
Phrases related to: stop an eight-day clock and throw it into reverse Page #75

Yee yee! We've found 4,497 phrases and idioms matching stop an eight-day clock and throw it into reverse.

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put a damper onTo stop people from enjoying an activity.Rate it:

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put a lid on itTo be quiet; shut up; to stop talking about something or making noise.Rate it:

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put a sock in itTo be quiet; to shut one's mouth; to stop talking.Rate it:

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put downTo replace the telephone receiver and terminate a call. To hang up.Rate it:

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put not your trust in princesA warning that men of power and influence can be just as fickle and unreliable as the rest of us.Rate it:

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put on the dogTo dress up; to put on airs; to make a show of wealth and/or importance; to be pretentious.Rate it:

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put on the mapTo bring something into a position of prominence.Rate it:

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put one's foot down onTo put a stop to, suppress; to reject.Rate it:

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put one's foot down uponTo put a stop to, suppress; to reject.Rate it:

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put one's house in orderTo organize one's financial and other affairs, especially in preparation for a life-changing event.Rate it:

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put oneself acrossTo explain one's ideas and opinions clearly so that another person can understand them and get a picture of your personality.Rate it:

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put outWhen someone is feels "put out". It means they did something they didn't want to do and now they feel "put out" about being taken advantage of after they did it (begrudgingly).Rate it:

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put paid toTo stop something once and for all.Rate it:

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put the bottom rail on topTo reverse a hierarchy.Rate it:

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put the brakes onTo stop or to slow it down.Rate it:

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Put the Cart before the HorseTo carry out something in reverse order, to do opposite of somethingRate it:

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put the kibosh onTo halt, stop, or squelch.Rate it:

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put this one to bedWorking unceasingly on a challenge or problem. Spending oodles of time and money on a particular project.Rate it:

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Put Your Foot in Your MouthTo become trouble maker by uttering wrong words at wrong time, to put yourself into problem with your blundersRate it:

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put-up or shut up!Agree to pay-up, agree fully and forthwith to cooperate, join, invest oneself or funds or chattels.Rate it:

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putting on the ritzto make a show of luxury and extravagance; to dress fancyRate it:

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quaerere aliquid or de aliqua reto hold an inquiry into a matter.Rate it:

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quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue (or, il sort du bois)Speak of angels and you hear their wings; Talk of the devil, he is sure to appear.Rate it:

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quand on veut trop serrer l'anguille, elle s'échappe“Much would have more and lost all”; He who is too greedy loses everything. Rate it:

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quantity theory of moneyEconomic theory claiming that an increase in the amount of money in circulation causes a proportionate increase in prices. The theory dates from the 17th century and was elaborated by the US economist Irving Fisher (1867-1947).Rate it:

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quelle mouche vous pique?What irritates you? What whim have you got into your head?Rate it:

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qui a bu n'a point de secretsWhen wine sinks, words swim; In vino veritas; Drink washes off the daub, and discovers the man; What the sober man has in his heart, the drunkard has on his lips.Rate it:

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qui aime bien châtie bienSpare the rod and spoil the child.Rate it:

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qui commence mal finit malA bad day never has a good night.Rate it:

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qui prête à l'ami perd au double“For loan oft loses both itself and friend.”Rate it:

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qui se fait brebis, le loup le mangeHe who is too confiding is imposed upon; Daub yourself with honey and you’ll be covered with flies.Rate it:

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qui trop se hâte reste en cheminThe more haste, the less speed; Slow and sure wins the race. Rate it:

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qui veut noyer son chien l'accuse de la rageGive your dog a bad name and hang him.Rate it:

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quiche-eaterIn computer programming circles, a person far removed from practice and concerned only with academic matters, unwilling to "get their hands dirty".Rate it:

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quick bucka large sum of money earned easily and quicklyRate it:

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quod deus bene vertat!and may God grant success!Rate it:

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quod di immortales omen avertant! (Phil. 44. 11)and may heaven avert the omen! heaven preserve us from this!Rate it:

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qwerty syndromeThe condition of favoring entrenched and inferior technologies or practices over superior technologies or practices.Rate it:

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rabattre le caquet à quelqu'un (pop.)To take a person down a peg; To stop his jaw; To cut his cackle.Rate it:

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rag baggerA sailboat, usually a cruising sailboats which tend to carry and store lots of supplies along the deck, or any sailboat that looks like a neglected vessel, or messy vessel.Rate it:

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rag the puckTo retain possession of the puck by skillful skating and stickhandling without attempting to score, as a deliberate tactic intended to use up time.Rate it:

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rain checkIn social interactions, a polite way to turn down an invitation, with the implication one is simply postponing it and that another time would be acceptable.Rate it:

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Rain on Your ParadeSpoiling day of an individual, particularly regarding special plans, instances, performances, celebrations, etcRate it:

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rain or shineRegardless of what the circumstances are, and how the weather is.Rate it:

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raise a handTo raise one's arm and hand.Rate it:

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raise the roofTo cause a commotion, as by boisterous celebrating or loud complaining; to make considerable noise.2008 Oct. 15, Leslie Ferenc, "Voters opt for stability of Guarnieri" in the Toronto Star (Canada)Jubilant Liberal supporters raised the roof of a Mississauga restaurant after incumbent Albina Guarnieri was swept back into office for her seventh term.Rate it:

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rake into collect something such as leaves into a pile, often with a rakeRate it:

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rake upto collect (leaves etc.) into a pile by using a rakeRate it:

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Rat RaceSevere, long-lasting and stressing competition in the society or in businessRate it:

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rat's nestA software or hardware system whose design lacks organized structure, making it difficult to understand and maintain.Rate it:

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