
Phrases related to: gonna get over you Page #53

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tit for tatEquivalent retribution, an eye for an eye, returning exactly what you get.Rate it:

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tizku leshanim rabot ne'imot vetovotMay you merit many pleasant and good years (in Hebrew)Rate it:

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to dig your own graveGet deeper in trouble by complicating matters further.Rate it:

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to know and not to do is not to knowWhen you say you know something yet you fail to act as if that knowledge were true, it shows you don't really know that something to be true; it essentially calls the person a hypocrite since they say one thing and do another; same as the phrase "Your actions speak so loudly that your words I cannot hear"Rate it:

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to spareleft overRate it:

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Toe the LineDo what you actually are supposed to do; obeying all the rules and regulations; one shouldn’t be disagreeingRate it:

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tomorrow is another dayTomorrow will bring new opportunities and a fresh start for one's endeavors.1600, author unknown, "Phillidaes Love-call to her Coridon, and his replying" (song), in England's Helicon, printed at London by I.R. for John Flasket:Phil. Yonder comes my Mother, Coridon,whether shall I flie?Cor. Under yonder Beech my lovely one,while she passeth by.Say to her thy true-Love was not heere,remember, remember,to morrow is another day:1896, Amelia E. Barr, A Knight of the Nets, ch. 8:"Well, well, my dear lass, to-night we cannot work, but we may sleep. . . . Keep a still heart tonight, and tomorrow is another day."1936, Margaret Mitchell, Gone with the Wind, ch. 63:"Tomorrow, I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day."2005, Fran Schumer, "JERSEY: In Princeton, Taking On Harvard's Fuss About Women," New York Times, 19 June (retrieved 18 Aug. 2009):"Half of me is depressedRate it:

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tongue-tiedhaving difficulty expressing yourself i.e. when you are nervous or embarrassed; an inability to speak; a condition you are in when you are at a loss for words; when you try to speak and the words get misspoken; NOT to be confused with "tongue-tie" or Ankyloglossia, which is a physical dental/mouth condition that makes speech difficult (among other symptoms)Rate it:

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tooth and nailTaking everything bodily you possibly could offer/ use to get the job or task done, usually referring to an tough battle ahead. Battle usually a physical fight, or harsh obstacles were to be meet with this plight, but you or many were going to give it your all.Rate it:

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toss outTo throw away; to get rid of; to dispose of that has gone bad.Rate it:

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touch with a barge poleGet romantically involved with.Rate it:

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tough cookiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tittiesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tittyToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough toodlesToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tough tuchusToo bad (for you); the outcome one desires is not likely to evolve, due to active intervention by the speaker.Rate it:

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tout par amour, rien par forceSweet words will succeed where mere strength will fail; You may row your heart out if wind and tide are against you.Rate it:

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traduci ad plebem (Att. 1. 18. 4)to get oneself admitted as a plebeian.Rate it:

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trail offTo slowly diminish in intensity, volume or frequency; thus, to diminish more quickly over time.Rate it:

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transform and roll outLet's go, get a move on.Rate it:

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tribus verbis te voloa word with you.Rate it:

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triumphare de aliquo (ex bellis)to triumph over some one.Rate it:

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triumphum agere de or ex aliquo or c. Gen. (victoriae, pugnae)to triumph over some one.Rate it:

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TTYSInitialism of talk to you soon.Rate it:

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tu me manquesI miss youRate it:

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tu me payeras de gré ou de forceYou shall pay me, whether you like it or not.Rate it:

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tu n'en auras pas l'étrenneYou will not be the first to use it.Rate it:

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tu sais que je n'ai plus le sacYou know I have no more money.Rate it:

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tú y cuántos másyou and whose army?Rate it:

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tuam vicem doleoI am sorry for you.Rate it:

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tug of wara game or competition in which two teams pull or tug on opposite ends of a rope trying to force the other team over the line which initially marked the middle between the two teams.Rate it:

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turf warA dispute over territory between rival gangs.Rate it:

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Turn the Other CheekTo allow someone to hurt you or do something bad to you without defending yourself; almost ignoring an abuseRate it:

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Turn Up Your Nose at SomeoneTreating someone with Arrogance or conceit; showing someone that something may not be good enough for youRate it:

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turn upside downTo flip over; to rotate top to bottom.Rate it:

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Two Sinkers anda CoffeeResponse to Coffeeshop Waitress's question; "What'll YOU Have?" . . .Customer's 'Response - - - 'Two Donuts and a Cup Coffee!Rate it:

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uno ab alto"One over all"Rate it:

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up topWhen someone says "up top" to you they are asking you to give them a high five--to tapthe palm of your hand against the palm of their same hand over your heads as you face each other; same as saying "high five" or "give me a high five"; a gesture of agreement or celebration, like between winning team membersRate it:

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ups-a-daisyAn exclamation made when encouraging a child to get up after a fall or when lifting a child into the air.Rate it:

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ut sementem feceris, ita metes (proverb.) (De Or. 2. 65)as you sow, so will you reap.Rate it:

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va te faire foutrego get fucked!; go fuck yourself!; get your butt out of here!; fuck you!; fuck off!Rate it:

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va te promener! (fam.)Go to Jericho! Get along with you!Rate it:

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vai se foderfuck you!, go fuck yourself!Rate it:

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vee have vaysThis phrase is said as a joke when someone doesn't answer you or lies. It is an alternative pronunciation with a German accent and a shortened version of the movie quote "We have ways of making you talk."Rate it:

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venez n'importe quandCome at any time, no matter when, whenever you please.Rate it:

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vete a saberyou tell me, goodness knows, who knowsRate it:

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vete con la música a otra partescram; get outta here; go take a long walk off a short pierRate it:

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victoriam reportare ab hosteto gain a victory over the enemy.Rate it:

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vielen Dankthank you very much.Rate it:

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virer une brosseto get wasted, drunk, smashedRate it:

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