
Phrases related to: The Wolf and the Man Page #59

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nager entre deux eaux(lit.) To swim under water; (fig.) To run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.Rate it:

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naked as a jaybirdStark naked; nude; especially, naked in a public setting and without embarrassment.Rate it:

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narrare aliquid ad fidem historiaeto give a veracious and historic account of a thing.Rate it:

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navem expugnareto board and capture a boat.Rate it:

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navigate the data deltaThis phrase is used in a business context to emphasize the importance of effectively managing and leveraging vast amounts of data in today's data-driven world. It suggests the need for businesses to skillfully navigate through the challenges and opportunities presented by the data landscape.Rate it:

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navis longaa man-of-war.Rate it:

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ne faites pas messagers des fous“He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the feet and drinketh damage.” Prov. xxvi. 6.Rate it:

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ne venez pas ainsi me corner aux oreillesDo not come and din it into my ears in that way.Rate it:

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neat freakA Person who has to have everything in Order and Clean.Rate it:

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neat freakA Person who has to have everything Clean and in Order.Rate it:

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NECNot Elsewhere Classified, a phrase used in classification codes such as Standard Industrial Classification, International Standard Classification of Occupations, DSM-IV-TR, DSM-5, ICD-9, and ICD-10.Rate it:

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neck downTo alter by forcing it into a smaller calibre and size.Rate it:

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neck upto increase the size of a cartridge's chamber and calibre.Rate it:

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neighbourhood watchIn Britain, a local crime-prevention scheme. Under police supervision, groups of residents agree to increase watchfulness in order to prevent crimes such as burglary and vandalism in their area.Rate it:

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nem mas, nem meio mas"absolutely not!", "but me no buts", as a response and means of interrupting another person who started a phrase with mas.Rate it:

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nemo doctusno man of learning.Rate it:

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neque auribus neque oculis satis constoI am losing my eyesight and getting deaf.Rate it:

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neque id immerito (iniuria)and rightly too.Rate it:

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neque immerito (iniuria)and rightly too.Rate it:

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new normalThe current prevailing situation, when it has emerged recently, differs dramatically from the previous one and is expected to remain.Rate it:

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new potatoA small, thin-skinned, immature potato that is higher in moisture content than a mature potato. Holds its shape when cooked and is therefore commonly used in potato salad.Rate it:

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new waveThe style of the 1980's which included weird hair cuts, strange clothes, and unusual make-up.Rate it:

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nice to almost meet youAn expression used upon first conversing with someone by phone, text, email, etc. when you can't say "Nice to meet you" because you haven't actually met in personAn expression used upon first conversing with someone by phone, text, email, etc. when you can't say "Nice to meet you" because you haven't actually met in person; a friendly and informal way of acknowledging that the encounter is not happening in person at the moment but might occur in the future. It is often used humorously or to convey a sense of anticipation.Rate it:

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night outGoing away from one's usual residence for an entire night, and returning the next day.Rate it:

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night outSpending the evening away from one's usual residence. The phrase typically implies going to a restaurant, going to watch entertainment, or other types of urban nightlife, starting from about 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and lasting until approximately 11:00 pm or later.Rate it:

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night personA person whose preference or custom is to remain awake and active during the night and the early morning hours, and who usually sleeps during part of the daytime.Rate it:

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nighthawkA person whose preference or custom is to remain awake and active during the night and the early morning hours.Rate it:

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nihil cum aliquo contrahereto do no business with a man.Rate it:

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nine day wonderSomething that generates interest for a limited time and is then abandoned.Rate it:

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nip in the budTo remove a bud from a plant to prevent flower and fruit from forming.Rate it:

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nip slipThe brief accidental exposure of a woman's breast, usually partially and on the side.Rate it:

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Nixon goes to Chinathe ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his or her supporters for representing and defending their values to take actions that would draw their criticism and even opposition if taken by someone without those credentials.Rate it:

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Nixon in Chinathe ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his or her supporters for representing and defending their values to take actions that would draw their criticism and even opposition if taken by someone without those credentials.Rate it:

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Nixon to Chinathe ability of a politician with an unassailable reputation among his or her supporters for representing and defending their values to take actions that would draw their criticism and even opposition if taken by someone without those credentials.Rate it:

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no guts, no glorySuccess will not be achieved without hard work and struggle.Rate it:

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no sé qué y no sé cuántoblah blah blah, this and thatRate it:

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no slave to fashionA person whose style of clothing and appearance are unconventional, informal, or slovenly; a person who takes little interest in how he or she is dressed.Rate it:

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no strings attachedWhen something is given free and clear without any conditions of payment or personal service in return.Rate it:

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noctes diesque, noctes et dies, et dies et noctes, dies noctesque, diem noctemquenight and day.Rate it:

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none of your beeswaxA riposte to badgering questioning, expressing a refusal to answer, and an insistence that the questioner cease prying any further.Rate it:

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nose in the airThe body language most of us have experienced when a friend passes you in public and with head tilted back and nose in the air gives you a first class snub!Rate it:

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not courageous than mouseSomeone being very fearful and scared of things.Rate it:

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not outnot dismissed and having not retired.Rate it:

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notam turpitudinis alicui or vitae alicuius inurereto injure a man's character, tarnish his honour.Rate it:

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nothing built can last foreverEverything that is created, constructed or established is temporary and will eventually come to an endRate it:

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nothing is sacredUsed to lament the lack of respect for traditions, ideas, values, etc. and conveys that not much is still considered inviolable or untouchableRate it:

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nous faisons peu d'état de cet hommeWe consider that man very little; We take little account of that man.Rate it:

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now hear thisAn instruction to cease activity and listen to the announcement that will follow.Rate it:

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nuntium remittere alicui (De Or. 1. 40)to separate, be divorced (used of man or woman).Rate it:

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occasionem alicui dare, praebere alicuius rei or ad aliquid faciendumto give a man the opportunity of doing a thing.Rate it:

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