
Phrases related to: all piss and wind like a barber cat Page #78

Yee yee! We've found 4,690 phrases and idioms matching all piss and wind like a barber cat.

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Play the FieldTo have many lovers and dates without making a single genuine commitment with one particular personRate it:

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play with a full deckTo behave in a manner suggesting that one is of normal intelligence, alert, and mentally stable.Rate it:

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pleuvoir des cordesto rain heavily; to rain cats and dogsRate it:

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pleuvoir des hallebardesTo rain cats, dogs, and pitchforks.Rate it:

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plier bagageTo pack up and be off.Rate it:

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plough throughTo persevere with an activity of consuming something, both literally and figuratively.Rate it:

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plow throughTo persevere with an activity of consuming something, both literally and figuratively.Rate it:

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plum blossomThe blossom of the Prunus mume, the Japanese apricot or Chinese plum, a tree native to East Asia bearing an apricot-like fruit.Rate it:

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plumber's crackAny male that has his pants sliding down his butt and the top of his "cheeks" are showing.Rate it:

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plumber's helperA plunger, consisting of a large suction cup attached to a stick and used to remove blockages from toilets, sinks, or drains.Rate it:

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plunge inTo start a new endeavor enthusiastically and wholeheartedly, though possibly without experience.Rate it:

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point manIn combat, the soldier who takes point; the soldier who assumes the first and most exposed position in a combat military formation; the lead soldier/unit advancing through hostile or unsecured territory.Rate it:

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point of no returnThe point in an aircraft's flight when there is insufficient fuel to reverse direction and return to the place of origin.Rate it:

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polish a turdTo work on a time-consuming and ultimately pointless or impossible task.Rate it:

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polite fictionA social scenario in which all participants are aware of a truth, but pretend to believe in some alternative version of events to avoid conflict or embarrassment.Rate it:

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politica del bastone e della carotacarrot and stick policyRate it:

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political footballA contentious political issue or problem that is often debated or discussed, but that remains unresolved; an issue or problem which is avoided by authorities and handed off to others.Rate it:

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ponere iubere, qua de re quis audire velit (Fin. 2. 1. 1)to let those present fix any subject they like for discussion.Rate it:

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pony in the barnAn exciting and real prospect, something to be legitimately excited about.Rate it:

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por lo poco que séfor all I knowRate it:

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post se relinquere aliquemto overtake and pass some one.Rate it:

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post upTo affix a notice, announcement etc, to a post, board, wall or the like.Rate it:

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pot, meet kettleUsed to draw attention to hypocrisy; a reference to the saying, "pot calling the kettle black" (see under another entry: "pot calling the kettle black"; it's the same as saying, "that's true of YOU" (and mayor may not be true of me, or not as much)Rate it:

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potato saladA picnic or side dish made from mashed or cubed cooked potatoes including some or all of the following: mayonnaise, onions, pickles, boiled eggs, bacon, and spices. Typically served cold.Rate it:

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potato skinsAn appetizer made by halving a baked potato, scooping out most of the inside, mixing that with cheese, sour cream, and chives and placing that mixture back into the potato skin then baking until crisp.Rate it:

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potestas vitae necisquepower over life and death.Rate it:

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potestatem habet in aliquem vitae necisque (B. G. 1. 16. 5)he has power over life and death.Rate it:

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potterOne who makes pots and other ceramic wares.Rate it:

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potter's clayA person or people created and shaped by God.Rate it:

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potter's fieldA public place where strangers, paupers, and criminals are buried.Rate it:

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pound of fleshSomething which is owed and which will be hurtful or difficult to provide; a debt owed to someone who is merciless and demanding.Rate it:

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power chordA chord or combination of notes used in rock music and typically selected to sound good at high volume and high levels of distortion. Power chords make extensive use of intervals such as open fourths and fifths.Rate it:

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power napA short sleep taken in the daytime in order to refresh a person and generally terminated before deep sleep begins so as not to leave the sleeper drowsy.Rate it:

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practise makes a man perfectDo more practice and hard work to gain something that you want....Rate it:

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praecurrere aliquem (celeritate)to overtake and pass some one.Rate it:

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prenez votre courage à deux mainsSummon up all your courage.Rate it:

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press the fleshTo shake hands and socialize, especially in a political gathering.Rate it:

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pressure is a privilegeSaying by Billy Jean King and hanging as a plaquette in one of the stadiums in the US openRate it:

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pretty PollyA phrase often said to, and sometimes by, parrotsRate it:

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prick upto rise and become more alertRate it:

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private languageA language which expresses one's inner thoughts, feelings, or experiences but which cannot be used for communication, since it is known to and understandable by only one person-the existence of which was famously argued by Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) to be impossible.Rate it:

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pro aris et focis pugnare, certare, dimicareto fight for hearth and home.Rate it:

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problem childA child who is particularly difficult to raise or educate, especially due to a lack of self-control and disruptive and antisocial behavior.Rate it:

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professional victimA person who makes it their business to appear perpetually offended and victimized.Rate it:

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progressive loveA committed open relationship based on boosting the love and affection opportunities available for one's partnerRate it:

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Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euchWorkers of all nations, unite!Rate it:

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Promised LandAny place to which one eagerly seeks to go and which one expects to greatly improve one's situation.Rate it:

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properat, maturat proficiscihe starts in all haste, precipitately.Rate it:

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propose a toastAn introductory phrase, preceding a brief accolade to someone or something, after which all present ceremonially sip their champagne (or dump their beverage on the floor to express disagreement.)Rate it:

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propre à tout et bon à rienJack of all trades and master of none.Rate it:

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I'd take a _________ for that child.
A challenge
B sword
C bullet
D jab