
Phrases related to: diseased person Page #7

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accusare aliquem maiestatisto accuse a person of high treason (more specific than the preceding).Rate it:

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accusare aliquem perduellionisto charge a person with treason (hostile conduct against the state generally).Rate it:

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acquired tasteSomething that is appreciated only after having initially been regarded as unappealing or unpleasant; a person who is regarded as difficult or dislikable but of whom at least some have grown to approve.Rate it:

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acts of violenceViolent or otherwise harmful acts, usually to a person, animal, or object.Rate it:

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ad pedes alicuius iacēre, stratum esse (stratum iacēre)to prostrate oneself before a person.Rate it:

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Adam TilerA pickpocket's accomplice; the person who takes the goods a pickpocket steals and leaves with them.Rate it:

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addle pateA foolish or dull-witted person.Rate it:

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adesse alicui or alicuius rebus (opp. deesse)to assist, stand by a person.Rate it:

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admirationem alicui movereto fill a person with astonishment.Rate it:

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aequalem esse alicuiusto be a contemporary of a person.Rate it:

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after youA gesture, usually polite, urging another person to take a turn at something ahead of the speaker.Rate it:

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Albatross Around Your NeckA person or a thing you feel like a burden and you always want to avoid and get rid of, something bad you did and want to avoid discussing or someone else recall it againRate it:

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alicui admovere tormentato have a person tortured.Rate it:

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alicui errorem demere, eripere, extorquereto undeceive a person.Rate it:

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alicui ignominiam inurereto inflict an indignity upon, insult a person.Rate it:

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alicui morem gerere, obsequito comply with a person's wishes; to humour.Rate it:

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alicui or in alicuius locum succedereto succeed a person in an office.Rate it:

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alicui periculum creare, conflareto endanger, imperil a person or thing.Rate it:

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alicuius animum commovereto touch a person's heart, move him.Rate it:

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alicuius animum pellereto make an impression on a person's mind.Rate it:

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alicuius auctoritas multum valet apud aliquemto have great influence with a person; to have considerable weight.Rate it:

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alicuius famam, laudem imminuereto detract from a person's reputation, wilfully underestimate a person.Rate it:

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alicuius gloriae or simply alicui obtrectareto detract from a person's reputation, wilfully underestimate a person.Rate it:

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alicuius laudes praedicareto spread a person's praises.Rate it:

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alicuius mentem turbare, conturbare, perturbareto upset a person.Rate it:

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alicuius mortui voluntas (suprema)the last wishes of a deceased person.Rate it:

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alicuius odium subire, suscipere, in se convertere, sibi conflareto incur a person's hatred.Rate it:

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alicuius opem implorareto implore a person's help.Rate it:

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aliquem (aliquid) exempli causa ponere, proferre, nominare, commemorareto cite a person or a thing as an example.Rate it:

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aliquem ad cupiditatem incitareto rouse a person's interest, cupidity.Rate it:

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aliquem ad eam cogitationem adducere utto induce a person to think that...Rate it:

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aliquem ad humanitatem informare or instituereto teach a person refinement.Rate it:

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aliquem colere et observare (Att. 2. 19)to pay respect to, be courteous to a person.Rate it:

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aliquem consilio (et re) iuvareto give a person the advantage of one's advice (and actual support).Rate it:

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aliquem consulem declarare (Leg. Agr. 2. 2. 4)to declare a person consul-elect.Rate it:

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aliquem cupiditate inflammareto rouse a person's interest, cupidity.Rate it:

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aliquem de dignitatis gradu demovereto overthrow a person (cf. sect. IX. 6).Rate it:

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aliquem disputantem facere, inducere, fingere (est aliquid apud aliquem disputans)to introduce a person (into a dialogue) discoursing on...Rate it:

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aliquem ex altissimo dignitatis gradu praecipitare (Dom. 37. 98)to depose, bring down a person from his elevated position.Rate it:

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aliquem gradu movere, depellere or de gradu (statu) deicereto overthrow a person (cf. sect. IX. 6).Rate it:

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aliquem honore afficere, augere, ornare, prosequi (vid. sect. VI. 11., note Prosequi...)to honour, show respect for, a person.Rate it:

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aliquem ignominia afficere, notareto inflict an indignity upon, insult a person.Rate it:

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aliquem in deorum numerum referre, reponereto deify a person.Rate it:

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aliquem in errorem inducere, rapereto lead a person into error.Rate it:

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aliquem in integrum (vid. sect. V. 4, note The proper...) restituereto reinstate a person in his right.Rate it:

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aliquem in oblivionem alicuius rei adducere (pass. in oblivionem venire)to make a person forget a thing.Rate it:

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aliquem in or ad consilium adhibereto consult a person, take his advice.Rate it:

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aliquem in sinu gestare (aliquis est in sinu alicuius) (Ter. Ad. 4. 5. 75)to love and make a bosom friend of a person.Rate it:

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aliquem in summam exspectationem adducere (Tusc. 1. 17. 39)to rouse a person's expectation, curiosity to the highest pitch.Rate it:

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aliquem in suspicionem adducere (alicui), aliquem suspectum reddereto make a person suspected.Rate it:

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