
Phrases related to: two-man saw Page #6

Yee yee! We've found 806 phrases and idioms matching two-man saw.

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a bird may love a fish, but where will they build their home?It's too hard to make a relationship work when two people are so vastly different. Similar variations end by saying "...where will they build their nest?" and "...where will they build their home together?"Rate it:

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à chacun son dûGive the devil his due; Every man is worth his hire.Rate it:

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à dure enclume marteau de plumeThe strokes of adversity find the wise man unmoved.Rate it:

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à l'impossible nul n'est tenuThere is no doing impossibilities; No living man all things can.Rate it:

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a little from column A, a little from column BA combination of two factors or reasons.Rate it:

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a man hasn’t lost when he’s fallen down, he’s lost when he’s too weak to get back upit explains that giving up is losingRate it:

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a man salvaDe un modo seguro o confiado; con seguridad o con resultado seguro, sin miedo al castigo o al fracaso.Rate it:

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a man salvaCon gran abundancia.Rate it:

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à parti pris point de conseilAdvice is useless when a man’s mind is made up.Rate it:

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actum est de meit's all over with me; I'm a lost man.Rate it:

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ad unum omnes perieruntthey perished to a man.Rate it:

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admodum adulescens, senexstill quote a young (old) man.Rate it:

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adulescens alios bene de se sperare iubet, bonam spem ostendit or alii de adulescente bene sperare possunthe is a young man of great promise.Rate it:

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after you, AlphonseAn exchange indicating excessive formality or effort at politeness, particularly where two people each refuse to go forward because each insists on allowing the other to go forward first.Rate it:

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agmine duplici, tripliciin two, three columns.Rate it:

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alicui acceptum referre aliquid (Verr. 2. 70. 170)to put down to a man's credit.Rate it:

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alicui expensum ferre aliquidto put a thing down to a man's account.Rate it:

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alicui petenti satisfacere, non deesseto accede to a man's petitions.Rate it:

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alicuius in re publica or capessendae rei publicae consilia eo spectant, ut...a man's policy is aiming at, directed towards...Rate it:

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alicuius mens in scriptis spirata man's soul breathes through his writings.Rate it:

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aliquam suas res sibi habere iubere (Phil. 2. 28. 69)to separate from, divorce (of the man).Rate it:

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aliquem (incolumem) conservareto grant a man his life.Rate it:

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aliquem ad suam sententiam perducere or in suam sententiam adducereto win a man over to one's own way of thinking.Rate it:

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aliquem affligere, perdere, pessumdare, in praeceps dareto bring a man to ruin; to destroy.Rate it:

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aliquem consulem renuntiare (De Or. 2. 64. 260)to offically proclaim (by the praeco, herald) a man elected consul; to return a man consul.Rate it:

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aliquem coram, in os or praesentem laudareto praise a man to his face.Rate it:

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aliquem ex paupere divitem facereto raise a man from poverty to wealth.Rate it:

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aliquem in antiquum statum, in pristinum restituereto restore a man to his former position.Rate it:

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aliquid est proprium alicuiussomething is a characteristic of a man.Rate it:

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aliquid laudi alicui ducere, dareto consider a thing creditable to a man.Rate it:

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all students take calculusA mnemonic for the sign values of all the trigonometric functions in the two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. The initial letters ASTC — for all, sine, tangent, cosine — signify which of the functions are positive, in the order of the quadrants, starting at the top right and moving counterclockwise.Rate it:

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alles anderes ist Menschenwerk“Everything else is the work of man.” “Everything else is a human construct.”Rate it:

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aluminum showerThe result of a midair collision of two aircraft.Rate it:

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animum alicuius ad laetitiam excitareto put a man in a pleasurable frame of mind.Rate it:

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animus relinquit aliquema man loses his senses, becomes unconscious.Rate it:

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Appendix:Snowclones/nem X, nem Y, muito pelo contrárioExpresses disagreement with two options.Rate it:

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Appendix:Snowclones/you can't spell XYZ without YImplies a correlation between two items, where the second one is spelled with letters from the first one.Rate it:

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apron string holdAn estate held by a man during his wife's life.Rate it:

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apron-string holdAn estate held by a man during his wife's life.Rate it:

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are you a man or a mouseAre you a courageous man or a coward?Rate it:

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as the case may beAs is appropriate to the circumstances; particularly where a choice must be made between two options.Rate it:

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as the crow fliesIn a straight line distance between two locations, as opposed to the road distance or over land distance.Rate it:

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assidēre aegroto (Liv. 25. 26)to watch by a sick man's bedside.Rate it:

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attaboyUsed to show encouragement or approval to a boy or man.Rate it:

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auf einem Bein kann man nicht stehenused to encourage someone to have another drink after their firstRate it:

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aunt sallya figure drawing criticism or ridicule; a straw man.Rate it:

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aurae popularis homo (Liv. 42. 30)a popular man.Rate it:

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autant vaut être mordu d'un chien que d'une chienneAs well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb; What is the use of choosing between two evils?Rate it:

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babe magnetA person, especially a man, to whom women are attracted.Rate it:

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bad boyA man whose rebellious nature makes him attractive to women.Rate it:

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