
Phrases related to: man of the house Page #6

Yee yee! We've found 578 phrases and idioms matching man of the house.

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à chacun son dûGive the devil his due; Every man is worth his hire.Rate it:

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à dure enclume marteau de plumeThe strokes of adversity find the wise man unmoved.Rate it:

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à l'impossible nul n'est tenuThere is no doing impossibilities; No living man all things can.Rate it:

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à parti pris point de conseilAdvice is useless when a man’s mind is made up.Rate it:

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actum est de meit's all over with me; I'm a lost man.Rate it:

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ad unum omnes perieruntthey perished to a man.Rate it:

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admodum adulescens, senexstill quote a young (old) man.Rate it:

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adulescens alios bene de se sperare iubet, bonam spem ostendit or alii de adulescente bene sperare possunthe is a young man of great promise.Rate it:

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aggredi ad dicendumto come forward to make a speech; to address the house.Rate it:

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alicui acceptum referre aliquid (Verr. 2. 70. 170)to put down to a man's credit.Rate it:

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alicui expensum ferre aliquidto put a thing down to a man's account.Rate it:

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alicui petenti satisfacere, non deesseto accede to a man's petitions.Rate it:

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alicuius in re publica or capessendae rei publicae consilia eo spectant, ut...a man's policy is aiming at, directed towards...Rate it:

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alicuius mens in scriptis spirata man's soul breathes through his writings.Rate it:

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aliquam suas res sibi habere iubere (Phil. 2. 28. 69)to separate from, divorce (of the man).Rate it:

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aliquem (incolumem) conservareto grant a man his life.Rate it:

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aliquem ad suam sententiam perducere or in suam sententiam adducereto win a man over to one's own way of thinking.Rate it:

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aliquem affligere, perdere, pessumdare, in praeceps dareto bring a man to ruin; to destroy.Rate it:

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aliquem consulem renuntiare (De Or. 2. 64. 260)to offically proclaim (by the praeco, herald) a man elected consul; to return a man consul.Rate it:

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aliquem coram, in os or praesentem laudareto praise a man to his face.Rate it:

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aliquem ex paupere divitem facereto raise a man from poverty to wealth.Rate it:

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aliquem in antiquum statum, in pristinum restituereto restore a man to his former position.Rate it:

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aliquid est proprium alicuiussomething is a characteristic of a man.Rate it:

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aliquid laudi alicui ducere, dareto consider a thing creditable to a man.Rate it:

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alles anderes ist Menschenwerk“Everything else is the work of man.” “Everything else is a human construct.”Rate it:

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animum alicuius ad laetitiam excitareto put a man in a pleasurable frame of mind.Rate it:

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animus relinquit aliquema man loses his senses, becomes unconscious.Rate it:

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applaudir un acteur à tout rompreTo applaud an actor so as to bring the house down (to lift the roof).Rate it:

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apron string holdAn estate held by a man during his wife's life.Rate it:

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apron-string holdAn estate held by a man during his wife's life.Rate it:

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apud aliquem esseto be at some one's house.Rate it:

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apud eum sic fui tamquam domi meae (Fam. 13. 69)I felt quite at home in his house.Rate it:

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ask roundTo invite someone to your house.Rate it:

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assidēre aegroto (Liv. 25. 26)to watch by a sick man's bedside.Rate it:

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attaboyUsed to show encouragement or approval to a boy or man.Rate it:

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aunt sallya figure drawing criticism or ridicule; a straw man.Rate it:

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aurae popularis homo (Liv. 42. 30)a popular man.Rate it:

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avoir pignon sur rueTo have a house of one’s own.Rate it:

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babe magnetA person, especially a man, to whom women are attracted.Rate it:

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bad boyA man whose rebellious nature makes him attractive to women.Rate it:

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bend one's elbowTo drink alcoholic beverages, especially at a public house or bar.Rate it:

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big girl's blouseAn effeminate or weak man, a sissy.Rate it:

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bio queenA biologically female performance artist who performs in female drag at drag shows, or acts like a drag queen. Essentially a woman pretending to be a man who is mimicking or parodying another woman.Rate it:

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bonne renommée vaut mieux que ceinture doréeA good name is better than riches; He who has lost his reputation is a dead man among the living.Rate it:

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bros before hoes(US, informal) A man should prioritize his male friends over his girlfriend or wife.Rate it:

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c'est à faire à vous de réussirYou are the man to succeed.Rate it:

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c'est elle qui porte la culotteShe is mistress in this house (not her husband); The grey mare is the better horse.Rate it:

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c'est un château de cartes que cette maisonThis is a jerry-built house.Rate it:

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c'est un écoute s'il pleutHe is a man who cannot be relied upon.Rate it:

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c'est un grand secHe is a tall, spare man.Rate it:

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