
Phrases related to: double-plus-good Page #6

Yee yee! We've found 891 phrases and idioms matching double-plus-good.

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à plusAu revoir, à plus tard.Rate it:

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à plus forte raisonAll the more reason; A fortiori.Rate it:

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à plus tardInterjection employée à la fin d’une rencontre, d’un dialogue, d’une conversation.Rate it:

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à quelque chose malheur est bonIt is an ill wind that blows no one any good.Rate it:

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à quoi bon lui dire cela?What is the good of telling him that?Rate it:

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à tout à l'heureSe dit à la fin d’une conversation dont les locuteurs savent qu’ils vont se retrouver un peu plus tard.Rate it:

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à touteSe dit à la fin d’une conversation dont les locuteurs savent qu’ils vont se retrouver un peu plus tard ou presque immédiatement.Rate it:

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à trop crier au loup, on en voit le museauVariante de à trop crier au loup, on finit par ne plus y croire.Rate it:

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à trop crier au loup, on finit par ne plus y croireA force d'annoncer une chose qui ne se produit pas, on ne peut plus prévoir quand elle arrive.Rate it:

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abondance de biens ne nuit pasStore is no sore; One cannot have too much of a good thing.Rate it:

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accordez-vous si votre affaire est bonne, si votre cause est mauvaise, plaidez. [j. b. rousseau , épigrammes, ii. 19]If you’ve a good case, try and compromise; If you’ve a bad one, take it into court.Rate it:

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ace outTo have a lucky streak; to experience a stroke of good fortune.Rate it:

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adiós Madrid, que te quedas sin gentegood riddanceRate it:

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adscribere alicui salutem (Att. 5. 20. 9)to add to one's letter good wishes to some one.Rate it:

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alive and kickingHealthy; vital; in good health, particularly in opposition to unfavorable circumstances.Rate it:

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all goodAnother way of saying it's all good; don't worry; everything is okayRate it:

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all good things come to an endNothing lasts forever.Rate it:

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all it's cracked up to beAs good as claims or reputation would suggest.Rate it:

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all one's taste is in one's mouthOne lacks good taste in aesthetic or cultural matters.Rate it:

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all that glitters is not goldThings that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so, things that look nice might not be as good as they look.Rate it:

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all well and goodBasically good, but with some shortcoming or limitation.Rate it:

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aller du pied (or, courir) comme un chat maigreTo be a good walker.Rate it:

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any press is good pressBeing mentioned in the media is beneficial to the subject because it gets publicity.Rate it:

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as good asvirtuallyRate it:

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as good as it getsThe best available under the circumstances.Rate it:

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as luck would have itAs it happened; how it turned out; by good fortune; fortunately or luckily.Rate it:

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as you sow, so shall you reapThe personal consequences of one's actions are in proportion to the good or bad intentions towards others.Rate it:

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au largePlus loin.Rate it:

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au largeEn établissant plus spacieusement.Rate it:

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au plus juste prixAt the lowest price.Rate it:

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auf gutem Fuß stehento be on good termsRate it:

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aux innocents les mains pleinesLes novices disposent parfois de plus de chance.Rate it:

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avoir l'esprit bien faitTo be good-tempered.Rate it:

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avoir le compas dans l'œilTo have a good eye for distances.Rate it:

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avoir le compas dans l'œil (fam.)To have a good eye for distances.Rate it:

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beat someone at their own gameto win against someone who is good, better or best at something (not necessarily a literal game) or in their fieldRate it:

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bendito sea Diosgood Lord, good heavensRate it:

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bene (male) praecipere alicuito inculcate good (bad) principles.Rate it:

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bene darkmansGood night; a farewell said in the evening or nighttime.Rate it:

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bene latine doctus or sciensa good Latin scholar.Rate it:

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bene lightmansGood day; a greeting said in the morning or daytime.Rate it:

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bene, male audire (ab aliquo)to have a good or bad reputation, be spoken well, ill of.Rate it:

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bene, optime sentire de re publicato have the good of the state at heart.Rate it:

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benefacta maleficiis pensareto return evil for good.Rate it:

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benevolentiam, favorem, voluntatem alicuius sibi conciliare or colligere (ex aliqua re)to find favour with some one; to get into their good graces.Rate it:

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bestes Wissen und Gewissenthe best of one's knowledge; good faith; roughly combining the senses of both English idioms, namely that one does or says something in the honest conviction of its correctness but under the condition of the fallibility of one’s knowledge and competencesRate it:

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beyond the paleDescribing behaviour that is considered to be outside the bounds of morality, good behaviour or judgement in civilised company.Rate it:

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bidey, bye, bye!An Expanded 'good-bye' often for close relatives and children!Rate it:

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big guyA term of endearment, usually addressed toward an all-around good male person.Rate it:

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big pictureThe main film in a double feature.Rate it:

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