
Phrases related to: take one's life in one's hands Page #83

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proverbium vetustate or sermone tritum (vid. sect. II. 3, note tritus...)an old proverb which every one knows.Rate it:

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proverbs come in pairsAlternative form of proverbs run in pairs.1979, Irving Howe, John Hollander, David Bromwich, Literature as Experience: An Anthology, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ISBN 0155511130, page 325:Sometimes proverbs come in pairs, the first one providing the context, the second, the revision.Rate it:

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provinciam alicui decernere, mandareto entrust some one with an official duty, a province.Rate it:

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psyched upIn a state of heightened mental preparedness for a difficult or hazardous enterprise, or one where success is particularly sought.Rate it:

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PTALAcronym of please take another look; please review and comment at the proposed change to software source code.Rate it:

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pull a trainTo have sex with several men one after the other.Rate it:

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pull rankTo assert one's authority over a subordinate who disagrees.Rate it:

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pull the plugTo cease life support.Rate it:

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pull throughA length of cord about a metre long with a narrow cylindrical weight at one end and loops at the other. Used for cleaning rifle barrels, by pulling through a piece of cloth.Rate it:

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pull up stakesTo prepare to move one's usually temporary habitation, especially rapidly.Rate it:

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Pull up StakesLeaving one’s job, home or country to another place that offers better thingsRate it:

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Pull Yourself TogetherTo calm down or settle after bring frustrated or, to control one’s emotions and angerRate it:

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punch aboveTo reach beyond one's limits; to be more capable than an expected limitation.Rate it:

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punch someone's lights outTo give someone a serious beating using one's fists; to punch someone until he or she is unconscious.Rate it:

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punire aliquemto punish some one.Rate it:

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push pastTo rudely force one's way in front of another.Rate it:

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put a sock in itTo be quiet; to shut one's mouth; to stop talking.Rate it:

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put asideTo ignore or intentionally forget something, temporarily or permanently, so that more important things can have one's attention.Rate it:

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put awayTo take a large lead in a game.Rate it:

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put down rootsTo feel that one belong in a place.Rate it:

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put into practiceTo take a theory and make it a practical reality.Rate it:

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put oneself acrossTo explain one's ideas and opinions clearly so that another person can understand them and get a picture of your personality.Rate it:

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put oneself in someone's shoesTo try to look at a situation from a different point of view; as if one were the other person. To empathise.Rate it:

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put outWhen someone is feels "put out". It means they did something they didn't want to do and now they feel "put out" about being taken advantage of after they did it (begrudgingly).Rate it:

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put out a fireTo address a problem, especially an unexpected one caused by the incompetence, negligence, or misconduct of another person.Rate it:

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put throughTo pass the ball to (someone) giving them a one-on-one scoring opportunity.Rate it:

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put up or shut upDesist from saying something unless one is able to prove it.Rate it:

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put upontake advantage ofRate it:

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puxar a brasa para a minha sardinhato toot one's own hornRate it:

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QT (also QT and qt)Mysteriously; silently; no one knows.Rate it:

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quae ad victum pertinentthe necessaries of life.Rate it:

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quaestionem poscere (Fin. 2. 1. 1)to get a question submitted to one.Rate it:

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quand on a de l'esprit, on se tire d'affaireWhen one has brains, one gets out of any difficulty.Rate it:

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quand on a des filles, on est toujours bergerMy son is my son till he gets him a wife, My daughter’s my daughter all the days of her life.Rate it:

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quand on prend du galon on n'en saurait trop prendreAs well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb; One cannot make too much of a favourable opportunity.Rate it:

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queen elizabeth iiOnly two affectionate eyes of one woman, were able to make the entire planet go to tears - – Queen Elizabeth IIRate it:

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quelque sot le feraitOne would be a fool to do that.Rate it:

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quero verSaid of something one is confident that will not happen.Rate it:

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qui a bu boiraHabit is second nature; If you take to the habit of drinking you cannot get rid of it.Rate it:

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qui a compagnon a maîtreOne is often obliged to give way to the wishes of those with whom one is associated.Rate it:

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qui a temps a vieWhile there is life, there is hope; Dum spiro spero.Rate it:

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qui a terme ne doit rienNo one is obliged to pay before a debt is due.Rate it:

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qui deux choses chasse, ni l'une ni l'autre ne prendBetween two stools one falls to the ground.Rate it:

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qui dort dînesleep allows one to go without foodRate it:

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qui n'entend qu'une cloche n'entend qu'un sonOne should hear both sides of a question.Rate it:

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qui porte épée porte paixOne sword keeps another in its scabbard; Si vis pacem, para bellum.Rate it:

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qui se fait bête, le loup le mangeIf one is too confiding, one is imposed upon. Rate it:

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quiche-eaterIn computer programming circles, a person far removed from practice and concerned only with academic matters, unwilling to "get their hands dirty".Rate it:

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quick-fireHaving one thing coming rapidly after another.Rate it:

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quod googleWhich one should Google.Rate it:

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