
Phrases related to: some enchanted evening Page #6

Yee yee! We've found 674 phrases and idioms matching some enchanted evening.

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confidere alicui (but aliqua re)to put confidence in some one.Rate it:

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confugere ad aliquem or ad opem, ad fidem alicuiusto fly to some one for refuge.Rate it:

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conscience moneyMoney which is voluntarily paid by a party who feels guilt, and seeks to provide compensation, for some past misdeed or negligence.Rate it:

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consequi, assequi aliquemto catch some one up.Rate it:

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consilia cum aliquo communicare(1) to communicate one's plans to some one; (2) to make common cause with a person. Similarly c. causam, rationem.Rate it:

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conspirare cum aliquo (contra aliquem)to conspire with some one.Rate it:

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contendere cum aliquo de principatu (Nep. Arist. 1)to contend with some one for the pre-eminence.Rate it:

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continuare alicui magistratumto prolong some one's office for another year.Rate it:

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contrahere rem or negotium cum aliquo (Cluent. 14. 41)to have business relations with some one.Rate it:

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controversiam (contentionem) habere cum aliquoto maintain a controversy with some one.Rate it:

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contumelia aliquem afficereto insult some one.Rate it:

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conveniendi aditum dare alicuito give audience to some one.Rate it:

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cookie-cutterishLooking or seeming identical; created by some standard or common means; often with the implication that the result is boring, overly simple, or not applicable to all needs.Rate it:

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copias (arma) cum aliquo iungere or se cum aliquo iungereto join forces with some one.Rate it:

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cosy up toTo form a relationship with some one or some thing for the purpose of obtaining some benefit.Rate it:

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crank the handleTo perform a process; to do some work.Rate it:

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crudelitatem adhibere in aliquemto exercise one's cruelty on some one.Rate it:

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crudelitatem exercere in aliquoto exercise one's cruelty on some one.Rate it:

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culpa alicuius rei est in aliquosome one is to blame in a matter; it is some one's fault.Rate it:

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culpam alicui attribuere, assignareto attribute the fault to some one.Rate it:

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culpam committere, contrahereto commit some blameworthy action.Rate it:

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cum aliquo facere (Sull. 13. 36)to take some one's side.Rate it:

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damer le pion à quelqu'unTo outwit some one.Rate it:

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death spiralThe situation or course of action of one who is on a path toward some sort of inevitable catastrophic failure.Rate it:

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deathblowSomething that prevents the completion, or ends the existence of some project etc.Rate it:

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déchirer quelqu'un à belles dentsTo criticise some one mercilessly; To tear a person’s reputation to shreds.Rate it:

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deicere aliquem de saxo Tarpeioto throw some one down the Tarpeian rock.Rate it:

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der Amtsschimmel wiehertthere is an excessive amount of bureaucracy; someone or some organization is being excessively bureaucraticRate it:

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dextram alicui porrigere, dareto give one's right hand to some one.Rate it:

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dicere contra aliquem or aliquid (not contradicere alicui)to contradict some one.Rate it:

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die, caelo vesperascentewhen it is growing dusk; towards evening.Rate it:

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diem dicere alicuito summon some one to appear on a given day; to accuse a person.Rate it:

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dip intoTo spend some of one's savingsRate it:

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dirty laundryUnflattering facts or questionable activities that one wants to remain secret, but which some other may use to blackmail with.Rate it:

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discedere (pedibus), ire in alicuius sententiam (Liv. 23. 10)to vote for some one's motion.Rate it:

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disciplina alicuius uti, magistro aliquo utito receive instruction from some one.Rate it:

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disciplinam alicuius profiterito be a follower, disciple of some one.Rate it:

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docere aliquem fidibusto teach some one to play a stringed instrument.Rate it:

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doing the townEngaging in an evening of celebration and reveling with little consideration of expenses.Rate it:

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double-edged swordA benefit that is also a liability, or that carries some significant but non-obvious cost or risk.Rate it:

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double-edged swordA benefit that is also a liability, or that carries some significant but not-so-obvious cost or risk.Rate it:

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draw onTo approach, come nearer, as evening.Rate it:

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du fil à retordrea hard time, some difficultiesRate it:

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dumb downTo convey some subject matter in simple terms, avoiding technical or academic language, especially in a way that is considered condescending.Rate it:

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dummy upTo make a mock-up or prototype version of something, without some or all off its intended functionality.Rate it:

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e disciplina alicuius profectum esseto be brought up in some one's school.Rate it:

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écrire de bonne encre à quelqu'unTo write to some one in strong terms.Rate it:

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epistulam (litteras) dare, scribere, mittere ad aliquemto write a letter to some one.Rate it:

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epistulam dare alicui ad aliquemto charge some one with a letter for some one else.Rate it:

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epistulam reddere alicui (Att. 5. 21. 4)to deliver a letter to some one (used of the messenger).Rate it:

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It's best to look on the __________ side.
A bright
B just
C sunny
D right