
Phrases related to: very large crude carrier Page #8

Yee yee! We've found 973 phrases and idioms matching very large crude carrier.

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boil the oceanAttempting something that is unachievable due to large scale.Rate it:

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bomb outTo fail; to produce no or very poor results; to drop out of or be eliminated from a competition.Rate it:

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bone-crunchingVery violent or hard.Rate it:

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bossy boots or bossybootsSomeone that bosses others. Someone that is very bossy. A person who often tells other people what to doRate it:

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brace of shakesA very short time.Rate it:

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brain surgeonSomeone very intelligent.Rate it:

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brass monkeySaid of the weather when it is very cold.Rate it:

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brass monkeysVery cold.Rate it:

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breed like rabbitsTo breed very rapidly, to have many childrenRate it:

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bright as a buttonVery bright (clever, smart, or crafty)Rate it:

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bring down the hammerTo treat very harshly.Rate it:

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broyer du noirTo have the blues; To feel very sad.Rate it:

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bubble overTo be very enthusiastic, or highly excited.Rate it:

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Buckley's and noneA supposed two chances (probabilities), being Buckley's chance (meaning a very small chance) or no chance at all.Rate it:

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Buckley's chanceA very small chance; no chance at all.Rate it:

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bug stormA large number of insects in the air, especially when passed through by a vehicle.Rate it:

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bulletproofUnbreakable, very tough.Rate it:

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bump in the roadA very small town.Rate it:

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bumper cropA large yield; an excess of something.Rate it:

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bundle of laughsSomething or someone very funny or fun.Rate it:

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burn to a crispTo burn very badly (usually in reference to food).Rate it:

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bust one's assTo work very hard, to put in a lot of effort.Rate it:

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busy as a beaverVery busy.Rate it:

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busy as a beeVery active; working constantly.Rate it:

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busy beaverSomeone who is very busy or hard-working.Rate it:

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butter cupA term of affection Or endearment for someone you like Buttercups are a large genus of flowering plants called Ranunculus. It has yellow, shiny petals, and grows wild in many places. It is poisonous to eat for humans and cattle, but when dry the poison is not active.Rate it:

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by a long shotBy a wide margin; indicates a very big difference or disparity.Rate it:

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by farTo a considerably large extent, easily.Rate it:

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c'est bien l'enfant de sa mèreHe is the very image of his mother.Rate it:

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c'est cela mêmeThat is the very thing.Rate it:

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c'est cela même!That’s the very thing!Rate it:

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c'est égal, je me suis joliment amuséAnyhow (All the same), I enjoyed myself very much.Rate it:

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c'est la bouteille à l'encre que cette affaireThis is a very obscure matter; That affair is as clear as mud.Rate it:

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c'est la faim qui épouse la soifThey are both very poor; It is one beggar marrying another.Rate it:

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c'est son père tout craché (fam.)He is the very spit (or, less fam., image) of his father.Rate it:

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c'est un poète comme on en trouve à la douzaineHe is a very minor poet.Rate it:

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c'est un vrai boute-en-trainHe is the very life and soul of the party.Rate it:

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c'est une réponse à l'emporte-pièceIt is a very cutting answer, and to the point.Rate it:

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ça, ce n'est pas fortThat is very tame; There is not much in that.Rate it:

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carb upTo consume a large amount of carbohydrates, ostensibly for energy; generally a practice of athletes, especially runners and swimmers.Rate it:

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cart awayTo take something away in order to dispose of it; to remove a large volume of materials.Rate it:

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cast in concretesolidly established, very difficult to alterRate it:

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ce que vous proposez est bel et bon, mais je n'en ferai rienWhat you propose is all very fine, but I shall do no such thing.Rate it:

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cela arrive comme marée en carêmeThat comes very seasonably, just at the right time.Rate it:

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cela donne furieusement à penserThat is very suggestive.Rate it:

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cela est bon à dire, mais...That is all very well for a speech, but...; That is all very fine, but...Rate it:

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cela n'est pas de refus (fam.)That is very acceptable; I won’t say no to that.Rate it:

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cet homme a très mauvaise mine1. That man looks a regular ruffian. 2. That man looks very ill.Rate it:

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cet homme est ma bête noire (mon cauchemar)That man is my pet aversion; I hate the very sight of that man.Rate it:

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cet homme n'est pas très honnête, tranchons le mot, c'est un coquinThat man is not very honourable, in plain English, he is a rascal. Rate it:

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Don't let the red _________ fool you.
A tuna
B mackerel
C piranha
D herring