
Phrases related to: take one's life in one's hands Page #77

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non esse apud se (Plaut. Mil. 4. 8. 26)to lose one's head, be beside oneself.Rate it:

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non id ad vivum reseco (Lael. 5. 8)I do not take that too strictly.Rate it:

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nose outTo find using one's sense of smell.Rate it:

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nose testAn informal method for determining whether something is authentic, credible, or ethical, by using one's common sense or sense of propriety.Rate it:

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nose-pickTo pick one's nose.Rate it:

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nose-pickerOne who picks their nose.Rate it:

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not for love nor moneyA circumstance in which 'ONE' would NOT comply, join, perform, reciprocate, marry, participate, sign-up, subscribe, engage, launch, give one ounce of approval:Rate it:

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not invented hereInvented outside one's own company (referring to the knee-jerk dismissal of products, technologies, etc. that come from third parties).Rate it:

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not my circus, not my monkeysIt's none of my business; indicates that one is not responsible for controlling or changing a volatile or delicate situation.Rate it:

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not on your nellyNot on your life, an emphatic form of no.Rate it:

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not to put too fine a point on itUsed to apologise for a possibly impolite statement one is making.Rate it:

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not up to scratchNot up to one’s expectationsRate it:

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not win for losingTo repeatedly fail in one's gambles or efforts.Rate it:

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not worth a hill of beanssomething is of no value; worthless; also said like this:didn't amount to a hill of beansRate it:

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Nothing Ventured, Nothing GainedIf you don’t take a risk, you’ll not get any reward, if you don’t try something, you won’t get any gainRate it:

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nous faisons peu d'état de cet hommeWe consider that man very little; We take little account of that man.Rate it:

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nous prendrons la clef des champsWe shall take the key of the street (i.e., run away).Rate it:

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nu comme un verStark naked; As naked as when one was born.Rate it:

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nullam officii partem deserereto fulfil one's duty in every detail.Rate it:

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nuptam esse cum aliquo or alicuito be married to some one.Rate it:

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Nuremberg defenseAn explanation offered as an intended excuse for behaving in a criminal or wrongful manner, claiming that one behaved in that manner because one was ordered by others to do so.Rate it:

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obtinere aliquidto maintain one's assertion, prove oneself right.Rate it:

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obviam ire alicuito meet any one.Rate it:

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obviam venire alicuito go to meet some one.Rate it:

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obvium or obviam esse, obviam fierito meet some one by chance.Rate it:

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oculi in vultu alicuius habitanthis eyes are always fixed on some one's face.Rate it:

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oculos (aures, animum) advertere ad aliquidto turn one's eyes (ears, attention) towards an object.Rate it:

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oculos conicere in aliquemto turn one's gaze on; to regard.Rate it:

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oculos deicere, removere ab aliqua reto turn one's gaze away from an object.Rate it:

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oculos figere in terra and in terramto keep one's eyes on the ground.Rate it:

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oculos pascere aliqua re (also simply pasci aliqua re)to feast one's eyes with the sight of...Rate it:

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oculos, lumina amittereto lose one's sight.Rate it:

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odio, invidiae esse alicuito be hated by some one.Rate it:

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odium alicuius inflammareto kindle hatred in a person's heart; to fill some one with hatred (not implere, vid. sect. IX. 2, note gaudio...).Rate it:

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odium explere aliqua re (Liv. 4. 32)to glut one's hatred.Rate it:

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odium inveteratum habere in aliquem (Vat. 3. 6)to cherish an inveterate animosity against some one.Rate it:

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odium restinguere, exstinguereto stifle, drown one's hatred.Rate it:

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of that ilkUsed other than as an idiom. Of that kind; of the same kind of person or thing as the one just mentioned.Rate it:

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of that ilkHaving a name that is the same as the place where one lives.Rate it:

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of two mindsUndecided or unsure; equivocating; conflicted in one's opinions.Rate it:

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off the gridIn or into a clandestine or isolated situation or place, especially one in which public communication is curtailed.Rate it:

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off the railsWhen you've lost it all, When your world and life is upside down!Rate it:

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offendere aliquem, alicuius animumto hurt some one's feelings.Rate it:

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offendere in aliqua re (Cluent. 36. 98)to take a false step in a thing; to commit an indiscretion.Rate it:

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officio suo deesse (Fam. 7. 3)to neglect one's duty.Rate it:

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officio suo fungito do one's duty.Rate it:

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officio suo satisfacere (Div. in Caec. 14. 47)to do one's duty.Rate it:

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officiosum esse in aliquemto be courteous, obliging to some one.Rate it:

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officium suum deserere, neglegereto neglect one's duty.Rate it:

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officium suum facere, servare, colere, tueri, exsequi, praestareto do one's duty.Rate it:

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Knock your _______ off.
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B shorts
C socks
D blazer