
Phrases related to: theres more than one way to skin a cat Page #66

Yee yee! We've found 5,598 phrases and idioms matching theres more than one way to skin a cat.

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factor spaceA space obtained from another by identification of points that are equivalent to one another in some equivalence relation.Rate it:

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failure to thriveUsed other than as an idiom: see failure, thrive.Rate it:

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failure to thrivePoor physical growth or level of weight, relative to one's age peers.Rate it:

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fair-haired boySomeone's favourite, especially a young one, a blue-eyed boy (British), (Australian)Rate it:

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fair-haired boySomeone's favourite, especially a young one; a blue-eyed boy,Rate it:

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fair-weather friendOne who is friendly, helpful, or available only when it is advantageous or convenient to be so.Rate it:

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faire affront à quelqu'unTo shame some one in public.Rate it:

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faire bon marché de sa bourseTo say a thing has cost less than it has.Rate it:

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faire charlemagneTo leave off a winner, without giving one’s adversaries a chance of revenge.Rate it:

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faire d'une pierre deux coupsTo kill two birds with one stone.Rate it:

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faire des cuirsTo drop one’s h’s.Rate it:

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faire des siennesTo be at one’s old tricks.Rate it:

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faire fête à quelqu'unTo welcome some one heartily.Rate it:

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faire force de ramesTo row with all one’s might.Rate it:

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faire gémir la presse (ironic.)To print one’s writings.Rate it:

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faire la bouche en cœurTo try and look amiable; To put on a captivating look; To purse up one’s lips.Rate it:

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faire la courte échelle à quelqu'unTo allow some one to climb on one’s shoulders to scale a height; To give a lift to some one.Rate it:

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faire la planche1. To show others the way; 2. To float on one’s back.Rate it:

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faire le gros dosto arch one's back.Rate it:

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faire le pot (or, panier) à deux ansesTo put one’s arms akimbo.Rate it:

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faire maison neuve (or, nette)To change all one’s servants.Rate it:

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faire patte de veloursTo speak smoothly; To draw in one’s claws.Rate it:

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faire plus de bruit que de besogneTo be more fussy than industrious.Rate it:

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faire ses fraisTo cover one’s expenses.Rate it:

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faire son courrier (commercial)To write one’s letters.Rate it:

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faire un détourTo go a roundabout way.Rate it:

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faire un pied de nezto thumb one's noseRate it:

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faire un trou à la lune“To shoot the moon”; To flee from one’s creditors. Rate it:

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faire un trou à la lune (fam.)To shoot the moon; To fly from one’s creditors.Rate it:

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faire une chose de son chefTo do a thing on one’s own responsibility.Rate it:

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faire une gaffeTo put one’s foot in it; To make a stupid blunder.Rate it:

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faire venir l'eau à la boucheTo make one’s mouth water.Rate it:

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faire vie qui dureTo live temperately; To husband one’s resources.Rate it:

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faith can move mountainsa strong, fervent belief in one's capability goes a long way in successful accomplishment of a taskRate it:

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fall between the cracksTo wind up in an unexpected situation which is, inadvertently, invisible to or not handled by whatever process one had hoped to be subject to; to be overlooked.Rate it:

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fall between two stoolsTo attempt two tasks and fail at both, when either one could have been accomplished singly.Rate it:

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fall from graceThe loss of one's current social position, prestige, status, power, etc.Rate it:

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fall guyThe one who takes the blame.Rate it:

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fall shortTo be less satisfactory than expected; to be inadequate or insufficient.Rate it:

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false alarmA person who pretends to be more accomplished or a thing that seems to be of higher quality than is later found to be the case.Rate it:

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false friendA word in a foreign language bearing a deceptive resemblance to a word in one's own language.Rate it:

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false lightA cause of action arising under the common law where a person is portrayed in a way which, while not technically false, is misleading and likely to cause embarrassment to that person.Rate it:

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famae servire, consulereto have regard for one's good name.Rate it:

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famam ante collectam tueri, conservareto live up to one's reputation.Rate it:

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famem sitimque depellere cibo et potioneto allay one's hunger, thirst.Rate it:

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famem, sitim explereto allay one's hunger, thirst.Rate it:

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Famous Last WordsAn ironic response to an absurd statement one makes when he or she is not sure of its resultRate it:

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fancypantsAlternative spelling of fancy pants. The condition of being overly showy; concerned more about one's reputation than anything else.Rate it:

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fans are slansScience fiction fans are more intelligent and more creative than other people.Rate it:

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far goneUsed other than as an idiom: see far, go, gone.Rate it:

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Another one ___________ the dust.
A grabs
B swallows
C eats
D bites