
Phrases related to: have i got a deal for you Page #53

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WYSIWYMwhat you see is what you mean.Rate it:

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WYSIWYMwhat you see is what you match.Rate it:

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ya te digoyou betcha; damn right; too rightRate it:

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YBYSAIAInitialism of you bet your sweet ass I am : a strong affirmative response.Rate it:

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YGMInitialism of you've got mail : used to inform someone that an e-mail message has been sent to them.Rate it:

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YGTRInitialism of you got that right.Rate it:

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YGWYPFInitialism of you get what you pay for.Rate it:

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YHBTInitialism of you have been trolled : a response to someone who is "feeding a troll".Rate it:

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YHBWInitialism of you have been warned.Rate it:

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YHJBTSynonym of YHBT : you have just been trolled.Rate it:

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YKINMKInitialism of your kink is not my kink : an acknowledgement that people have different sexual preferencesRate it:

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YMBJInitialism of you must be joking.Rate it:

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yo que túif I were youRate it:

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YOMInitialism of you owe me.Rate it:

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your actions speak so loudly that your words i cannot hearWhen you say you know something yet you fail to act as if that knowledge were true, it shows you don't really know that something to be true; it essentially calls the person a hypocrite since they say one thing and do another; same as the phrase "To know and not to do is not to know"Rate it:

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your ass is a starYou don't know what you're talking about.Rate it:

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your life's that cashYou whole life depend on that moneyRate it:

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your place or mineA question suggesting sexual intercourse: literally meaning "shall we go to your place or mine to have sex?"Rate it:

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your wish is my commandWhatever you say you wish for I will treat as a command and do straight away.Rate it:

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Youre Wacko!A demeaning ejaculation: You are Craz.!, You are NUTZ!Rate it:

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YOYOInitialism of you're on your own.Rate it:

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ywAbbreviation of you're welcome.Rate it:

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YWMVInitialism of your wallet may vary : you may have more or less money to spend, or different financial priorities.Rate it:

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вы в порядкеare you OKRate it:

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вы верите в Богаdo you believe in God?Rate it:

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вы говорите по-английскиdo you speak English?Rate it:

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вы говорите по-русскиdo you speak Russian?Rate it:

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вы женатыare you marriedRate it:

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вы замужемare you marriedRate it:

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вы мне нравитесьI like youRate it:

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вы можете мне помочьcan you help me?Rate it:

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вы принимаете какие-нибудь лекарстваare you taking any medications?Rate it:

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вы принимаете какие-нибудь медикаментыare you taking any medications?Rate it:

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выходи за меня замужwill you marry me?Rate it:

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до встречиsee you, goodbyeRate it:

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до свиданияgoodbye, see you laterRate it:

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до скорой встречиsee you soonRate it:

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ещё какyou bet!, and how!Rate it:

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и вам того жеsame to youRate it:

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и тебе того жеsame to youRate it:

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извините за выражениеpardon my French; if you'll excuse the expressionRate it:

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как вам не стыдноshame on you!, for shame!; you should be ashamed of yourself!Rate it:

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как вы знаетеas you knowRate it:

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как вы поживаетеhow are you?Rate it:

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как делаhow are you?; how is it going?Rate it:

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как по-русски...How do you Russian?, What is... in Russian?Rate it:

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как поживаетеhow are you?Rate it:

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как поживаешьhow are you?Rate it:

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как произносится это словоhow do you pronounce this wordRate it:

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на вашем местеif I were youRate it:

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I can't help but feel I'm walking on ___________ when I'm around her.
A broken glass
B eggshells
C clouds
D mountains