
Phrases related to: beer can pyramid Page #7

Yee yee! We've found 545 phrases and idioms matching beer can pyramid.

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bone of contentionSomething that continues to be disputed; something on which no agreement can be reached.Rate it:

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boon or baneSomething that can be either a benefit or an affliction.Rate it:

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borrowed timeA period of time whose precise duration is not known but which can be expected to be quite limited, and at the end of which one's situation, benefits, or opportunities will be entirely terminated.Rate it:

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bottomless pitA person who can keep eating without ever seeming to fill up, or a vessel which never fills however much is added.Rate it:

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brass monkeyAn Australian beer.Rate it:

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breakfast of championsAn ironic appellation for beer, junk food, or other foods implied to be unhealthy.Rate it:

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bridgeAn elevated platform above the upper deck of a mechanically propelled ship from which it is navigated and from which all activities on deck can be seen and controlled by the captain, etc; smaller ships have a wheelhouse, and sailing ships were controlled from a quarterdeck.Rate it:

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burned outIndividuals whom expend more energy and funds than they really possess can overdo, go bankrupt or savage their health status.Rate it:

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c'est à n'y pas croireIt is not to be believed; It is so extraordinary (incredible, preposterous) that we can hardly believe it.Rate it:

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c'est du plus loin qu'il me souvienne1. I can barely remember it. 2. It is as far back as I can recollect.Rate it:

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c'est là son moindre défautThat is not a great weakness of hers (or, his); That is the last thing you can reproach her (or, him) with.Rate it:

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c'est mon dernier motThat is the last concession I can make; I will not take less.Rate it:

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c'est un homme que j'ai dans la mainHe is a man I hold in the hollow of my hand, i.e. I can make him do what I like.Rate it:

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cargo-200the code word referring to casualties for transportation in the Soviet and modern Russian military. In its official meaning, Cargo 200 refers to bodies contained in zinc-lined coffins, but in military context this code word can be used for dead bodies as they are transported from the battlefield.Rate it:

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ce n'est pas tous les jours fête1. Christmas comes but once a year. 2. One cannot always have “a high old time,” but must work as well. 3. Life is not all beer and skittles.Rate it:

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ce verre de bière m'a coupé les jambesMy legs feel shaky after that glass of beer.Rate it:

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center fieldThe defensive position in the outfield in the middle, typically played by a player that can run fast.Rate it:

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clean codeSoftware code that is formatted correctly and in an organized manner so that another coder can easily read or modify it.Rate it:

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Clear the DecksTo manage way for a major project and it can be only possible if the minor details are addressed properlyRate it:

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coffin cornerThis is an aerodynamics term which refers to a narrow and critical altitude range where an aircraft’s stall speed approaches its maximum speed, which can lead to catastrophic instability. This phrase is also used in American football to refer to the section of playing field, near the endzone, between the goal line and the 5 yard line in which punters attempt to pin the opposing team within, by executing a ‘coffin corner’ kick. This manuever is highly difficult and requires immense precision.Rate it:

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cold hard cashMoney, regarded as an incentive that can override any doubts or ethical concerns.Rate it:

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comedy equals tragedy plus timeA tragic subject can be made into a comedy, given the passage of enough time.Rate it:

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crab mentalityA way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs in which one tries to escape over the side, but is relentlessly pulled down by the others in the pot.Rate it:

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crack-upOne can 'crack-up' emotionally with laughter or tears as a result of an observation, a joke, a story, a scene, a sequence in a movie, opera, stage play or animal, baby or children;s antics:Rate it:

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culpable homicideCriminal negligence causing the unlawful death of a human being.(Can we verify this sense?) (Canada, law) Murder, manslaughter or infanticide.(Can we verify this sense?) (Scotland, law) Manslaughter.(Can we verify this sense?) (South Africa, law) The unlawful negligent killing of another human being.Rate it:

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cuntfulThe amount that can fit in a vagina.Rate it:

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curiosity is your own limitYou can only think to your minds curiosity limit.Rate it:

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curiosity killed the catOne should not be curious about things that can be dangerous.Rate it:

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das kann man wohl sagenyou can say that againRate it:

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das kannst du laut sagenyou can say that againRate it:

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daylightTo run a drainage pipe to an opening from which its contents can drain away naturally.Rate it:

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dead men tell no talesOnce someone is dead, they can no longer communicate, hence killing someone is the best way to keep him/her quiet.Rate it:

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dynamite chargeInstructions given by the judge to a jury that has failed to reach a verdict, in the hope that they can do so after further deliberation.Rate it:

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Easy Come, Easy GoAnything that comes very easily mostly goes or can be lost easily,Rate it:

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every man has a priceEveryone can be bribed or corrupted for a certain price.Rate it:

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exceptio non numeratae pecuniaeAn exception whereby a defendant can claim that the plaintiff has not paid the money to him and that therefore the obligation is not owing.Rate it:

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fit the moldPossession of a variety of necessary and appropriate attributes and aptitudes can reveal an individual as fitting the mold for a specific difficult challenge.Rate it:

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fixing toGoing to, preparing to, about to, planning on doing, with the implication that it will not happen or be done immediately, but some time in the near future; can be used conditionally.Rate it:

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flavor explosionOne can experience a 'flavor explosion' upon imbibing a beverage you have hither-to not sampled. You anticipated myriad taste treats. Upon the first sip you wantonly begin your 'slake' in a cascade of foaming, bubbling, refreshing, exhilarating deluge of dashing delicacy, dancing from cheek to cheek, then explosively and divinely diving into the depths of your desert-dry throat channel!.Rate it:

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Fly in the OintmentA small disturbance or irritation which can spoil ones pleasure and excitementRate it:

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fold awayTo put away by folding; to collapse something into a space where it can be stored while not in use.Rate it:

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for all one is worthIntensely, vigorously, with as much effort as one can supply.Rate it:

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friends in high placesFriends who have authority or influence and who can ensure that one's interests will be protected or furthered.Rate it:

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from those to whom much is given, much is expectedThe more you are given, the more responsibility you have to give to others. This reminds us not to be selfish. You have not been blessed so that you can have for yourself. You are blessed so that you have more ability to share with others and be an example for them.Rate it:

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German goiterA protruding stomach, especially one supposed to be indicative of excessive consumption of beer.Rate it:

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go for the gustoTo give your best; get everything out of life you can get; reach for the goal; have the best experienceRate it:

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golden ticketA philosophy that a quick fix can be achieved.Rate it:

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golden ticketA qualification, person or thing that can provide lucrative opportunities.Rate it:

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good to goEverything is all set; we can proceed.Rate it:

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She's a real ___________ in the rough, that one.
A jewel
B gem
C ruby
D diamond