras deligare (B. G. 4. 29)to make fast boats to anchors.Rate it:

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ne bis in idemThe concept that no legal action can be instituted twice for the same cause.Rate it:

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ne faire ni une ni deuxTo make no bones about it; To make up one’s mind quickly.Rate it:

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ne faites donc pas tant d'embarrasDo not make such a fuss.Rate it:

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ne l'offensez pas, car vous n'y trouverez pas votre compteDo not offend him, for you would get more than you cared for.Rate it:

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ne nous flattez pas le déSpeak out without any reserve.Rate it:

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ne vous en avisez pasYou had better not.Rate it:

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ne vous gênez pas!Do not stand upon ceremony! Make yourself at home! Don’t mind me!Rate it:

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necesita usted ayudado you need help?Rate it:

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necesitáis ayudado you need help?Rate it:

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necesitan ayudado you need help?Rate it:

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necesitas ayudado you need help?Rate it:

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need I say moreUsed to say that audience can predict the result of something.Rate it:

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neither a borrower nor a lender bedon't borrow or lend money (so you won't have regrets or hurt relationships)Rate it:

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nest eggA natural or artificial egg placed in a bird's nest, to encourage the bird to lay its own eggs there.Rate it:

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never in a month of sundaysNever in a month of Sundays would I have imagined that you'd be this tall in real life!.Rate it:

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new waveThe style of the 1980's which included weird hair cuts, strange clothes, and unusual make-up.Rate it:

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news to methis is the first time I have heard that; something said after someone just told you something you didn't know before; often said like this: "That's news to me", "It's news to me" or for short, "News to me"Rate it:

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nihil tibi a me postulanti recusaboI will refuse you nothing.Rate it:

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nix the mayoomit the mayo; "nix"can be used with anything (not just mayo) you want to omit or delete from something or not add to something; often used when ordering something from a restaurantRate it:

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Nixon goes to Chinathe ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his or her supporters for representing and defending their values to take actions that would draw their criticism and even opposition if taken by someone without those credentials.Rate it:

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Nixon in Chinathe ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his or her supporters for representing and defending their values to take actions that would draw their criticism and even opposition if taken by someone without those credentials.Rate it:

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Nixon to Chinathe ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his or her supporters for representing and defending their values to take actions that would draw their criticism and even opposition if taken by someone without those credentials.Rate it:

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no bones about itwithout any doubtRate it:

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no coverWithout a cover charge.Rate it:

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no duck no dinnerNo money to pay for food, then you go hungryRate it:

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no faltaba másdon't mention it; you're welcomeRate it:

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no guts, no glorySuccess will not be achieved without hard work and struggle.Rate it:

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no hard feelings(I, etc.) hold no lingering anger or resentment toward (you, etc.); There's no bad blood between (us, etc.).Rate it:

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no hay de quédon't mention it; used as you're welcome in the sense of no problemRate it:

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no holds barredWithout restrictions on holds or what opponents may do.Rate it:

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no ifs, ands, or butsPeriod; exactly so; without modification, limitation, or addendum.Rate it:

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