
Phrases related to: seventy-one Page #75

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wiggle roomThe opportunity to make alternative decisions or to pursue other courses of action, especially any involving only minor changes to one's present situation or course.Rate it:

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will o' the wispA delusional or otherwise unobtainable goal that one feels compelled to pursue.Rate it:

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willow in the windOne whose views are easily and regularly changed by the persuasion or influence of others.Rate it:

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win aroundTo persuade someone who disagrees to agree with one's own point of view.Rate it:

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win backTo get (someone) to be one's partner, after having been apart.Rate it:

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win one for the GipperTo do something in memory of another person.Rate it:

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win throughto attain one's goal in the end, despite obstacles along the wayRate it:

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win upTo get back on one's feet. [14th-19th c.]Rate it:

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wind at one's backForward momentum; a boost in one's prospects for success due to favorable events or circumstances.Rate it:

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wind up one's bottomsTo finish a job.Rate it:

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window on the worldSomething which provides information about or interaction with a variety of people, places, events, or things outside of one's immediate sphere of experience.Rate it:

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wing itTo improvise; to make things up or figure things out as one goes; or to perform with little or no preparation.Rate it:

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wiped out!The expression can be visualized as one would erase the blackboard, eliminate the moisture on the window glass.Rate it:

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wise guyOne who is insolent or flippant; one who makes jokes or perpetrates pranks.Rate it:

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wishful thinkingThe illusion that what one would like is actually true.Rate it:

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with a willWith willingness and zeal; with all one's heart or strength; earnestly; heartily.Rate it:

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with every fiber of one’s beingConclusively, very strongly or to the fullest extent possible; Also: with the entirety of one’s enthusiasm, conviction, or desireRate it:

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with one voiceIn unison.Rate it:

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with one voiceIn a mutually agreeing or like-minded manner; concordantly.Rate it:

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with one's bare handsbarehandedlyRate it:

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with one's hand in the cookie jarWhile committing a theft, especially while embezzling money.Rate it:

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with one's jaw in one's lapastonished, amazedRate it:

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wits' endLimit of one's sanity or mental capacity; point of desperation; often said when you can't find an answer and you don't want to try any more.Rate it:

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words of one syllableSimple, clear, straightforward language; blunt language.Rate it:

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work one's arse offWork excessively or to the point of exhaustion.Rate it:

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work one's butt offTo work very hard or to excess.Rate it:

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work one's fingers to the boneWork especially hard, usually for an extended period.Rate it:

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work one's magicTo achieve something favourable and desired through the application of special skills, talents, or expertise.Rate it:

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work one's tail offWork excessively or to the point of exhaustion.Rate it:

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work spouseA man or woman in the workplace with whom one shares a special relationship having bonds similar to those of a marriage: special confidences, loyalties, shared jokes and experiences, and unusual degree of honesty or openness.Rate it:

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work the roomTo interact with one's audience, taking queues from its reactions and adapting one's performance or words to elicit the audience's attention and enthusiasm.Rate it:

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worldA planet,especially one which is inhabited or inhabitable.Rate it:

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worm foodOne or more corpses, especially in a state of decay; remains.Rate it:

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worry wartOne who worries excessively or unnecessarily.Rate it:

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worth one's whileGood and important enough for one to spend time, effort, or money on.Rate it:

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would not throw someone out of bedan understatement meaning one finds a person sexually attractiveRate it:

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wrap around one's fingersTo make one susceptible to desire, in that their behavior or actions are influenced.Rate it:

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wrap in the flagTo claim one's cause deserves support for patriotic reasons or that one's own motives are patriotic.Rate it:

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wrap one's head aroundTo come to a good understanding of; believe or accept something shocking; also to wrap one's mind aroundRate it:

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wrap one's head aroundTo crash into (something, especially a pole) messily and fatally while travelling in a motor vehicle.Rate it:

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wrap one's head aroundUsed other than as an idiom: see wrap, head, around.Rate it:

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wrap someone around your little fingerA feeling, a sense, an awareness one realizes when another is deeply devoted, lovingly loyal and shares a mutuality in myriad areas in each other and their lives.Rate it:

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wrestling with a pigTo engage in a pointless task that leaves one worse off for having made an honest attempt.Rate it:

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wring outTo squeeze a wet material, either by twisting with one's hands, or by passing it through a wringer, to remove the water.Rate it:

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write one's own ticketTo be empowered to choose whatever job, financial arrangement, or course of action one desires.Rate it:

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write your own scriptEncouragement to decide one’s own fateRate it:

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yell silentlyTo think very strong thoughts, that one wishes to yell out loud but does not.Rate it:

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yield upTo give something against one's will.Rate it:

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you can run but one can't hideThere is nothing someone can do to evade something.You can run but you can't hide.Rate it:

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you can't walk on iceOne cannot except to go onto the battlefield, without all of your equipmentRate it:

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He's struggling to make _______ meet.
A calculations
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C lives
D friends