
Phrases related to: dog-day cicada Page #7

Yee yee! We've found 405 phrases and idioms matching dog-day cicada.

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map out my dayList tasks, phone-calls, errands, must-do's, for the day.Rate it:

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market dayUsed other than as an idiom: see market, day.Rate it:

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market dayThe day of the week in which a market is held in some particular location.Rate it:

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match dayThe day graduating medical-school students find out where they will serve as residents.Rate it:

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match dayUsed other than as an idiom: The day of a match.Rate it:

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May the Fourth be with youHappy Star Wars Day.Rate it:

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merry ChristmasUsed to express good wishes on or before Christmas Day.Rate it:

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mieux vaut goujat debout qu'empereur enterré“A living dog is better than a dead lion.”—Ecclesiastes ix. 4.Rate it:

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mon chien est de bonne gardeMine is a good watch-dog.Rate it:

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morning personA person whose who wakes up without difficulty early each morning and who is alert and active during the first part of the day.Rate it:

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moving along at a snail's paceThe slow start of an agenda, the maintenance of a slothful effort, spending half a day to complete a two hour job.Rate it:

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multus dies or multa lux estthe day is already far advanced.Rate it:

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ne faites pas de cornes à ce livreDo not dog’s-ear that book.Rate it:

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ni come, ni deja comerdog in the mangerRate it:

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night and dayAlternative form of day and night.Rate it:

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night and dayentirely different, oppositeRate it:

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night outGoing away from one's usual residence for an entire night, and returning the next day.Rate it:

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nine day wonderSomething that generates interest for a limited time and is then abandoned.Rate it:

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noctes diesque, noctes et dies, et dies et noctes, dies noctesque, diem noctemquenight and day.Rate it:

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of anIndicates a more or less habitual activity during the given part of the day.Rate it:

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off the chainCrazy and exciting; delirious and wild. By analogy to a frenetic dog when unleashed.Rate it:

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on l'a reçu comme un chien dans un jeu de quillesHe was as welcome as a dog at a wedding.Rate it:

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on ne prend pas de valet pour se servir soi-mêmeWhat! keep a dog and bark thyself!Rate it:

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one of these daysOne day, some day (especially in warning of a negative consequence).Rate it:

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out and aboutTraveling; out; moving; engaged in regular day to day activities.Rate it:

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pancake dayshrove tuesdayRate it:

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paris ne s'est pas fait en un jourRome was not built in a day.Rate it:

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Pericles summus vir illius aetatisPericles, the greatest man of his day.Rate it:

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Pericles, quo nemo tum fuit clariorPericles, the greatest man of his day.Rate it:

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Pericles, vir omnium, qui tum fuerunt, clarissimusPericles, the greatest man of his day.Rate it:

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pinch and a punch for the first of the monthSaid the first day of a new month, accompanied by a pinch and a punch to the victim.Rate it:

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pitTo put (a dog) into a pit for fighting.Rate it:

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postridie qui fuit dies Non. Sept. (Nonarum Septembrium) (Att. 4. 1. 5)on the day after, which was September 5th.Rate it:

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prendre jourTo agree upon a day for an appointment.Rate it:

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present daycurrentRate it:

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pull up stumpsTo cease doing something, at least for the day.Rate it:

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pure finderSomeone who collected dog faeces for sale to tanneries (which used it as a siccative for bookbinding leather). Undertaken by old women in Britain in the 18th century. (Reference: Robert Hughes, The Fatal Shore, 1987, paperback 1996 ISBN 1-86046-150-6 chapter 1 page 21.)Rate it:

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qui aime bertrand, aime son chienLove me, love my dog.Rate it:

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qui commence mal finit malA bad day never has a good night.Rate it:

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qui jeune n'apprend, rien ne sauraAn old dog will learn no tricks. Rate it:

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qui veut noyer son chien l'accuse de la rageGive your dog a bad name and hang him.Rate it:

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Rain on Your ParadeSpoiling day of an individual, particularly regarding special plans, instances, performances, celebrations, etcRate it:

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rationem diligenter conficereto keep the accounts (day-book) carefully.Rate it:

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Red Letter DayA day of great happinessRate it:

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res ad gladios vēnitswords must now decide the day.Rate it:

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res gladiis geri coepta estswords must now decide the day.Rate it:

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Rome was not Built in a DayHarder achievements or goals can’t be attained easily and quicklyRate it:

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rome wasn't built in a dayIt takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive.Rate it:

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rouge le soir et blanc le matin, c'est la journée du pèlerinRed at night is the shepherd’s delight, Red in the morning, the shepherd’s warning. Evening red and morning gray Are two sure signs of a fine day.Rate it:

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round the clockNonstop, 24 hours per day.Rate it:

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