
Phrases related to: sell in may and go away Page #55

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I don't knowA reason and common excuse used to state that a person is unclear of why something did or did not happen, or is or is not the case.Rate it:

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i got that #trumpumph.Song, and phrase by American Activist Greshun De Bouse, describing how there's just something so lively, animated, positive, and always excitingly persuasive about supporters of Donald J. Trump | term and hashtag #trumpumph" created/coined by American Activist Greshun De Bouse; first known use of term/hashtag on internetRate it:

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I'll be blowedA set phrase used to express amazement and surprise.Rate it:

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I've been shotIndicates one has been shot and may require medical attention.Rate it:

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iacturam alicuius rei facereto throw away, sacrifice.Rate it:

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ice coolcalm and composed in a difficult situation.Rate it:

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icpsInternational College of Physicians and SurgeonsRate it:

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idiot mittensMittens connected by yarn or string running through one sleeve, along the back and out the other sleeve of a coat, to prevent the mittens becoming lost. Generally worn by small children.Rate it:

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if anythingUsed to suggest or state tentatively that something may be the case.Rate it:

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if the shoe fits, wear itIf a description fits something, then it is probably true and the subject of the comment should consider that the comment is probably true. Now more often than not, we simply say "If the shoe fits" without the "wear it" after it.Rate it:

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if you stop ritik you will be stopedin Sanskrit language Ritik means the flow of calm and quite water stream. If you disturb it it will lead to destruction of whole community.Rate it:

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ignaviae et socordiae se dareto abandon oneself to inactivity and apathy.Rate it:

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IJSInitialism of I'm just saying : indicates that the accompanying statement is merely a helpful comment of some kind, and not intended to be the last word on the topic.Rate it:

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il a battu les buissons, un autre a pris l'oiseauHe did the work and another had the profit.Rate it:

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il a bec et onglesHe will fight with beak and claw, tooth and nail.Rate it:

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il a bon pied, bon œilHe is sound, wind and limb; He is hale and hearty.Rate it:

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il a été mis à la porte par les oreilles et les deux épaulesHe was turned out ignominiously, neck and crop.Rate it:

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il a fait de cent sous quatre livres, et de quatre livres rienHe has brought his noble to ninepence, and his ninepence to nothing.Rate it:

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il a le cœur sur les lèvres1. He always says what he thinks (and this is always something good and kind); He is open-hearted. 2. He feels sick.Rate it:

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il a trente ans, et cependant il vit aux crochets de sa mèreHe is thirty years old, and yet his mother has to keep him.Rate it:

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il connaît paris comme sa pocheHe knows Paris perfectly; He knows all the ins and outs of Paris; His knowledge of Paris is extensive and peculiar.Rate it:

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il en a l'air et la chansonHe looks it every inch; He has both the appearance and the actuality.Rate it:

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il est économe de bouts de chandelleHe is penny wise and pound foolish.Rate it:

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il est plus gênant que gênéHis free and easy manners are unpleasant to others, but he does not mind that.Rate it:

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il est sans gêneHe is free and easy (casual, off-hand); He makes himself too much at home.Rate it:

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il est sur son bien-direHe is on his best behaviour; He minds his p’s and q’s.Rate it:

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il fait tout par sauts et par bondsHe does everything by fits and starts.Rate it:

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il jette feu et flammeHe frets and fumes; He is in a great rage.Rate it:

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il jette son argent par les fenêtresHe plays ducks and drakes with his money.Rate it:

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il la fait courte et bonneHe is having a short life and a merry one.Rate it:

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il lui en pend autant au nezHe may expect as much (something unpleasant); He will fare no better.Rate it:

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il lui obéit au doigt et à l'œilHe is at his beck and call.Rate it:

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il n'a garde de venirHe will take care to keep away; There is no chance of his coming.Rate it:

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il n'a pas cédé, il a tenu bonHe did not give away, he stuck to it.Rate it:

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il n'a qu'à se baisser pour en prendreHe has only to stoop and pick it up; He has merely to ask for it to get it.Rate it:

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il n'est si bon cheval qui ne broncheThe best horse may stumble; Accidents will happen.Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de petites économiesA penny saved is a penny earned; Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de sots métiers, il n'y a que de sottes gensPeople may be petty, but work never is.Rate it:

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il n'y a qu'à pleuvoirIt may happen to rain; What if it rains?Rate it:

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il ne va que par sauts et par bondsHe only works by fits and starts.Rate it:

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il s'en alla tout à coupHe went away suddenly, abruptly.Rate it:

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il s'est jeté à corps perdu dans cette affaireHe threw himself headlong (or, with might and main) into the matter.Rate it:

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il se mettrait en quatre pour un amiHe would go through fire and water for a friend.Rate it:

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il se promenait de long en largeHe was walking up and down, to and fro.Rate it:

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il se retira l'oreille basseHe went away crestfallen.\nHe went away with his tail between his legs.Rate it:

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il sèche sur piedHe is pining away.Rate it:

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il travaille à bâtons rompusHe works by fits and starts.Rate it:

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il va de la cave au grenier1. He rambles in his talk. 2. He writes very unevenly (up and down).Rate it:

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il voudrait avoir le drap et l'argentHe would like to have his cake and eat it too.Rate it:

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il vous fera un mauvais partiHe will try and pick a quarrel with you so as to ill-use you, to do you harm.Rate it:

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A bird in the hand is worth two in the ________.
A feather
B air
C bush
D tree