
Phrases related to: not late Page #6

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not to sayUsed other than as an idiom: see not, to, say.Rate it:

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not to worryThere is no need for concern; there isn't a serious problem.Rate it:

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not touch something with a barge poleTo avoid something at all costs; to refuse to associate with something; (signifies a strong aversion).Rate it:

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not touch something with a ten foot poleTo avoid something at all costs; to refuse to associate with something; signifies a strong aversion.Rate it:

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not up to scratchNot up to one’s expectationsRate it:

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not veryNot.Rate it:

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not wanted on voyageA phrase used on destination tags for some of a ship passengers' baggage, for goods that were to be stored in the ship's hold, rather than kept available in the passenger's cabin, or "Wanted in Stateroom"Rate it:

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not win for losingTo repeatedly fail in one's gambles or efforts.Rate it:

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not worth a brass farthingWorth nothing or next to nothing.Rate it:

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not worth a dimeWorthless, lacking in value.Rate it:

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not worth a hill of beanssomething is of no value; worthless; also said like this:didn't amount to a hill of beansRate it:

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not worth a plug nickelHaving no or almost no value; worthless.Rate it:

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not worth a plugged nickleUselessRate it:

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not worth a whistleWorthless or pointless.Rate it:

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not worth writing home aboutVariation on nothing to write home about.Rate it:

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not yetNot completed or not doneRate it:

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not your father'sRecently changed, made unconventional through modernisation.Rate it:

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obscurare alicuius gloriam, laudem, famam (not obscurare aliquem)to render obscure, eclipse a person.Rate it:

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old age is not a state of mind, it's a frontal assault!About getting old.Rate it:

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one swallow does not a spring makeAlternative form of one swallow does not a summer make.Rate it:

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one swallow does not make a springAlternative form of one swallow does not a summer make.Rate it:

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opinio praeiudicata, also simply opinio (not praeiudicium = a preliminary decision)prejudice.Rate it:

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or maybe notMaybe a different and opposite option on the issueRate it:

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oratio soluta (not prosa) or simply oratioprose.Rate it:

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pacis condiciones ferre (not proponere)to propose terms of peace.Rate it:

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pestilentia (not pestis) in urbem (populum) invaditthe plague breaks out in the city.Rate it:

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plaudere (not applaudere)to applaud, clap a person.Rate it:

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play the ball and not the manTo object to someone's argument by attacking the argument itself instead of them or a facet of their personality; to avoid or make the opposite of an ad hominem attack. Usually considered a positive action, and an avoidance of a fallacious argumentative technique. Often used in comparison to play the man and not the ball.Rate it:

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play the ball and not the manTo attack the ball instead of an opponent who is usually controlling the ball. Often considered a positive action, and sometimes a requirement not to concede a penalty.Rate it:

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play the man and not the ballTo object to someone's argument by attacking them or a facet of their personality instead of the argument itself; to make an ad hominem attack.Rate it:

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play the man and not the ballTo attack an opponent instead of attacking the ball, which is usually being controlled by the attacked player at the time.Rate it:

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praeterito anno (not praeterlapso)in the past year.Rate it:

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put not your trust in princesA warning that men of power and influence can be just as fickle and unreliable as the rest of us.Rate it:

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qui leges scribit (not legum lator)a legislator.Rate it:

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Rome was not Built in a DayHarder achievements or goals can’t be attained easily and quicklyRate it:

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salutem, vitam suam in discrimen offerre (not exponere)to risk one's life.Rate it:

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scriptor (not auctor = guarantor)the writer, author.Rate it:

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se imperio alicuius subicere (not alicui)to make one's submission to some one.Rate it:

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sequitur (not ex quo seq.) utit follows from this that...Rate it:

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sexus (not genus) virilis, muliebristhe male, female sex.Rate it:

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silentio praeterire (not praetermittere) aliquidto pass over in silence.Rate it:

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sine dubio (not sine ullo dubio)without doubt, beyond all doubt.Rate it:

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sorry not sorryAlternative form of sorry, not sorryRate it:

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studium, industriam (not diligentiam) collocare, ponere in aliqua reto apply oneself zealously, diligently to a thing.Rate it:

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subiectum esse, obnoxium esse imperio or dicioni alicuius (not simply alicui)to be subject to some one, under some one's dominion.Rate it:

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sublimem or sublime (not in sublime or sublimiter) ferri, abireto fly aloft; to be carried into the sky.Rate it:

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success is a journey not an eventSuccess is a life long journeyRate it:

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suffragium ferre (vid. sect. VI. 4, note Not sententiam...)to vote (in the popular assembly).Rate it:

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supersedeo oratione (not dicere)I avoid mentioning...; I prefer not to touch upon...Rate it:

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talem vitae exitum (not finem) habuit (Nep. Eum. 13)such was the end of... (used of a violent death).Rate it:

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