
Phrases related to: King Man Lee Page #8

Yee yee! We've found 502 phrases and idioms matching King Man Lee.

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homo impotens suia man of no self-control, self-indulgent.Rate it:

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homo novusa parvenu (a man no member of whose family has held curule office).Rate it:

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homo vere popularis (Catil. 4. 5. 9)a man who genuinely wishes the people's good.Rate it:

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homo voluptarius (Tusc. 2. 7. 18)a devotee of pleasure; a self-indulgent man.Rate it:

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honey trapThe use of a seductive woman to entice a man into revealing secret information.Rate it:

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honoribus ac reipublicae muneribus perfunctus (De Or. 1. 45)a man who has held many offices.Rate it:

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hospitio aliquem accipere or excipere (domum ad se)to welcome a man as a guest in one's house.Rate it:

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il est franc du collier(of a horse) He pulls freely; (of a man) He never shirks his work.Rate it:

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il n'y a pas de grand homme pour son valet de chambreNo man is a hero to his valet.Rate it:

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il n'y a si petit buisson qui ne porte ombreThere is no man, however humble, who cannot aid (or, injure) his superior.Rate it:

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il ne se laisse pas manger la laine sur le dosHe is not the man to let himself be made a fool of; He will not allow people to take the food out of his mouth; He will not tamely submit to any imposition.Rate it:

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il ne se mouche pas du pied (pop.)1. He is a man of importance; He gives himself airs. 2. He is no fool.Rate it:

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in the trouser departmentrelating to a man's penis.Rate it:

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inimicitias gerere, habere, exercere cum aliquoto be at enmity with a man.Rate it:

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instinctIchigo, what's the difference between a king and his horse? I don't mean kiddy shit like "One's a person and one's an animal" or "One has two legs and one has four." If their form, ability and power were exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and controls the battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king?! There's only one answer. Instinct! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain the power they need to become king, they must search for more battles and power! They thirst for battle, and live to mercilessly, crush, shred, and slice their enemies! Deep, deep within our body lies the honed instinct to kill, and slaughter our enemies! But you don't have that! You don't have those pure, base instincts! You fight with your brain. You try to defeat your enemies with logic! And it doesn't work! You're trying to cut them with a sheathed sword! That's why you're weaker than me, Ichigo!Rate it:

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it is hard for an empty sack to stand upright.It being more difficult for a man in want to act always honestly.Rate it:

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Jack-of-All-TradesA man who knows to do all kinds of workRate it:

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je ne peux pas le voir même en peintureI hate the very sight of that man.Rate it:

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Joe AverageA hypothetical average or generic individual; the common man (or person, by extension).Rate it:

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Joe CitizenA hypothetical average or generic citizen; the man on the street.Rate it:

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Joe PublicA hypothetical average or generic member of the public; the common man (or person, by extension).Rate it:

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l'homme absurde est celui qui ne change jamaisThe wise man changes his opinion—the fool never.Rate it:

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l'homme propose et dieu disposeMan proposes, God disposes.Rate it:

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l'homme qu'il fautThe very man (for a post).Rate it:

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l'un bat les buissons et l'autre prend les oiseauxOne does the work and the other reaps the advantage; One man starts the game and another kills it.Rate it:

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la plus belle fille du monde ne peut donner que ce qu'elle aNo man can give more than he has; A man cannot give what he has not got.Rate it:

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la royauté, place noyée de lumière où toute tache paraît une fange sordide“In that fierce light which beats upon a throne And blackens every blot.” [Tennyson , Idylls of the King, Dedication.]Rate it:

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le loup mourra dans sa peauA bad thing never dies; A bad man will die a bad man.Rate it:

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le pauvre homme est toujours (comme un chien) à l'attacheThe poor man is a very slave, is compelled to work hard and constantly.Rate it:

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le premier venu(fig.) No matter who (or, whom); The man in the street.Rate it:

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le roi convoqua le ban et l'arrière-banThe king assembled all his dependants.Rate it:

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le roi jean a crevé les yeux à arthurKing John caused Arthur’s eyes to be put out.Rate it:

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le style c'est l'hommeStyle is the man himself; Like author, like book.Rate it:

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les fatigues ont cassé cet hommeHardships have broken that man down.Rate it:

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les fous sont aux échecs les plus proches des roisIn chess the fool stands next to the king. (Régnier , Sat. xiv.)Rate it:

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live in sinTo cohabit as if man and wife without being married.Rate it:

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love childA child born to a married man to someone not his wife.Rate it:

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magna est exspectatio ingenii tuiwe expect a great deal from a man of your calibre.Rate it:

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magnam doctrinae speciem prae se ferreto pass as a man of great learning.Rate it:

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mama's boyA male person, especially a young man or boy, who is overly attached to or influenced by his mother; a sissy; alternate spelling: Momma's boyRate it:

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manoeuvre the apostlesTo rob Peter to pay Paul; that is, to borrow money of one man to pay another.Rate it:

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meae vitae rationes ab ineunte aetate susceptae (Imp. Pomp. 1. 1.)the principles which I have followed since I came to man's estate.Rate it:

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meat sticka man's penisRate it:

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meritum alicuius in or erga aliquemwhat a man merits at another's hands.Rate it:

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meritum praemium alicui persolvereto reward a man according to his deserts.Rate it:

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mettre les rieurs de son côtéTo turn the laugh against a man.Rate it:

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mettre un homme en pourpointTo pull a man’s cloak off; To ruin a man.Rate it:

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metus aliquem exanimat (Mil. 24. 65)a man is paralysed with fear.Rate it:

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morning woodIdiomatic phrase referring to a man's erection upon awakening.Rate it:

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mr. charlieYour boss man.Rate it:

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